
We can cope with 6.9m?

‘Singapore public hospitals are experiencing a severe shortage of beds….Changi General Hospital set up a large air-conditioned tent outside this week for patients to stay in while waiting for beds in the hospital.

At Tan Tock Seng Hospital, dozens of beds were set up n corridors to meet demand.
Meanwhile, Khoo Teck Puat hospital has resorted to sending patients on to Alexandra Hospital.’ ST

Khoo Teck Puat is a new hospital and there is another one in Jurong East. And the strain on the system is there for everyone to see. Not forgetting that getting an appointment can mean more than a year in waiting.

Is this good planning? Really, we can cope with 6.9m and we are planning ahead for it. Can we just plan for now, the present? We are being screwed by the problems today, not in the future. Take care of the present first, the problems under your nose.

It is lucky that there are free space to build tents in Changi. At the rate they are building to bring in more people, next time you can’t even find a place to pitch a tent for two. But nevermind, everything is about long term. Plan for the long term, invest for the long term. Current failures or losses will all be taken care of in the long term.

Actually, according to MP Chia Shi Lu, “the crunch might be due to the holiday season rather than a spike in illnesses.” I think is closest to the truth. Our hospitals are now as comfortable as a 5 star hotel and many people took the opportunity to stay in hospitals for R&R.


Anonymous said...

Did someone say prepare the Hearse?

Anonymous said...

what we really need is not increased population and cheap labour to boost the gdp.......

this is not sustainable in long term........

we should look at the people we have, how to UP-skill and RIGHT-skill and motivate them to produce products and services that the world needs......

this is the only way forward......


Anonymous said...

Nothing like a dose of bad PAP government to shake the complacency of the 60% who keep voting PAP without thinking.

Anonymous said...

Wat cunt I say?

except..... papigs, knnbccb

Anonymous said...

It is damaged beyond repair; at bestest it will go with a bang. And at most, giv it a grand hearse.

Anonymous said...

Removing the cancerous
organ will only leaves the
patient in a vegetative
state for a while. It does
not help in curing.

Anonymous said...

"... prepare the hearse? "
Dream on.
Run Run Shaw.
106 years old.

Anonymous said...

Based on Run Run standard, LKY still has 16 good years to go lah?

Because statistically speaking, it is proven 100% possible, even for the rich and famous, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

Statistically speaking, 5.2 or 6.9 million population for sure will affect availability of hospital beds.

But I am 93% sure it will not affect 60% support for PAP.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry lah, any shortfalls, just ask Khaw Boon Wan and he will promise it would not happen again. One thing that will not have shortfalls, babies. By 2030 there will have solve all the baby problems.

The said...

Singapore's population added more than 2 million people in the last 20 years. During this period, there is hardly any increase in hospital beds. Total hospital beds is currently less than 11,000 including the 550 beds added by Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in March 2010. With so many extra people and people getting older, it is unbelievable that only 550 beds were added. How not to spill onto the corridors and into temporary shelters. Maybe they should rent HDB void decks and turn them into ERs.

Anonymous said...

Bloody hell. Why pay ministers millions and still cannot solve the problem. What 1st Class medical? When you have to spill the beds to corridors, it also means there is not enough nurses and doctors to care for you.

LTA is a let down and now MOH. Are we getting the right people to rule?

Anonymous said...

Actuallly...need to highlight something important...

Do the local prisons have the capacity to secure criminals who has done serious crimes...

or also let off cos no space to put them?

Interesting no?

Anonymous said...

If all the failures must wait for Khaw Boon Wan to take care, are the rest of the ministers duds?

agongkia said...

On shortage of hospital beds,could it be a case of having too many foreign young ,pretty and gentle mei meis as nurses in the hospitals that cause our cheekopek patients being reluctant to be discharge.

I use to send my ah kong to hospital last time and me myself also hope to be warded there after seeing those gentle and pretty nurses.Not to mention elderly man who are neglected of love at home.

b said...

A check with MOH will tell you that a lot of beds are occupied by imported parents of PRs or PRs themselves.

Anonymous said...

If it's spontaneous... it's not a crime.

Just treat them better

Knnccb... hsien loong, return our cpf @ 55

b said...

The gov should make sure that CPF interest returns should be pegged according to the population. Since the population is 6.9m, the interest should be 6.9% and not 4% or 2.5%.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Both are PAPig Millionaires.
And also cabinet Millionaires.
Both are equally guilty.

Anonymous said...

How does a 6.9 million population benefit Singaporeans?
Cannot answer right?
Then why are you still voting PAP?

Anonymous said...

it is not surprising at all for the acute shortage of hospital beds......

we must remember this.....if we want to increase the population on this very tiny island, we must be prepared for the social ills that come with the increased population......

one by one, the social ills are surfacing.....

sad sad sad .......

patriot said...

Imagine the dire situation when a deadly highly contagious disease happens.

Pandemonium for sure.


Anonymous said...

The papigs n familee will be on oversea holeeday... No doubt this.

Anonymous said...

I remember RB wrote in one column on how or what he would do if he were to run a hospital, I support him then, I will support the idea now also.

