
Greatest threat to the USA is Peace

 The greatest threat to the USA is not China, but Peace. Peace in the world would bring an end to the evil American Empire that is built around war and a war economy. When there is Peace in the world, the Americans would be lost. They would not know what to do, many employed just to agitate for wars would be jobless. The whole Military Industrial Complex would be out of business. All the American military bases in the world would be redundant, so would all the aircraft carriers, military aircraft, ICBMs, weapons of mass destruction and all the supporting war industries.

Employment would become the number one problem in the USA when the American war machine is crippled due to its irrelevance. All the CIA operators would be out of work. All the fake news about threats and enemies would become jokes.

The nearly US$1 trillion military budget would be totally extravagant without wars, without enemies.

When there is Peace in the world, the Americans would have to create jobs for themselves, to make themselves useful again as responsible people, not warmongers and murderers, not merchants of war. There will be no one to buy their expensive war machine, no more needs for military gangs aka allies.

The latest peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia brokered by China is being condemned by the Americans, calling it a threat to American interests. The Americans are all out to break this Peace deal. This is how evil the Americans are, all set to create war and against Peace.  Peace is against the interests of the Americans, an evil Empire thriving on wars and instability and selling weapons to kill and destruct in wars.

China's proposal for a ceasefire in Ukraine and to start Peace negotiation is condemned by the Americans and the Americans also said there cannot be ceasefire.

The people of the world have woken up to the evilness of the Americans. Everyone wants Peace except the Americans. Only the blind and idiotic are still supporting the evil Americans in their warmongering and evil ways.


Anonymous said...

In the current Sino-US cold war, China is using broking peace between feuding nations and dollar de-hegemonization to send the U.S. to its grave, that without fighting a kinetic war with the Americans.

Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Quote by that Blinking Idiot of UAssA:
"If Russia was allowed to attack its neighbour with impunity, it would open a Pandora's box for would be agressors and lead to a World's Conflict"

Whoa! Listen to WHO's talking!

Is he refering to the UAssA who had invaded countless countries and murdered and killed millions?

All these imbeciles talked as though they are Angels and their killings and murders are justified whereas Others are EVILs.

Never looked into their murderous faces in their mirrors.

Mentally Sickos needed to be housed in Mental Institutions.

Anonymous said...

Channel News America is diligently echoing the evil White master's narrative!

Anonymous said...

When the master shouts, puppy, bark.

The puppy will bark.

Anonymous said...

It is very demeaning and pathetic for an independent state to end up as a stooge of big powers and has to do the bidding of big powers. Cannot say no to the coercion of big powers.

This is sia suay.

Virgo49 said...

LKY's openly stated NO foreigners interference in our Country's affairs.

Michael Fay also canned. Even though appeal by their White Spoilt Useless Leader who pushed cigars been bored in his office into his intern Black Hole of Calcutta and reduced bu one stroke.

This is our Law that vandals must be punished or else it would br now like the Americunts subways with all their grafiti.

Now Sinkieland Leaders all lost their balls and are doggies to the UAssA.

Whenever they sneezed they caught colds.

When they said jump. How's high Bawana! Or Bananas or Bawanana!

Anonymous said...

"When a white army battles native red Indians and wins, it is called a great victory, but if they lose it is called a massacre".
- native Indians never stood a chance against guns, cannons and pure evil.

"It is easy to be brave from a distance"
-Ukraine being used as proxy to fight Russia.

"To be a whore of the US is profitable until this pimp dictates which customers can be serviced and it becomes desperate with mountains of debt. It is universal that a pimp is suppose to protect the whores in a turf war and do the fighting But definitely not the US pimp. The whores will be coerced to render full support or else...
- a nice lesson for Asean members who envy the wealth of one little island.

Anonymous said...

Asean is now behaving like the rogue Americans, meddling with the internal affairs of Myanmar, an Asean member. They should look into the mirror. Practically every Asean state has violated democracy and human rights and are all right for meddling by the Americans as and when they want to.

And the Asean states are behaving like smart alecs when they poke into Myanmar's internal affairs.

The Americans' grip on Asean is getting stronger everyday.

Anonymous said...

Why must ASEAN get the USA involved in Myanmar? Is ASEAN now just like NATO, under the control of the USA? The whole world knows that anything that the USA dips its dirty hands into, more problems will arise instead of getting solved.

Just listen to that clown, John Kirby, having the gall to tell everyone that 'peace in Ukraine is unacceptable to the USA'. That means only war is acceptable to them.

I believe Putin and Xi heard that loud and clear and already making preparations for that. Since war cannot now be avoided, China must start sending lethal weapons to Russia to end it once and for all. This should be in response to the USA selling more weapons to Taiwan. China should end its kids glove diplomacy. It will not work.

Anonymous said...

It's human nature, albeit very unprincipled, to support the country solely where they get their postgrad educational qualifications, where they're parking their financial assets . . .

Anonymous said...

It's another thing to be coerced or blackmailed to support war criminals and participate in war crimes.

Anonymous said...

In Moscow, Xi And Putin Bury Pax Americana

'What has just taken place in Moscow is nothing less than a new Yalta, which, incidentally, is in Crimea. But unlike the momentous meeting of US President Franklin Roosevelt, Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in USSR-run Crimea in 1945, this is the first time in arguably five centuries that no political leader from the west is setting the global agenda.

