
New World Order to replace the White Men's World Order

The UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank, WTO etc etc were all designed for the white men to rule the world in their interests and under their dictate. The G7, used to be G8, is a white men's club. The non whites would not be admitted no matter how rich or successful they are. Japan is classified as whites by the white men, all ex colonial powers. The US has made it clear, this world belongs to the white men. They are the masters of the world. No country is allowed to be better than them, to supercede them and be more successful than them. Any country attempting to do so would be put down by all means, unethical, slimy, cheating, lying, covert and overt subversions including wars of aggression. That is the white men's world order and white men's rule of law.

Many non white countries are now stronger, richer and more successful than white countries but still being kept outside of the white men's door. On the other hand, many bankrupt white men countries are still members of their exclusive white men's club, pretending to be rich and powerful. The number of rich and successful non white countries now outnumbered the white men's club and would not accept the white men's rule of law and white men's World Order.

The Ukraine crisis, the reckless weaponisation of the US dollar, the weaponisation of the international banking system, SWIFT, criminal acts of robbing nations' savings in bank deposits, daylight robbery of funds and assets of individuals, unjustified unilateral sanctions etc etc have reached a breaking point. A New World Order is taking shape to detach and replace the white men's World Order.

A new G8 has been formed with members like Russia, China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Iran, Mexico and Turkey to show the way as the new rich non white countries taking centrestage in world affairs.  The process of dedollarisation is moving quickly to sweep aside the American dollar hegemony. An alternative international banking system, CIPS, is already in place to replace the SWIFT system.

The AIIB, New Development Bank or BRICS Bank would increasingly replace the World Bank and IMF.

The American controlled UN would soon have a parallel world body for countries that are tired of living under the oppression and coercion of the Americans and the West. It would be a world body where every country is equal and no one country would dominate, bully and dictate to other members. The world would be divided between the white men countries and the non white countries. The white men can no longer deceive the world by using international world bodies to oppress countries they victimised and demonised as enemies in the name of the international community.

The world will have two parallel systems and organisations, the white men's World Order and the New World Order of the non white countries. Small countries would have better choices to be free to decide what is best for their people when no big powers can dominate and control the world for its own interests and agenda. Non white countries need not have to wait outside the doors of white men's organisations, waiting dismissively to be invited in for good behaviour, ie, to be willing lapdogs and lackeys of white men countries. They would take the place of the white men in new international organisations to decide and do what is necessary for their own good, to be equals among equals, not subordinated to white men.

It is happening. A more just and equitable World Order. The non white countries must set the agenda and narrative for the world, not the few white countries. A New World Order would mean the non white countries can breathe easier, live with more respect and dignity, and have a real chance of living better.

Thanks for the reset. Thanks to Covid19. Thanks to Ukraine. Thanks to Putin and Xi for standing up to the world's number one menace, the USA and the West. The non white countries must not miss this opportunity to work for the New World Order. This is the second chance given to them to make it happen.


Anonymous said...

Since the beginning of Chinese Civilization thousands of years ago Chinese philosophers and sages have been telling the Chinese people that throughout the six oceans and six continents all men are brothers. But in the white countries their wild savage religious leaders have for hundreds of years claim that they are the chosen one of God and therefore superior to all other non-white people. In their militant religious doctrine"The Doctrine of Christian Discovery" they even justified their claim by quoting Chapters and verses from their religious book - the bible. They claim their God ask them to go out and multiply their people and to go to non-white countries who are not of their same faith to conquer them, take over their lands and kill their people and take over all their wealth, riches and resources. What an effrontery and arrogant claim? With that wild claim they have abused god and the religion.

God is now very sad and Angry with savage white people now and is going to punish them now and thereafter to destroy them if they cannot change their diabolical and cruel way of behaviour towards other races.

Eagles Eyes SG

Anonymous said...

The energy of 1.4 billion hardworking Chinese cannot be suppressed and will send the spoilt Anglo Saxons to history sewage gutters . . .

