China, like Russia, is indeed preparing for an unavoidable war with the USA. That is a clear indication from what the Chinese are now doing, upping their defence budget. Many believe the Chinese defence budget, in reality, is much more than reported officially. China's response to USA antagonism and threats are no more cordial or friendly, its warning crisp and clear, since Anchorage, Alaska. And China had been building up its defence capabilities and retaliatory potential over the last couple of years, knowing the USA could launch a pre-emptive strike at any time. Since tensions escalated under Trump, China knows that this confrontation with USA cannot now be avoided.
The Chinese knew that the USA had, many a time, from leaked documents, wanted to nuke China on the sly, and I believe China has made this threat one of its priorities in making preparations. The Chinese knew that the USA is aware that the window of opportunity for the USA to be able to take down China is closing fast, and the USA had to make a move, the target date already established as 2025.
China's defence budget may be dwarfed by the USA, but do not be mistaken. While the USA had to spend an enormouse slice of its budget on upkeeping its forces spread over the almost thousand military bases worldwide, and thus a much more expensive upkeep compared to China's spending on its forces at home.
The real bang for the buck is that China is spending much of its defence budget on building and upgrading missiles, planes, warships and submarines, and doing it much more cheaply than what the USA is spending on building such military equipment. The Chinese do not have to pay US$640 for a toilet seat like the Pentagon, and that tells you the corruption that has infested the Pentagon, and the astronomical waste that the USA is dealing with under their defence budget. That so much money is going into irrelevant black holes, and into defence contractor's pocket, he real comparison is difficult to gauge just looking at comparative costs on both sides.
The Pentagon therefore has to generate threats and instigate conflicts in order to continue with asking for more and more funding for its expenditure, and the USA Government has to pass a bigger and bigger budget for defence every year. This is the same modus operandi as funding the US budget deficit, with fiat money printing unable to keep up with unrestrained spending.

The primary target of the US' massive military spending - $835 billion defense budget for the 2024 fiscal year - is China. The US is obviously aiming at maintaining an overwhelming military advantage over China in the long term, including having the absolute certainty of defeating the People's Liberation Army in China's offshore waters.
China won't engage in an arms race with the US, but needs to formulate and improve its own military development plan, achieving more with less, and form an asymmetrical, but sufficiently effective deterrent against the US with a military budget and total military force smaller than the US'. Beijing has no intention of confronting the US in the Pacific, Indian, or the Atlantic Ocean, but must ensure that its military capabilities in China's offshore waters overwhelm the overall military capabilities that the US and its allies can mobilize in this region. The military posture in this region must fundamentally change over time. China will invest as much military budget and other resources as necessary to achieve this goal. This is not an arms race with the US, but a legitimate and just measure to address China's national security.
The US military budget is aimed at global hegemony, but there are many factors in regional military games that cannot be replaced by global games. In the waters near China, whether it is a naval battle or an aerial battle, it is difficult for the US to extend its reach, so the US military's confidence has been shaken in winning over PLA in the Taiwan Straits and in the South China Sea. China will eventually strip them of this confidence completely.
Being the world's second strongest country is inevitably full of risks, especially when the No.1 country is a thorough imperialist, China cannot afford to be even slightly lax in its military preparedness, or will lose the overall game. At the same time, China cannot walk into the dead end of a comprehensive arms race with the US, as it will be a hopeless dead end. China needs to have sufficient military power to deter the US from its wild ambition of engaging in military blackmail against China, and force the US to compete with China in non-military areas, where the strategic game between the two countries is ultimately decided. This pattern has already begun to take shape, and what China needs to do is to continue to strengthen this pattern, and finally let diligence and wisdom determine who is stronger and who is weaker between China and the US in the future.
[ Global Times ]
US already prepare the grounds to sanction the Chinese by hinting China is supply ammo to Russia: (47.53 mins into the utube clip)
Hi All,
China as the Chinese Mentalites of the old smart smart ones will NOT boast and disclosed to you imbeciles all their strengths and secrets.
Their REAL Military Strength are kept in secret without boasts so as to keep the enemies guessings and also the Art of War by deceits.
A Kung Fu Master will have a few tactics to overwhelm their disclipies in the case they go rougue and wanted to kill their Masters.
Just like Scott Ritter said Russia now does NOT real fought in a REAL war now with Urukiane.
REAL war meant they will go out to kill and palayalse their enemies. All communications will be dead by their electronics war equipments.
Putin can easily killed that ZelenSkky in his Senate or Parliament when he really wanted to.
Also that Bidamn had to sound Putin of his visit to Keyiv when Putin can shoot down his plane.