It’s Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin that are now running the multilateral, multipolar show. Western exceptionalists may deploy their crybaby routines as much as they want: nothing will change the spectacular optics, and the underlying substance of this developing world order, especially for the Global South.'

This joint economic/business offensive ties in with the concerted Russia-China diplomatic offensive to remake vast swathes of West Asia and Africa.

So the Xi-Putin summit definitively sealed China-Russia as comprehensive strategic partners for the long haul, committed to developing serious geopolitical and geoeconomic competition with declining western hegemons.

There’s no turning back on the demolition of the remnants of Pax Americana.

Link to article:

Anonymous said...

All the points raised are factual and good. However there needs to have a distinction between American Politicians which are basically guarding self interest and self preservation VS the ordinary Americans who are largely misinformed and misled. Blame the politicians not the people!

Anonymous said...

And that is why tiktok is so dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Majority of the General Americans public have no idea how evil their Government (foreign policies) has been since WW2. Deep State, Neocon, Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Elites & High Ranking Politicians are driving & dictating the fate & destiny of the U.S.!
If they can’t stomach to lose their Hegemonic status & to co-exist with China & Russia; this hegemon may snap and trigger WW3 in a very near future!

Anonymous said...

They have been controlling the main media for centuries, the Americans controlling the media since after WW2 with Hollywood painting them as the heroes, the good ones, and they are the saviours, the angels and the gods. This is why our bananas still praying to them and believing in them without questions.

They are still spreading the lies, China cannot be trusted, only trust the Americans. Telling people not to put their money in Hong Kong and investing in China, because cannot trust the CCP or Xi.

Now they robbed money and assets belong to other countries and other countries' citizens. And the whole world just withdraw all their monies from America and American and western banks. No amount of lies and disinformation and propaganda can save them now. The bank run is just beginning. The American financial system has lost all credibility and will collapse very soon.

They have proven themselves to be liars and untrustworthy and a terrorist state.

Anonymous said...

US politicians are also citizens. Why politicians got elected by citizens whose view differs from politicians ? Or before huge financial interests ordinary citizens who became politicians changed their face ?

Anonymous said...

Fighting a kinetic war is not Peace. Dollar De -hegemonization is because the misdeed done by USA. Conscientious people will tend to see clearly who are the one wanted broken peace with the track record misdeed done by USA. By the way, I am not against the American people but against the America politicians.

Anonymous said...

Evil leaders come from evil people. Period.

Anonymous said...

You are correct. Millions and millions killed in the 200 year old American wars

Anonymous said...

Great article. This is the true facts. Peace loving people should condemn warmonger USA and it’s allies.

Anonymous said...

Aren't these politicians elected by the American people?

Anonymous said...

What has been written about Yankees is purely true.This nation is forefront in agitating wars where there is peace. This will big nation is really war monger

Anonymous said...

In our living memory I have never known any American president who was not involved in a war or war for so called regime change since dropping Atom bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in one country or the other. They have not only killed hundreds and thousands of the Japanese but also forced on them a treaty from which the Japanese people still could not come out .In Okinaoa the American Military base in reality controls the policies of Japan . In reality running Japan since 1945.
In the name of Marshal Plan they have created NATO and economically and militarily subjugated Europe since 1945,launched a Cold War against the Soviet Union and eventually masterminded the fall of USSR.
All the American presidents only served the interests of the American Industrial Military complex against Peace in the world.
American ordinary people are hardly aware of the dirty politics and policies of the White House occupants since 1945.
It's about time China and Russian should start creating a New Wirld Order and outline the blue print of a new World Organization and world economic order, Trade Policy and challenge America and NATO for lasting peace in the world.
We are looking forward to that Great Leap Forward and World peace.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Channel News America must be helmed by some whitey American or Brit lap dog.

Anonymous said...

Peace should start with Palestine be given back to the Palestinians

Anonymous said...

American just discovered that their fake news cannot work . As more people's are looking on social media . So they also destroy tok tok.

Anonymous said...

Very true

Anonymous said...

Only idiot will believe America wants a peaceful world. I really hope that USA will be torn into 4 to 5 countries, and it will be the greatest gift to the whole world by then.

Anonymous said...

Have 4,5 times MAGA USA? I.e
4,5 times the risk of WWIII? NO!!

Anonymous said...

So true and enlightening views.

Anonymous said...

Throughout human history, even before the existence of America,there’s always war!

Anonymous said...

Just think of this reverse everything and make russia and china the king of the world
Question that everyone should answer will we have a better world will we have no wars will there be peace on earth and goodwill to all men.

Anonymous said...

U.S. has been at war 225 out of 246 years since 1776. Imagine how many innocent children and their parents were killed or wounded in those 225 years. How many children lost the chance to live their God given lives? Why? What can be more cruel than war? What can be more evil than warmongers?

US Citizen living in HK said...

Lots of Americans would not agree with the evil actions by their government. Unfortunately, most of them are brainwashed by the US media's selective, biased reporting.
There are some truthful voices, but they are ignored by most. Lots of Americans are too lazy, or too afraid to want to know the facts. In
addition, there's a whole ecosystem of people whose livelihood, friends, benefits, children, future, all rely on the Military Industrial Complex. Their selfness cover up their conscience.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, US Citizen living in HK.