Anonymous said...

I could not subdue my laughter at the extent of how dishonest those people in Washington and Brussels are, and inventing lies far from reality. Perhaps they are hoping nobody is aware of their lies and paying much attention.

Ursula von der Leyen could not be lying more openly through her teeth by declaring that Ukraine joining the EU is a dream for them to enjoy. What planet is she living on? Even Hedge Funds are now betting heavily against the EU countries' economy improving going forward. A bad dream or a nightmare would be more appropriate for Ukraine. Right now the EU countries are facing a nightmare themselves this coming winter.

Germany and some other EU countries were thinking of building up their stockpiles of gas and oil from Russia for the winter, before they completely ban imports of Russian oil and gas, and then with those reserves they can claim how successful they have been getting rid of Russian oil and gas. Man can propose, but it is God that disposes.

Now Russia has reduced the flow of gas to Europe, in particular Germany and they are panicking and this is undoubtedly putting a brake on their stockpiling. Significantly there was really a disruption in the Nord Steam 1 pipeline due to a faulty component made by Siemens, that had to be sent to Canada for repairs. Now, it looks like Canada is holding Russia hostage, on the surface at least, by refusing to return the component based on the argument that the sanctions forbid them from doing so. That posture is unwittingly doing more damage to Germany and the EU than Russia. Putin will just sit out and wait and just putting the ball in Canada's court. You see, this is the consequence of not thinking through the consequences and creating more problems for themselves by their own arrogance. Inevitably it is also creating friction between Canada and Germany indirectly. They have no plausible reasons to blame Russia for the gas cut. It is hilarious claiming that the West is united when it is already showing signs of cracking and falling apart.

Another really hilarious drama unfolding must be Biden's upcoming trip to Saudi Arabia. There are factions in Washington creating hysteria against the visit on the grounds that Biden is bowing to a Dictator by begging him to produce more oil. Anybody could see that this was the real reason for the trip. Now Biden is trying to wriggle his way out by saying that meeting the Saudi Prince is not the important thing, but what he is going to talk to him about is more important. Can you understand the fallacy of that argument?

Not meeting the Saudi Prince face to face, can Biden talk to him, after the Prince refused to answer his phone calls twice? So, is meeting him not more important than what they want to talk to him about? Sure there are important issues to be trashed out, like asking for more oil and coercing the Prince from selling oil to China in Yuan. Biden is now caught between a rock and a hard place and is trying to wriggle his way out. They are now trying desperately to avoid shooting their own foot for what whey did earlier, and even lifting some sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, which is not going to help. Iran and Venezuela know this is only temporary relief by the West and sanctions will be re-imposed once the energy situation stabilised with their help. They are not that foolish. After all now large and small oil producers are reaping in the harvest and laughing their way to the bank, so why would the Middle Eastern producers want to kill the goose that lay the golden eggs.

Anonymous said...

Do watch the hilarious video on The Jimmy Dore Show on Youtube titled 'Biden doesn't know why he is going to Saudi Arabia'.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

In any case, the New World Order shall be going through and doing well, no matter what.

The old archaic Whitemen-dominated lawless rule of law shall be avoided and shunned. Such one-sided lawless rule of law are doomed to fail. In the past, without the Internet, Whitemen's lies were not easily exposed. Nowadays, however, the Whitemen's lies are being exposed each and everyday, without fail, through the Internet.

The whole world has now awakened. Although there are still some idiotic leaders of balls-squeezed countries, who are obediently following in the cues of the evil USA Empire, the majority of the World has already awakened. These countries will now follow the New World Order, set forth by China, India, Russia, Turkey, etc. There is no turning back.

Anonymous said...

The fact that much of the world has awakened is the reason why they are so nervous of China's influence extending so widely, from South America to South Africa and Pacific Islands. They are not winning the propaganda war in cyberspace and are waging a silencing war against those who tell the truth. Many such sites are now banned by Youtube, Twitter, Facebook (Meta now) etc.

