Washington is demanding that the app’s Chinese owners sell their stake, company representatives have said

FILE PHOTO. The TikTok logo is displayed outside a TikTok office in Culver City, California. © Getty Images / Mario Tama
Washington has urged TikTok’s Chinese owners to divest their stakes in the popular video app or face a potential US-wide ban, representatives of ByteDance – the company behind the platform – told various media outlets on Wednesday.
TikTok spokesperson Brooke Oberwetter told the Wall Street Journal, which first broke the story, that the Beijing-based company had received the ultimatum from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS). It’s part of the US Treasury Department and is officially tasked with overseeing national security risks in cross-border investments.
ByteDance, which was founded in Beijing in 2012, has pointed out that 60% of its shares are currently owned by global investors, 20% by employees, and 20% by its founders, who also carry outsize voting rights. RT
The evil American Empire is showing its fangs everywhere, fighting wars, agitating for wars, sanctions, daylight robbery, inciting riots and destabilising countries, selling arms, nuclear proliferation etc etc. After losing many sectors in the tech war to China, failing to cripple Huawei, losing in the chip war, it is not giving up. Now it is going after TikTok, a very popular and easy to use software for people to express themselves in very creative ways. Again the evil Americans are waving the security threat flag to demonise TikTok where every young Americans are using it and enjoying every bit of it. No, this is not allowed.
Other than the security threat, the evil American Administration is angry that the users are spending too much time on TikTok, but ok to spend time on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc and other American software. What a load of shit!
Where is the freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom to live and play in this fake democracy but an authoritarian evil Empire, curtailing the freedom of its own people. And this curb in freedom is extended to other AngloSaxon tribe countries. Ban TikTok because the Americans are sour losers. When they can't compete, break it. This is what the evil American Empire is best at.
Are they going to stop using Chinese made cranes in their ports? Are they going to stop selling Chinese consumer goods and toys in Walmarts? Where is World Trade Organisation to stop these violations of free trade? Where are the champions of freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of choice, freedom to play?
More than a hundred million Americans are happily using TikTok. Are they going to take this abusive authoritarian ruling without a fight? Would they be demonstrating in the streets for their freedom, individual rights? And this is America, supposedly the home of democracy. Where is democracy, where is human rights, where is freedom?
Everything is politicised, everything is weaponised. America is now an authoritarian state, an evil Empire, not a democracy. The power of the deep state is eating up everyone and everything in America, the biggest fake democracy.
It was easy for the Americans to destroy and rob Japanese and European countries. But China is a different kettle of fish. All the lies and abuse of power would not make any difference. The more the Americans try to suppress China, China would only grow stronger. TikTok would survive just like Huawei and gets stronger by the day. Good stuff would always be in demand and no lies can bring it down.
PS. One good thing about using TikTok is that the American govt cannot spy on you. This is actually the main reason why they want to ban it or steal/rob it from its owners.
Goof morning All
Before they can collapse Tik Tock, they themselves will collapses Spon.
Fourth Banks bankruptcy.
Tip of the iceberg.
Poor Woman Janet Yellen in a Daze.
Retribution Retributions
Urukiane warned countries that do NOT support them.
So, for the same reason that they cannot spy on allies using Huawei 5G, thus banning it, they are making up the same fake security issues to put TikTok away. Then they can keep spying using their own 4G and 5G enabled spying backdoors, against each other and against Scholz, Macron, Sunak, Baerbock etc etc.
But this will make Huawei and TikTok even more determined and stronger. What does not kill you makes you stronger, right? As a good example, sanctions failed to destroy North Korea and makes it stronger. Now a nuclear power, with nuclear capable missiles, fired from nuclear powered submarines.
As Paul Keating said, nuclear powered submarines with nuclear weapons are reserved for second strike response capabilities against any pre-emptive strikes that may destroy all land based missile sites. Threats of this nature by the USA puts countries like Russia, China and North Korea on alert over the need to build more nuclear powered submarines with nuclear weapons as deterrents. China did not disappoint with the number of nuclear subs now being built. That is not a threat to anyone, but just a good counter against any threat, clear and simple. Why is China's expansion of its nuclear powered submarines fleet considered a threat given its need to protect its vast territory, so said Keating.
Going..going..soon-to-be-gone for good:Iran-Saudi Rapprochement Will Deal A Deathblow To The Dollar
The bloc’s de facto Saudi leader has been prioritizing a comprehensive economic reform policy known as “Vision 2030” that was introduced by Crown Prince and first-ever Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) upon his rise to power in 2015. It regrettably stumbled as a result of the disastrous Yemeni War that he’s been waging since that same year, but everything is now back on track and more promising than ever after securing $50 billion worth of investments from China last December.
The People’s Republic regards Vision 2030 as complementary to its Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) due to MBS’ focus on real-sector investments for preemptively diversifying the Saudi economy away from its presently disproportionate dependence on oil exports. His country’s location at the crossroads of Afro-Eurasia also makes investments there extremely attractive from the perspective of China’s logistical interests, hence its massive commitment to his comprehensive economic reform policy.
That’s still a far way’s off, if it even happens at all that is, but it nevertheless can’t be ruled out. Saudi Arabia’s desire to join BRICS and the SCO, which are the most influential multipolar organizations in the world right now, could turn this scenario into a reality a lot sooner than even the most optimistic observers might have expected. All of this in and of itself will herald a revolution in geo-economic affairs, and that’s even without Saudi Arabia having yet to throw its full support behind the “petroyuan”.
