
Ah Q cowed to give moon samples to the American bullies

Ah Q is always Ah Q. After being Ah Q for a century, Ah Q's behaviour has become second nature. Ah Q does not mind being bullied, beaten, humiliated, discriminated, and may even think these are virtues, good things. So after being bullied and humiliated, Ah Q did not feel aggrieved and still wanted to be very nice to the bullies. Ah Q may, as what Ah Q is good at, find all kinds of silly excuses to justify its Ah Q behaviour, thinking that it is gentleman, 君子 , to be nice to bullies and rogues, even enemies. Let them bully, humiliate, beat, discriminate, demonise, sanction etc etc, Ah Q is a big man and would not behave like the bullies or rogues.

After several decades of being ostracised by the Americans, NASA, booted out of EU and International Space Station programmes, banned from entering the ISS, cut off from all cooperation in space technology, humiliated as not good enough to join the programmes, left out in the cold, basically treated as a pariah, Ah Q did not learn anything.

After a few weeks of pressure, or maybe sweet words, Ah Q has forgotten all the bullying and humiliation and willing to share the moon sample collected from the far side of the moon with its enemies, the bullying Americans! Can you believe this? After decades of being kicked around, isolated, blocked from all access and cooperation, Ah Q now willing to share its moon samples with the Americans? And the Americans openly called Ah Q enemies, everyday and everywhere attacking Ah Q, finding faults with Ah Q. And Ah Q still want to kiss the ass of the Americans!

What could be more humiliating is for the Americans to turn around and allege that the moon samples were fakes. Or the Americans may put up more sanctions against Ah Q for violating the American law, the Wolff Amendment, that forbids cooperation with the Americans in space technology. The Americans can then issue arrest warrants against Chinese officials in China Space Agency and repeat the Meng Wanzhou act. When it happens, Ah Q would become the laughing stock of the world. Even its citizens would laugh at Ah Q's stupidity.

愿意做 Ah Q, 因该给人骂, 给人打, 给人欺负,给人羞辱....

German extremism against Islam and Muslims

 The German extremists are accusing the mosques in Germany as centres for Islamic extremism. Using this excuse, the German extremists have issued bans on the activities of Islamic mosques. The Blue Mosque in Hamburg had been raided and closed down. 3 other mosques in Munich and Frankfurt have also been closed.

Who are the real extremists? German govt or the mosques targeted?

The whites anti Islamic DNA has been rooted since the years of the Crusades and have been waging wars against Islam for centuries. The deep underlying hatred for Muslims cannot be hidden for long. The Americans pretended that they were supporting the Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang, alleging that they were being discriminated and even massacred by the Chinese. The truth and realities are on the ground and visible to any visitors to Xinjiang.

This malicious and false allegation has been totally thrashed by the leaders of Arab and Muslim countries. Many have visited Xinjiang personally or sent representatives to inspect the American lies and have confirmed that lies were lies and no longer wish to talk about it. 

Another reality is the world wide and continuous anti Islamic attacks by the Americans and the West. Most of the Arab and Muslim countries had been attacked, invaded and their economies and countries destroyed by the Americans and the whites. Many millions of Arabs and Muslims have been driven from their bombed and destroyed homelands and turned into refugees. The most horrific disaster is happening in Gaza and the whole of Palestine when the Palestinians were being genocided by the Americans and the Jews and still going on daily, to drive them out of their homeland, to create a bigger Israel.

On the other hand, China is helping the Arab and Muslim countries to cooperate and work together for their own interests and stop fighting among themselves, and stop being manipulated by the Americans and the Jews to kill each other in unending and incessant wars. The real enemies of the Arab and Muslim people are the Americans, the Jews and the white men. They have been manipulating and abusing the Arabs and Muslims for centuries, inciting and agitating wars between the Arab and Muslim states.

Germany has started to drop its veil and revealing its hatred against the Muslims. Soon other European states would follow the lead and go after Muslims and their mosques in Europe.