China's capabilites in their Space's now far more superior than the West had also their Military Warfare in the skies.
The Americunts will be caught napping thinking that they can contain China in just the SCSeas and with South Korea, Japan and Australia and ahem Sinikland.
All their Capital and cities would be in flames.
Also now definetely there is a sort of NOT disclosed military pact with Putin that in the case of an all out War, Russia would be also in to join the fun.
Won't be surprised that North Korea also. As this will be a WWIII.
If NOT why now CHINA is talking loud and clear and in a way warned the UassA and their cronies and lackeys and their balls carrying vassals doggies?
China knew that the UAssA with their Wars Mongerings Genes would NOT be at peace with them and the only sure way is to beat the daylights out of them and hopefully without going Necular able to once and for all make sure that the West be well behaved and be good obident doggies in the future.
China is secretly confident with all their Military Powers kept in the dark to whack the Barbarians.
The main plan just to lull the enemies that they are supposed to be weaker and also fearful and humble and wanted peace.
These barbarians are going to fall into their traps of HELL if they dared wanted to fight China.
Sun Tze's Art of WAR by been appearing to be weak and in the deceits that they could be beaten thence been beaten severally.
Aiya Chao Chou epic the "Red Cliff" of how they defeated their enemies of one to ten.
Just to add President Xi is meeting Putin soon and the UAssA and their cronies Allies are shits scared that they be in secret talks of military pacts etc as now they even held military exercises together.
The UAssA knew that these two were to be joined together their Military and the No Action Talk Only Soft legged and all depended on the Americunts so called Mafias Protection are NO match for Russia and.China.
Even with all the balance doggies military forces.
Kim of North Korea would definitely be very happy to join the Party and have a wild time for their vengeance and bottled up emotions.
So that daft ASEAN will have two options:
Firstly joined the UAssA led against China and Russia and North Korea and be toasted to cinders.
Two: Better bet just simply open your lampar golden mouths and tell off the Western Barbarians to fark off from this region
Many still thought aiya long way to go lah maybe things would change for the better.
Why the Blonde And Blond and Red Hair public and otherwise are now protesting so widely because they feared Deaths as Putin is a no nonsense man and withdrawn from the Necular Pact so that he could also exterminate all in the case that Russia 's survival is at stake.
The daft Asians would only start the same when War is imminent here as they will also wake up and start wayanging as they also feared that their public back hair would also be burned to dust.
Looking at the situation in Ukraine, the Satanic Cult is bringing in more and more ridiculous accusations to demonise Russia, while forgeting that it is going to hit them back in the face. Now instigating the unrest in Georgia and trying to open up another front against Russia.
Who would swallow the claim that Russia is cruel and unjustified in launching missile strikes on Ukraine? Cruel and unjustified by whose definition? Isn't the USA's actions in Vietnam, Iraq, Libya and Yugoslavia by using carpet bombing not more cruel and unjustisfied in itself, killing probably millions of innocent women and children? And they think they are angelic and trying to tell the world that what they did was justifiable, while wanting to demonise the Russians using what constitutes cruelty and unjustified strikes on Ukraine. The USA and Nato have not a shred of moral authority to accuse any other country of cruel and unjustified action by striking another in a war, when it is blatantly doing even worse than that itself.
Not only that, the carpet bombing kills more innocent civilians than what the Russians did in Ukraine during that one year of strikes. And what did the UN or other world bodies say about those carpet bombing atrocities? Not cruel and justified?
Ostensibly, the most cruel and unjustified action by the USA was the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam, that killed and crippled thousands of innocent civilians. The fact is Agent Orange is still having its effect on generations of Vietnamese, and till today, serious birth defects are being observed and recorded. Tell me, what else is more cruel and unjustified than this?
The world should just gauge the USA and its cruel hegmonic rule over the rest of the countries by looking at its actions and deeds over the last 70 odd years. It is the only country to have used nuclear weapons against another. It is also the only country that uses biological weapons on a massive scale against another country, and both actions causing untold harm to its people.
To prevent more instability caused by the CIA operators, every country should set up hit squad to take out all the CIA, NED and NGO operators.
These troublemakers must not be allowed to operate freely to destabilise countries. Do whatever to clean them out.
Every country must declare war on CIA. Why are they allowing these troublemakers to operate freely in their countries to destabilise them? They must be treated as terrorists like the Americans declaring that Muslim groups are terrorists, even the Iranian Nationa Guards.
The CIA operators are terrorists and must be terminated with extreme prejudice.
