
Arabs and Muslim cannot face the truth, that the Americans are the biggest murderers of Arabs and Muslims

 Do the Arabs and Muslims know that their greatest enemy is the Americans? Do they know that the Americans have killed or genocided the most Arabs and Muslims all over the world?  Do they know that the Palestinians were all killed by American bombs and weapons? And Trump has just authorised another US$3 billion worth of weapons and bombs for the Israelis to prepare for the second phase of decimating the Palestinians and Arabs in the region? For decades, the Americans have been controlling the Arabs and Muslims, treating them like fools, making them hate and fight among themselves, branding Arab and Muslim freedom fighters as terrorists and leading Arab and Muslim countries to fight these so called Arab and Muslim terrorists.

Of course the Arabs and Muslims know what is going on. Even the Arab and Muslim leaders know what is going on. But why are they not resisting, not protesting, and continue to be led by the nose by the Americans. They are not fools. Why are the Arabs and Muslims still afraid to call the Americans as their enemies, for killing their people, invading their countries to the point of killing Arab and Muslim leaders? They only called the Israelis as their enemies, and for this, not all the Arabs and Muslims are saying this. Trump has just threatened Jordan and Egypt to stop all aids if they did not take in the Palestinians. Why are these countries still dependent on American aids as hostage to survive?

The Arabs and Muslims simply refuse to acknowledge the fact that the Americans are their greatest mortal enemies. They would not want to admit it. For admitting that the Americans are the murderers of Arabs and Muslims would be just like the believers of cults and fake religions, knowing that they have believed in the wrong cults and wrong religions but too embarrassed to reject the cults and fake religions. For doing so would be admitting their stupidity for believing in the cults and fake religions for so long.

So, the Arabs and Muslims chose to continue with their delusion, continue to believe in the evil Americans, the biggest murderers of Arabs and Muslims, and still doing it through Israel, by supplying more weapons and bombs to kill more Arabs and Muslims. What Trump just did, and the decent Americans and white thinkers are calling it ethnic cleansing and stealing Palestinian lands, and this is still not enough for the Arabs and Muslims to turn against the Americans, still wanting to call Americans as friends, still wanting to sleep and party with the Americans, still idolising the Americans as their white Gods or angels of Gods. See the expression of King Abdullah's face when he met Trump. It was all lighted up like a child seeing a movie star.

The Americans can continue to kill Arabs and Muslims, side with Israel to steal their lands. It would not change anything. The Arabs and Muslims would still pretend that the Americans are their best friends. Oops, they don't pretend, they believe, they choose to believe that Americans are their best friends. Never mind the massacre or genocide of Arabs and Muslims, the Americans are the good guys, the most trusted people, the most caring people to the Arabs and Muslims.

How bizarre can this be? When would the Arabs and Muslims wake up and face the painful truth? When would they be brave enough to remove this veil of deceit put over them by the Americans?

Trump just ordered the King of Jordan and President of Eygpt to the White House to take orders to evict Palestinians from Gaza. Abdullah meekly went and told Trump he would take in 2,000 Palestinians and wait for the rest of the Arab world to follow suit. Sisi of Egypt refused to attend. Egypt has repeatedly object to the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and eviction of the Palestinians.

America in a state of shock and awe after DeepSeek and more new inventions from China

 A Senator in the USA is proposing a 20-year jail or a fine of a million US$ against anyone downloading DeepSeek. This is how desperate the USA is now, with entities like OpenAI and Google going to lose their meal ticket after throwing hundreds of billions into AI development that is becoming a joke, losing to a two-year upstart like DeepSeek.

The problem for the USA and its AI developers is not just DeepSeek to contend with. There are other AI startups with investors like Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu that are steaking ahead in AI development that have not yet been unveiled. 2025 will let the world see the real developments of China which are going to shock the West. The USA and the West can keep on pretending that they hold the upper hand in technology innovations, which without competition may allow them to sustain the narrative. But having the mentality of a superiority complex is going to be costly when the truth is finally unveiled.

China is going to dominate in every field, be it EVs, batteries, rare earth minerals, shipbuilding, mobile phones, fighter jets, drones and Ai as well. China is well on its way to dominate space, satellite communications systems and other cutting-edge technologies.

But these are not the only sector that China wants to dominate. China is now covering all angles including agriculture and the aquaculture sectors, all important National Security matters to take care of as well.

According to Kevin Walmsley, China is now the global leader in aquaculture, with fish farming undertaking more than 65% of the global total in fish production. China is also killing the caviar production industry of Italy, France, Poland and Germany, by rearing the sturgeon fish on a massive scale. The price of caviar is expected to drop drastically in future, and China is going to make everything cheap and affordable for BRICS and the Global South countries.