PS. How many Muslim leaders and countries are sleeping with their white lovers and still trust the white men more than the Chinese? American invading forces are still in Syria and Iraq, stealing their oil and killing the Syrians and Iraqis, controlling the Iraq govt like a colony.

Money can buy University rankings - Soon American cheats will ban Chinese universities from participating

 Very soon, when Chinese universities compete too well and hog the rankings or attracting too many foreign students against USA and Western universities, they will be removed from participating in the rankings. Do not bet against that not happening, since it already happened with the happiness ranking, right before our eyes. But they feel no shame in using such blatant underhand moves. Never forget they lie, cheat and steal, even rankings of all shapes and sizes.

And what excuse will they make to exclude those Chinese universities? Well, maybe they can use the same tactic used to attempt to ban TikTok by claiming TikTok is connected to the CCP, LOL. Tom Cotton, the so-called smart Senator, aka a cotton-mouth snake, tried very hard to make the connection stick.

As to why, perhaps former Greek Finance Minister, Yani Varoufakis can answer that with another question - What is wrong with that? 


Desperation in meaningless propaganda war

 Like Netanyahu, Yoon has to promote more imaginary threats to deflect his troubles. Now there is a war of propaganda messages broadcast by the South towards the North, using high powered speakers, while the North is responding by sending balloons loaded with trash to the South. Which is more effective? The North is telling the South not to broadcast trash and they are returning the trash in real kind to the South, LOL.

On the other side of the world, the West had been propagandizing that Russia is losing the war because of shortage of weapons and ammunitions. Yet, Russia is sending missiles to the Houthis and weapons to North Korea. Does that sound like Russia is short of weapons itself? Think about that!

The hubris about China trading with Russia in dual-use essentials is helping Russia in the war in Ukraine is totally flawed. Anything can be classified as dual-use essentials, not only chips, metals, communication equipment, mobile phones and batteries. What kind of hubris are they talking about by using the term dual-use word salad to confuse and advance their narrative and agenda?

Let me illustrate how flawed the argument is. Even food can be classified as dual-use essentials since not only ordinary folks, but soldiers as well need food to survive and fight. Even things as ordinary as toilet papers are dual-use essentials that common people and the military have to depend on. So, is there any justification in using the term dual-use to castigate China for trading with Russia? Maybe they are using their own 'Rules Based Order' to ferment such filth. 


Global South markets are out of reach for American, western and Japanese EV makers

 China will be selling EVs at the same price as those sold in USA and EU, but without the added tariffs. So, what difference does it make to EV manufacturers in China other than selling less to USA and EU, while selling more to the Global South countries in South America, Middle East and ASEAN plus Russia to make up, by cannibalizing the market share of traditional car makers from USA, EU, Japan and South Korea.

Africa can always be cultivated to be an upcoming huge car market that China can leverage on, without fear of competition from USA, EU, Japanese or South Korean EV makers. The latter four countries are unable to compete on price, and price is the most important factor that consumers look for.

And what does that mean for aspiring car owners in USA and EU? Very expensive cars that, for a huge country like USA, the people cannot afford not to own a car to travel around. Just like in Malaysia, a family has to own a few cars to travel around. Without a car, it is just like having no legs, a crippled person, according to relatives living in Malaysia. Public transport is non-existent, even around Southern Johore.

But it is a choice that voters in USA have to live with. They do not understand what those tariffs are doing to them, thinking it is to hurt China. It is no more than an added tax on them. More than that, Trump, if he wins is promising tax cuts for corporate entities, which means again helping the rich further while punishing the poor. How is that going down with normal voters is interesting. Heads the elites and rich wins, tails the common people loses.


PS. Not only that Russia is now the main market for Chinese EVs, EVs are the perfect cars for dusty conditions in the desert countries of the Middle East and Africa.  No fear of sand and dust being sucked into the air intake compartment of ICE cars.  China is also producing extremely affordable EVs specially for developing countries, including 3 wheelers and 2 wheelers, at prices no one can refuse...very affordable to people in developing countries.