Just a sample of the activities of CIA and USA funded NGOs - now trying to destablise India, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand and Georgia. They already have suceeded in Pakistan and Sri Lanka among countries in Asia. They failed in Kazakhstan after intervention by Russia.
Middle East oil producers are their next target.
The CIA has been touted as the 'Assassination Arm' of the USA. If that is not already a terrorist organisation, what is it?
USA are afraid of tiktok as they are afraid of backdoor stealing their data. CIA for donkey years had been stealing datas from all Americans and the rest of the world throu backdoors of their softwares. With these types of mindsets, USA had becomes physchotics. Madness no medicine to cure.
at this juncture with the US’ frenetic running-up war preparations for its declared deadline of commencing war on China by 2025, we see before our eyes its early casualties are the American people as its domestic quality of life is hollowing-out apace, resulting in its deteriorating economic infrastructure, social and cultural degeneration and political dysfunction. This mindless burning of the candle at both ends by the ruling-class for a war America cannot win can only culminate in a catastrophic defeat, unprecedented suffering and misery, and the final historic demise of a civilizational aberration. With the likelihood of a nuclear WW3 the presumptuousness of American hubris is highjacking the fate of the world.
Silicon Valley Bank has collapsed. This is just the beginning. There will be widespread contagion effect.
American stock market and financial system would be hit.
Iran and Saudi Arabia to re-establish relations in deal solely brokered by China is surprise big historical news. Note the timing of the announcement coming just after Xi Jinping confirmed third term rule, and has great global geopolitical implications.
On the surface they said it is a good step for Iran and Saudi Arabia to mend ties, but read more into the issue and some of the comments saying that this has implications for the USA. In that case, will the USA sabotage the peace plan brokered, by of all people, the Chinese? They did that in Ukraine when Russia tried to talk peace to Ukraine in the early stage of the war.
China is the best country to pull this off, since Saudi Arabia is now promoting ties with China and Iran is doing likewise in trade and other co-operation with China.
Now, on another issue, how about China or Russia selling nuclear submarines to Iran since the USA and the West are proliferating the spread of nuclear weapons with the sale of nuclear submarines to Australia. Oh, yes, such submarines are needed to ensure Iran's security in the Persian Gulf and also to protect China's port in Southern Iran. Perfectly valid reasons, more than arming Australia with nuclear submarines to confront China, thousand of miles away.
Nowadays, everything, every alliance, every visit by every USA and attack dog leaders and lesser leaders is all about confronting China. Nothing more, nothing less. African leaders are sick and tired of the West, saying that when Western leaders visit Africa, they want to talk only about China.
Former senior U.S. and U.N. official Jeffrey Feltman said China's role, rather than the re-opening of embassies after six years, was the most significant aspect of the agreement.
"This will be interpreted - probably accurately - as a slap at the Biden administration and as evidence that China is the rising power," said Feltman, a fellow at the Brookings Institution.
Some in Washington say the deal benefits the U.S. as it allows its military firepower to be shifted out of a more stable Middle East to Asia to counter China.
The Americans have been the devil in sowing discords and mistrust in the Middle east, agitating all the Arab and Muslim states to be at wars with each other. Every Arab and Muslim state would at one point or another be at war with its neighbours.
China is doing the opposite, to mend ties among the Arab and Muslim states. Once there is peace, the Americans would be out of the business of wars. Surely the Americans would not allow that to happen and would be trying their best to make them fight forever.
Israel will be made to play a major part in creating false flag incidents to make the Arabs and Muslims fight and kill each other. Hopefully the Arabs and Muslims are now fully aware of what is going on and would not be exploited to go to kill each other again.
Let there be peace in the Middle East and among the Arab and Muslim countries.
Israel is already hysterical over the Iran/Saudi attempts to improve ties brokered by the Chinese. It will undoubtedly be the proxy to sabotage the deal, which can simply be done using a false flag.
If Iran and Saudi Arabia does patch up, Israel is no longer useful as the prominent trouble maker for the USA in the Middle East against Iran and other Middle Eastern States. It was always the motive set by the USA for Israel to counter Iran primarily, with all the Israeli threats against Iran's nuclear facilities.
Palestine's threat to Israel is not the main issue, as Palestine is relatively weak to be of any threat to the Israelis. Iran is a potential nuclear power. Going nuclear is no problem for them, but that will pose a threat to Israel and the USA. Reining in a nuclear armed Iran would then be even more difficult than North Korea.
Beside Silicon Valley Bank, another US bank has also collapsed. Silvergate Bank is in voluntary liquidation two days ago. This bank was earlier tipped to go under after the FTX fiasco. Will there be more to come.
I hope the UAssA will run out of money so that peace is secured!
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