Beware - Trump setting up an unlimited Sovereign Funds by printing more dollars to buy up the whole world

 No, the cut in spending by Trump is to compensate for the touted tax cuts for the rich which Trump himself. co-President Elon Musk, Trump's rich campaign donors and cronies will benefit. Also, the additional tax levied on USA citizens through tariffs will give the Trump administration plenty of extra money, not to reduce USA deficits and debts for sure, LOL.

Hey, Trump is setting up a Sovereign Wealth Fund to buy over Tik Tok. With a US$35 trillion unpayable debt on its hands, what Sovereign Wealth is Trump talking about? Oh, I forgot that Trump can just sign another Executive Order to cancel all the debts and start with a clean slate. How convenient for a country with 'exceptionalism' to gloat about.


Finally, the Americans got wiser by wanting to print more toilet papers to buy up the whole world. Singapore beware. The Americans can print all the dollars to buy up the whole island. Anything that is for sale can be bought by American toilet papers! Our greedy owners of GCB can raise their prices to US$ 500m or US$1 trillion each. No sweat, just print more toilet papers, ie dollars. Toilet papers are as good as free.

China, Russia, Iran, North Korea would be safe as they would not be so silly to sell everything to the Americans. Time to dedollarise faster, to stop accepting toilet papers as money.

Trump and Netanyahu spinning lies to con the Arab leaders, thinking they are stupid and gullible

 And Saudi Arabia will meekly agree and comply, maybe even discarding the peace deal with Iran. The Arab Royals have massive investments in the USA and the West that can be used as leverage if Mohammed bin Salman refuse to comply. Saudi Arabia is tottering and falling over to the dark side.

But rest assured this is just pulling wool over unsuspecting eyes, as Trump himself could not guarantee that the truce between Israel and Hamas will hold. I thought he has so great power, like God Almighty himself. What is going to happen if the truce does not hold? The Arabs and Muslim would have let their guards down, hostages may have been released, Israel has the breathing space to regroup and re-arm, USA has more time to make weapons for the Israelis and the Middle East is back to square one.

Having said that, the USA and Israel will turn their attention to Iran. Trump is already promoting confrontation by asking his administration to turn Iran into dust if he is assassinated. Now, that is a clever ploy to make the Iranians responsible, even if they are not involved in any assassination of Trump. Spinning the narrative into the right direction may just get Iran implicated and destroyed. The Israelis are the best to do that kind of assassination job and get away with it, putting the blame on Iran. Does 911 ring a bell?

Sometimes conspiracy theories may not just be theories at all, if they are well covered up by Governments and the MSM.


American terrorists template, can't beat them, ban them

 Kevin Walmsley on his site 'Inside China Business' said that the USA is using the same system that it employed all along, avoiding the challenge from China and others, just by banning where it could not compete or enacting laws to punish them like against Toshiba of Japan and Alstom of France. How could such a country ever hope to progress under such fear of competing.

The USA banned Huawei, being unable to compete against Huawei in the telecommunication sector and had a horrid time trying to develop 5G. Understand the USA is leapfrogging the competition by jumping into 7G if I am not mistaken. Trying to move from 4G to 5G is already a difficult hurdle for it to accomplish and yet trying to scare Huawei with its 7G bullshitting?

The USA is trying to prevent Chinese EVs entering the USA market. The USA automakers cannot build cars for under US$50,000. China can build them for US$15,000 or even less. The USA tried to stop Chinese automakers from taking over the USA market, using tariffs. The USA knows it cannot produce cheap cars like China, with wage cost, raw material cost and energy cost way above those in China. Moreover, the USA knows it is lagging behind EV technology and have to depend on Chinese batteries for those EVs. And yet the USA is gloating about luring manufacturing back without considering how those manufacturing entities are going to compete outside the USA.

The USA now finds itself competing against its peers in the AI industry, not as an outright leader. USA investors have poured in hundreds of billions into AI research and development, all to be blindsided by a two-year old upstart called DeepSeek. The biggest shock of all must be DeepSeek making it free to use of its app that terrified USA developers like OpenAI, Microsoft and Amazon among others. Users of the systems developed by the latter three companies have to pay a fee monthly, and DeepSeek is taking away their breakfast, lunch and dinner by throwing free meals to those users. This will render all the investments that they threw in into a wasted effort and they will not tolerate that lying down. And so, they are calling the USA administration to enact legislation to ban DeepSeek in the USA. Already, some doggies are jumping the gun by moving against DeepSeek. So, instead of taking up the challenge, banning is the template of the USA where it cannot compete. How can there be real innovation in the face of such behavior, burying heads in the sand?