That begs the question - Is enhancing global influence just the monopoly and prerogative of the USA and the West and any country wishing to gather more influence must be given permission by them to do to? Why is China's wish to help countries to progress and thus enhancing it's influence creating such a hysteria in the eyes of the Whites?

Anonymous said...

Why is China having a naval base in Cambodia ruffling so much feathers, even for the Indians?

Why is no one raising concerns with the USA's almost a thousand military and naval bases spread all round the world which they quietly build up over the decades? The whole world has been so well brain-washed about Chinese threats that they now cannot think rationally and are delusional.

Virgo49 said...


Russia should have fire a missle and send them all to HELL.

Anonymous said...

Russia is pulling in US$800 million per day selling oil and gas, more money than before the Ukraine Liberation. Russia is now more worried about the strength of the Ruble and does not want it to go up further.

Japan on the other hand is worried about the Yen going down. Funny world.

Anonymous said...

The cast of Three Stooges. Larry went to Kyiv to meet Moe. Jock is going to meet MBS.

The result? Much ado about nothing.

Virgo49 said...

This type of news also must reported.
All must looked up to the UAssA like God Father.
Even he farts how many times also must report?
UAssA die all the whole world also die?
They increased their what's stupid rate also sinkies die?
All so dependent on them?
Time for a Change NOT to be under their bakckmail and be servile to them
A NEW World Order.

Anonymous said...

Hope your kiasuland doesn't continue to lick UAssA.... :)

Anonymous said...

Some people are very proud in licking white men's asses. You can see that in the Shangila Dialogue.

Anonymous said...

Singapore host USA nuclear weapons - Russia has it in her target

Anonymous said...

As far as I understand, Bible never mention about conquering the world or encourage the white to do so.
Instead Bible encourage to spread the love of God for salvation.
The mind of conquest & colonization always carry along the under line of greed & inferior complex.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tips...will search for this video..... Joey's foolish blunders are nice to watch...๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Anonymous said...

You are right, the Bible never said, stated or any other ways the Whites were the chosen people. This is how rumors and fake news are transmitted and reposted by vile ones.
God had chosen the Jews and the rest of the people are predestined according to His will.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Agreed. The white fart is not smelly

Anonymous said...


S. Vasudevan said...

The days of white supremacy is over and it is becoming a multi-color world, like a beautiful rainbow. Whites are no more masters of colored ones. All of us have our place in this earth. Let us be happy and thankful for that.

Unfortunately, some among us are trying to become / become new masters in place of white masters. They use their skin color - similar to ours - as tool to brainwash and control us. The oppression and bullying of the weak and poor ones is not changing -only the skin color of oppressor is changing.

We shouldn’t allow this, as autocrats are attempting to take over the country everywhere in the name of nationalism. They are worse than kingdoms, as genuine kings rarely stashed their wealth overseas.

Value freedom and don’t let anyone take it away in any name.. Then, your children and grandchildren will continue to be slaves and controlled by new masters - with same skin color.

Anonymous said...

Western Colonialists like the British used religion as their moral cause to subdue and exploit Asian and African communities . The US followed suit later on with their Manifest Destiny. It is not vile nor fake but a historical fact that has been swept under the rug under an existing Western-dominated World Order

Anonymous said...

WRONG - hold the champagne. The NWO is a billionaire association managed thru the WEF, designed to rule the ENTIRE world. It's the Global Colonist. As the world becomes digital, they who own the digital technology control the entire world.

Don't think for a moment that you will lead a normal life under the NWO. If you are in the league of service providers to the NWO elites, you will be tolerated only if you are totally obedient. This means you have no individuality, no freedom to choose. If you are not involved in the chain of service to the NWO elite, you are superfluous.

A prominent paradigm of the NWO is, you will own nothing and you will like it. Prepare yourself - something evil this way comes.