Once this major oil exporter begins to sell its resources in non-dollar-denominated currencies like China’s, then the petrodollar upon which the economic-financial aspect of the US’ unipolar hegemony is predicated will be dealt a deathblow.
Considering this newfound financial context, there’s no doubt that upcoming Saudi moves in support of the petroyuan that are taken in coordination with Iran and Russia would catalyze the next natural phase of de-dollarization.
That Beijing-brokered deal makes this outcome an inevitability unless some subversive black swan event takes place such as a US-backed coup against MBS, though that’s unlikely to happen after he successfully consolidated his power in late 2017. With this in mind, it can confidently be declared that that last week’s development will be seen in hindsight as a game-changer.
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If Iran and Saudi remain at peace, that is a great chance for China to invest especially in Ports around the Persian Gulf. China is already helping Iran to develop Chabahar Port in South Eastern Iran and surely the Saudis would not want to be left behind. The setting aside of hostilities between Iran and Saudi Arabia will lead to better co-operation around the region with China leading the development. That is a win win situation for Iran, Saudi Arabia and China as well.
Understand that there is a United Nonsense ICJ Warrant for the Arrest of Putin.
War Crimes? Wah piang no ICJ Arrests Warrants for the Mafia Chief the UAssA and their lackeys the Western Barbarians and NATO for their REAL War Crimes in so Wars round the World.
Disband the United Nonsense, the IMF aka IamFinished and WHOs Whos the imbeciles.
Those MFs who are so proud to announce that they are GI aka Gila Insane and CSM aka CheeSaiMafudet are mostly ex Parasites Useless Bums who thought that they are Warriors just because they wore Military Fatigue and undergone some waste time and resources taxpayers monies in their Useless monkeys runs and thoughts that they are like Hang Tuahs and Hang Jebats aka Cha Liats.
Just like mostly the insane Americunts Useless Bums and Parasites who are fed on Taxpayers monies and out only for killing and murdering those are defenceless against them.
When they are not murdering and killing then they go insane and started killing their own in schools and everywhere.
Mostly became deranged and needed Mental Institutions to Straits jackets them.
Best solution to have them in chains and in the fields doing farming to atone all their Useless Sins and at least be of some use to feed the World's hungry.
This applies to all those servicemen and women except the PRCs PLA who are there to protect their Mother Land and also some time saviors to their peoples in all other disasters.
Sinkies Land ones aiya lau kue the worst.
"More than a hundred million Americans are happily using TikTok. Are they going to take this abusive authoritarian ruling without a fight?"
The majority of Americans using TikTok are probably below age 35 and likely to be anti establishment.
New voters from age 18 onwards can decide the fate of many politicians who have no ability to connect with them. Politicians like Biden and those of his ilk will be deemed an embarrassment.
- Although the federal voting age is 18, 18 states and Washington, D.C., allow those who are 17, but will be 18 by the general election, to vote in primaries.
Not just cannot spy. It's all about the Money !!!!
Ads revenue for FB IG Twitter is reducing due to massive upsurge in TikTok usage by young Muricunts.
The politicians, cronies, gahmen wants a share of this money, that is going to China, hence the force sell.
Usa may consider banning many products with possible spying devices from China : starting with Solar panels, Christmas trees, toilet bowls, pillows, smart TV. Spying devices can be installed in them. Physcotic syndromes embeddment happens already.
US never like there is peace and in
Middle East, definitely try means to sabotage, making use of Ukraine
Nazi attack Saudi and blame it on Iran
So watch out
Sore loser is one thing. Where they cannot compete with you, they take you down with fabricated claims and accusations. You cannot be better than them. That is one reason they are losing the technological edge to China.
There is a big market opening up for China with the BRI linkup and expanding BRICS, coupled with Central and Latin America, Africa and Middle East getting more progressive. USA can ban everything from China and use only expensive stuff from Europe or made by themselves. USA is a very rich country.
For all the US government agencies may know; China may be using Chinese made toilet paper to spy on US....������
Time to ban the use of all toilet paper in US..just to be sure!
How The World At Large Sees Things
The speed with which Washington deligitimizes the remnants of the West's institutions is astonishing. It also explains what REAL influence Russia and her SMO provide on the rest of the world.
'As part of the new payment system launched last year, Indonesian President Joko Widodo called on Wednesday for his country to abandon the use of foreign payment networks like MasterCard and Visa and encouraged the public to adopt credit cards made by domestic banks. At a local business gathering, Widodo emphasized that "everyone [in Indonesia] should be able to use" Indonesian-manufactured credit cards so that "we can be independent," as he explained that the aim is to avoid risking transactions in case of a geopolitical disruption that could economically affect the country.'
We need to check now if Indonesia has human rights abuses, enough "democracy", or has WMD, wink, wink. Though, after what NATO saw in 404 with Russia fighting there with one left hand, I doubt they have any desire to get into the nation with population of 270 million and do the Island Hopping. This is just one of very many signs of a global tectonic shift in perception of the West.
China's initiatives, as well as Xi's visit to Moscow, apart from obvious huge practical significance for both sides and, by extension, for BRICS, serves also a good ol' truism, attributed to JFK, that "victory has hundred fathers, while defeat is always an orphan".
As SMO demonstrated fully--the fact which many observers fail to grasp--political-diplomatic dances are not substitution for the practical military results achieved by people who fight. Especially in the realities of the warfare of the 21st century. Quoting Den Xiaoping: "diplomacy is the extension of the war by other, peaceful means".
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