
American Industries Are Collapsing



An attack on UN Peace Keeping forces by US backed Zionist Israel terrorists anywhere is tantamount to making war on the rest of the Free World

An attack on UN Peace Keeping Forces anywhere in Gaza, Lebanon or anywhere in Middle East by US backed Zionist terrorists is tantamount to making war on the rest of the world. Israel is an illegal and illicit Jewish terrorist state planted in the Middle East by Anglo-Saxons UK and US backed by white European countries to further the geopolitical interests and motive of the Western powers led by US and UK. As pointed out before, since the 1860s all the European countries and US had always wanted to get rid of the despicable Jews and so they had to find a place where they could expel the Jews. The Anglo-Saxons UK and US then collaborated with the Jews to found a Jewish state in Palestine at the expense of the Palestinian Arabs. 

Thus in 1948 the imperialist UK and US forcefully dislodged the Palestinians from a large area of Palestinian land and brought in over a million or two Jewish settlers to occupy the space. Eventually the Zionist state of Israel is to be made a lynch pin for further US, UK and Jewish imperial expansion in Middle East and Africa. Their ultimate aim was to invade these places and to eventually displace or exterminate the native populations in Middle East and Africa so that the white people and Jews can be brought in to colonize them. This is to replicate their genocide and extermination of the North American natives before claiming the whole continent for white colonization. 

It is imperative for the Middle East Arabs and Muslims to get rid of the illegal Jewish state of Israel and the Western colonialists and imperialists headed by the Anglo-Saxon US before they can find peace and security. For the Arabs, Palestinians and Muslims to gain self-respect, honour and dignity, no quarter must be given to the evil white powers headed by the Anglo-Saxon Americans and the hateful Zionist terrorists. 

A way must be found quickly to arm the Arabs and the Palestinians with nuclear weapons and other latest modern weapons to help them in driving out the evil invaders from United States and Europe. The Arabs and Muslims can rope in Nuclear power Pakistan, Iran and Russia to help. Palestine and Middle East will have no peace and security and Africa is in grave danger until the abominable Jewish enclave of Israel is destroyed and the West headed by US is driven out. 

Southernglory1 Monday 21st October, 2024.

Israelis acting under American terrorist Rules Based Order in Lebanon and Gaza - The Evil Empire strikes back

 Two Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tanks destroyed the main gate of a UN peacekeeping base and illegally entered the facility on Sunday, the organization’s mission in Lebanon has claimed. Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that UN troops would be in danger if they remained in Lebanon. RT

American terrorist Rules Based Order in action in the Middle East. The Israelis tanks just crashed through the gates of the UN Peace Keeping Forces in Lebanon and ordering the UN Forces out. The hatchet men of the evil American Empire operate under the so called American Rules Based Order or as good as lawlessness. They are the Empire troops and what they do is above all laws. The UN better move out of their way or be destroyed. Several UN troops have already been wounded by the Imperial troops.

For a year, the Imperial troops have been running wild in Gaza and all over the Palestine, killing anyone at their pleasure, reporters, journalists, doctors, peace keepers, aid helpers, teachers, and of course the 'sub human' Palestinians. And they have bombed everything also at their pleasure, UN compounds, schools, hospitals, refugee camps, aid convoys, anything under the sky with impunity. They have bombed the neighbouring states of Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Iran. They are planning for a nuclear strike against Iran sanctioned by the Emperor in the White House. The total death toll so far, officially reported to be more than 42,000 could be more, in the hundreds of thousands, mainly women and children, but not reported. And millions have become homeless, hundreds of thousands maimed.

And what can the UN do? What is being reported or not reported by the western media and the Empire's media? And no one would haul them up for crimes against humanity, war crimes. They are the Imperial Forces operating under the American terrorist Rules Based Order. The Rules and Laws are written by them. And what they are doing, all the crimes against humanity, are not crimes. They are above the laws, they are lawless.

What can the world do about it? What happens to the American terrorists narrative about human rights, freedom, about rules of law? The UN Forces better flee Lebanon fast or they would be the next target for destruction by the evil Imperial Forces of the American Empire.

Glory to the terrorists Rules Based Order.

Americans/CIA killed more than 3 million Indonesians

 The US power elites in the Deep State and Pentagon have insatiable appetite for war and needless destruction. Since 1940 the United States has been continually at war from CIA funded interventions in Latin America in support of dictatorial regimes friendly to US to major wars in Asia and Africa.

On 7th Sept, 1945 US General MacArthur invaded South Korea which started the Korean War 1945 to 1953. In this war US bombed indiscriminately causing more than 3 million soldiers and civilians to die unnecessarily. 

In the period 1958 to 1965 the CIA infiltrated into President Sukarno's government and armed forces. President Sukarno's socialist government was disliked by the US. So CIA funded a coup which overthrown Sukarno's government. The CIA via US embassy in Jakarta provided the coup leader Suharto with lists of Indonesian socialist and communist or sympathisers members. All in CIA caused Suharto to kill over 3 million so called Indonesian socialists or communists. 

Indonesians have yet to take revenge against the United States for complicity in the slaughter of innocent Indonesians.

Sujanto: Jakarta: Indonesia.


US war in Afghanistan is not about terrorism, but about control of the drug trade

 Afghanistan, the land the USA sought to control, is the biggest producer of drugs. Ever wonder why the USA wants Afghanistan, when Afghanistan is devoid of oil. Fight terrorism? That reason just makes my toes laugh. The answer undoubtedly lies in the massive drug cultivation source that the USA wanted to control. Suffice to say, even their military leaders are left in the dark over what their purpose was remaining for 20 long years in Afghanistan.

20 years of occupation in Afghanistan did not cut off the drug production channel and gives an idea of what the USA was really trying to do in Afghanistan. Fight terrorism? Of course, branding the Taliban as terrorists gives the USA the justification to remain in Afghanistan for 20 years until they could not win against the Taliban and fled with only their pants on, leaving behind billions of dollars of weapons.

Why is the USA so interested in Myanmar and the countries surrounding the Golden Triangle? To promote democracy? Again, that reason makes my toes laugh as well. It is the drug trade, which some sources said the Golden Triangle is controlled by the biggest drug lord, the CIA. Which is why attempting to get rid of them is an exercise in futility.

Why is the USA so pissed off when Duterte cracked down on the drug lords in the Philippines? Using human rights to demonize Duterte works as we now know. The Drug Lords have more or less won the day and the CIA benefits most of all. Isn't war against drug lords the pre-occupation of the rest of the world. Why is that suddenly a crime against humanity with the killings of the drug lords?

Now Karma is coming back to haunt the USA. But China is always the ready-made bogeyman for all the ills of the USA. Have I said the wrong thing?