Anonymous said...

So damn true. It will be the same story repeated with whoever is in power...new or old.

Anonymous said...

There are two New World Order in the making. One is being created by the BRICS countries to be an alternative to the present corrupt world order controlled by the Americans.

The Americans knew that this world order is no longer acceptable by the rest of the world. So they are also harping about a NWO.

The two NWOs will be different. One would be a replica of the present no matter how the Americans want to paint it, will be just as corrupt and controlled by the Americans.

The other NWO would be totally new, by a new group of countries, and would set many things more equitable and fair to the rest of the world. It would be any time better than the American fake NWO. It would serve the new world for a good period of time before it suffers the same fate. But it would be good for a while, to replace the American and AngloSaxon schemes of things, just like a new government.

Betty Ng said...

Well said

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Betty.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is time to act. The East can never forget the past history of being colonised physically by the West for centuries.....enslaved, robbed murdered, plundered, tortured, raped, sold as commodity, you named it...all sorts of human rights violations. With G8 and the New World Order, the East shall get back our self respect and human dignity.

Anonymous said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mankind is divided, disunited, at war with one another & in constant conflicts, ALL bcos of the NARCISSISTIC & ENVIOUS & MONEY-PULATIVE GREED & POWER CRAZINESS OF POLITICIANS & RELIGIOUS BIGOTS!!!

Matthew said...

And Singapore is US lapdog

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I have read above. It's brilliant.

Anonymous said...

The answer is… most of us have been MANIPULATED by the West ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ

Anonymous said...

Sorry but majority of us Americans didn't vote for Biden. And way too many of us are mixed races this shouldn't be white men vs other races. It should be good vs evil. We are all the same just different ethnicities. Those of us that are mixed don't fit in anywhere we aren't just one race. There are terrible people in control and yes they do and say things that so not represent the majority of population. Most of us just want peace and to be able to provide for our families without the struggle it's becoming. The people who should be targeted are corrupt politicians, and people in positions of power. We are tired of it and don't expect it to last much longer before the government is overgrown. Many of us want sovereign communities. We don't agree with what our government is doing to us.

Anonymous said...

Agree that not all Americans or white men support the American politicians in their pursuit of world hegemony and the unceasing wars and killings. The using of the term 'white men' is just a generalisation. Unfortunately the majority of the Americans, white, blacks, latinos, or mixed, do subscribe to the dominance of the American Empire and the bullying and domination over the rest of the world. In Ukraine, the Americans even bullied the rest of the Europeans to do their biddings to go to war with the Russians.

Those rooting for a peaceful world is a small minority. The coloured people have suffered for centuries under the European powers. The poor native Americans, African slaves and their descendants, the exploitation of the Muslims and Arabs to fight and kill each other.

Now against the Russians and the Chinese. These last two categories would not be that easy now and a showdown is about to begin and it is not going to end up good for the white men again. They have pushed their luck too far and the rest of the world is rising against them.

Anonymous said...

We are not all savage white peopleand wecertainly don't agree with the bidens and obamas and clintons of this world we want them gone as much as the east does, and to my way of thinging "We are all pink on the insides" most people I know ar sick to death of americas leaders and the UK to we look forward to sharing a world with e very skin colour under the son, my own daughter is mixed race some of us value everybody and not one person be cause of the colour of their skin and as for our churches i agree with everything here they have used religion for long enough our churches are ful of people who think they are better than everyone else in their communities and they help none of their poor at all and as a result many are like me we keep God personal to us and pray in our own time and don't follow any rules set out in a book we follow rules of the heart and decency and kindness, to be kind and try to help anyone who may need it if we can and so please do not tar us all in the west with the same brush because that couldn't be further from the truth, they don't just abuse coloured people they do it with their own as well were i come from in the west justice is only for poor people our rich never face any.....Godbless and long life to all glad i could air my view here andI'm proud to be amongst you guys :)