6.9 is only a figure, the ruling will not stop at that, the pedestal which they are on has no flood, harm nor pain, playing with words at each election seems to have work, the certainty of such happenings ought not to surprise us anymore.

Land has been proclaim at the docks and where have you, looking and hearing his presentation, it would not be over assuming to say 10 mil is a reality.

If by now sinkies still hope to draw a line to the onslaught, it would be too little too late, in all circumstances, 2 election ago they should have been stop, the wait and see attitude that have possesses us is a nail that we have to bear now.

The saddest thing is that the action that was taken, our children has to bear and suffer that poor sight.

Anonymous said...

The GRC objective is possibly to reduce the oppositions?

By reduce the opp it will delay problems for later to solve or manifest, because less people come in to ask tough questions, do the check and balance of the excess of one party?

With years of not much oppositions present in the parliaments?

Many foreigners know how serious our Singapore is deteriorating, yet the kept praising how prosperous and how good?

But with little opp doesn’t mean problem is solved or no problems, it means many commoner problems can't be hear, because of the backdoor system, where MP can come from the back door, so are so busy they hardly had time to come to the parliaments?

It mean delaying and denial the problems and exist wait until it become more serious or for the future generations to solve?

Which lead to present massive social problems and social ill that other advanced economy don’t have because they have multi parties system like the Nordic and Swiss check and balance ?

Recent serious riot cases is the problem slowly creeping, gambling, loan sharKs, prostitutions, divorces, family dyfunctions, suicides, mental problems on the uptrend as over import of foreigners that depress and take away local jobs?

Oppositions play a very important role, in bring all these issues up for discussions, debates or how to show it?

Anonymous said...

Win win situation:
January 8, 2014 at 7:33 am (Quote)

By increase the opposition, it reduce the ministers pay by reducing the minister pay, it reduce the indirect taxes by reduce the indirect taxes, it reduce the business cost, by reduce the business cost it reduce the need for foreigners, by reduce the need for foreigner worker, it reduce social problems, win win situation ?

Anonymous said...

problem solved;

introduce bidding .... COR aka certicate of residency

highest bidder, best healthcare facilities offered

lowest bidder .... stay in tents or toilets

cannot afford to bid? .. u die your problem!!!

knnccb ... sob hsien loong, may your descendants reap the karma of your actions

long live kuan yew ... to witness the karma ripening of your actions on your descendants

Anonymous said...

With continue to import 30K of new citizens every year?

What is the outcome if you imagine, another type of SARS diseases or massive contagious disease Singapore, now Singapore don't have even enough beds for the sick: https://www.facebook.com/TanJeeSay/posts/567518780008150?

In Singapore 2003 went the SARS attack Singapore and HOng Kong many people lost their jobs and asset, as the economy collapsed?

Why don't Singapore like and learn from the Estonia or the Nordic, depend on its on people to drive the economy and employing its own people?

And not make similiar mistakes? In future it will be very costly if more and more people in the small island?

If a glass already full, you keep pouring water inside, what is the outcome like our small island already over population?

You need only import enough people to replace those died?

Singapore is a small island, don't have any resources, the situation will be getting worse, if continues oversupply of labour into the small island, there is only certain amount facilities and jobs in Singapore?

And prices of things keep rising?

Older Singaporean or new citizens can't complete with the cheaper and younger third world countries? Then replaced citizens to move to JB as one person suggested, moving the sick and old to JB?

Many countries like the Estonia and the Nordic do very well without importing people?

Anonymous said...

The govt is still planning for 2030. No need to worry. By then everything will be fine.

The govt always plan ahead of the problems.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Question: "We can cope with 6.9m?"

I cannot speak for the "we", but myself and all the people I know most certainly can. 6.9 million...and MORE.

To the future, full steam ahead for Hotel Singapore and her fearless band of daredevils and entrepreneurs!!

C'mon govt...stop dragging your heels. Let's open those borders AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

I support 6.9m. I support Matilah, 9.6m. This govt got no balls to go for it.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I think this is a good time to upgrade our Ah Kong and Ah Mah working in foodcourts. Retrain them to be nurses for simpler jobs like cleaning the patients instead of cleaning tables. They will clean up the patients super fast. One wipe everything will come out.

I think this change will definitely cut down the duration of stay in hospital by choice. That will also free up hospital beds with higher turnovers.

I choped the copyright for this great idea. Gan Kim Leong, you may want to try this and pay me some kopi money if successful.

Anonymous said...

Khaw was from MOH. Why didn't he solve the bed problem before trying to solve housing problem?

b said...

I will support 9.6m if they give me 9.6% interest return on CPF.

Anonymous said...

Gan Kim Yong was the Manpower Minister that let in all these foreigners. Now, he is suffering the consequences at the Ministry of Health.

He should spend more time tackling the infrastructure issue instead of building smoking zones at Nee Soon South.

agongkia said...

@Redbean@1.44 pm,
Lau Char Bor and Lau Kok Kok to work as nursing staff...You kapo my idea lah.I already mentioned that in TRE today at 11.17am ,2 hours before you.Kopi money must come to me first.

Unknown said...

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