
The Anglo-Saxons led by US & UK are intent on world domination over non-white countries.

    China is now the bulwark and stumbling block preventing and deterring the United States and its Western European allies from dominating the world once more in hegemonic white imperialism and colonialism. So the Evil Empire intends to remove this stumbling block with diabolical plots to take down China and thus to destroy China and the Chinese Civilization. That's a dream too far and sure the satanic US will soon find China as its fatal and lethal nemesis.

  Non-white people of the world and all non-white countries must unite for survival against the diabolical plot of the white people led by Anglo-Saxon US and UK to keep Asia, Africa and Latin America weak and poor so that they can control and dominate them permanently as they had done so during the last 500 years from around 1500 AD to 2,000AD. 

The white people have openly shown their hatred and contempt for Asian, Africans and South Americans. They have shown no limits in telling lies, in cheating, in stealing, in aggression and in killings as long as they serve their agenda for overpowering non-white people and for world domination and hegemony. Look at how they kill, murder, lynch and massacre their African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans and native Americans.

To achieve world domination they have resorted to use of their militant religious doctrine 'The Doctrine of Christian Discovery' to justify their evil conquests, killings, massacres, genocide and stealing and robbing of non-white people's lands and resources. Not a single country big or small including India and China had escaped their barbaric imperialism and colonialism during the last 500 years of White men's curse. In their massacres and genocides they had almost wiped out the whole native population of North America and Australia and millions of others in Asia and Latin America.

The Anglo-Saxons led by the US have every intention to restore Western imperialism and colonialism over all non-white countries once more. To reinforce their evil intent the Anglo-Saxon Americans have been using 'The Doctrine of American Manifest Destiny' and 'The Doctrine of American Exceptionalism' to further exploiting the non-white countries for continual conquests and domination. Thus to prevent the return of the last 500 years of White men's curse the people of all developing non-white countries need to unite strongly in solidarity.

The evil white men had sown seeds of dissension and conflict among non-white countries as a policy to continue their control over them either directly or indirectly. This is clearly seen in the conflict between India and Pakistan, between India and China, between North and South Korea, China and Taiwan and Japan and China as well as among many of the African countries.

Among the non-white countries only China is capable of blocking the white people especially the Anglo-saxon Americans and their European teutonics from their return to imperialism and colonialsim of all non-white countries once more. China is leading the non-white countries to compete and challenge white domination in many fields of contest such as in science and technology, in trade and commerce, in industries,  in finance, in the internet of all things, in cyber, 5G, 6G and AI science, space technology, in naval and aerospace technology and in all fields of military hardware like missiles and rockets and nuclear armaments. As China is in the front line or bastion against evil white men's hegemony it is thus  the reason they hate China and the Chinese the most as among all non-white countries. 

The United States has been doing a lot of endless evil things against all non-white countries in the almost last 80 years since the end of the Second World War in 1945. US and its European mafia gangsters want to ruthlessly reduce the population of Asia, Africa and Latin America by more than 50 percent from 7 billion people to about 1.5 billion or 2 billion people. It is using several interacting methods which are more or less undeclared hybrid warfare or multi-spectrum warfare against non-white nations especially against China. Its operation operandi includes picking a targeted country or countries. Then it starts a universal public propaganda to demonize these countries and their leaders. It is followed by attempted assassinations of leaders of these targeted countries, failing which it will instigate, incite and foment demonstrations and riots to carry out a color revolution to topple the government and install in its place a pro-US /Western puppet government. Examples are too many to be mentioned here but notorious ones are those in Indonesia in 1965 where President Sukarno was toppled and replaced by Suharto, an American stooge, Presiment Lumumba of Republic of Congo in 1961 and the unsuccessful attempts in organizing, funding and fomenting riots in Hong Kong hoping to spread the color or umbrella revolution from Hong Kong to mainland China to overturn the Chinese government. Also US conducted  undeclared wars to  topple seven Middle East Arab countries such as Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iran, Sudan and Afghanistan with the motive to acquire their oil and other mineral resources.

Other additional methods US is using to destroy its enemies are trade wars, tariffs, sanctions, blockades and embargoes and use of space, cyber, the internet and AI warfare. However in all these evil and sinister American plots China is more than a challenge for them for China is well ahead in many areas of modern science and technology such as space science, AI, cyber as in 5G and 6G which is essential for the coming Fourth Industrial revolution.

It is very clear the evil United States is doing everything it can to prevent China from peaceful rise and development and ultimately to destroy China. Therefore China and the Chinese people must be fully prepared for an all out confrontation against the United States and destroy the Americans completely so that the free non-white people and countries can continue to survive. It is really outrageous and inconceivable that an upstart United States of just over two hundred years old has the daring of trying to upend and destroy 3,000 to 5,000 years civilizations of India, Persia - Iran, Iraq, Egypt and China. 

Below is a  speech by Mr. Cui Tiankai a retired Chinese ambassador to the United States regarding the severe strained relations between the US and China. There is no way the world especially China can live in peace with the United States. The US in one of its militant doctrine, the Wolfowitz Doctrine has openly stated that 'The United States will never allow any country to rise as a regional or global power to become as rich and powerful as the United States to challenge the primacy and hegemony of the United States. The moment the United States detects such a trend it will definitely put down this rising power from challenging US power and primacy."

As China is in the forefront among the non-white countries  to battle and block against US and Western world diabolical domination  it is facing the wrath of the United States and its Western allies.  The United States is now on undeclared hybrid and full spectrum warfare against China with the intention to take down and destroy China and the Chinese people. China knows the US sets no limits in its various ways and methods to bring down China. China must overcome the American warmongers and destroy them. Should China lose the war against the American / Western warmongers the result will be disastrous for all the non-white countries which will then be under the full play of diabolical US and Western hegemony.  

More often it resorts to unrestrain and undeclared aggressions and wars against these victimized countries. Precedents were seen in the US forceful annexation of Hawaii, Puerto Rico,  Guam and military occupation of  Diego Garcia.

Now even a Chinese diplomat Cui Tiankai is resigned to a physical conflagration with the Western countries led by the US. The bigotry and racism factors would have to be eradicated once and for all. There would inevitably be violence and death. Cui Tiankai  revealed his personal experience and thoughts in a speech which is found below.

8th May 2022

China's only correct choice for the United States: By Cui Tiankai

Recently, Cui Tiankai made a speech in which he described Sino-US relations as "very thorough": There is no room for maneuver, only conquest."

He speaks clearly and explains the four core points.

Cui Tiankai, the former Chinese ambassador to the United States, who has always been moderate, made a very strong statement on Sino-US relations at the "2021 International Situation and China's Diplomacy Seminar"changing his previous gentle style. Perhaps because of his many years of personal contact with the United States , Cui Tiankai has a deeper pain in the Sino-US relationship than others. He talked about the nature of Sino-US relations and talked about "home." 

There are four core points in Cui Tiankai's speech:

First, the United States will never allow China to rise. Cui Tiankai said: "The United States will not accept the rise of a great power ( China ) with very different social systems, idologies, cultural traditions and even races." 

Second, the United States has a racist awareness of China. Cui Tiankai said: "There is a strong racist element in the US policy towards China."

Third, There is no bottom line for the US to suppress and contain China. Cui Tiankai said: The United States "will do everything possible, spare no effort, and even have no bottom line to suppress, contain, divide, encircle and suppress China."

Fourth, abandon fantasy completely and prepare for a war. Cui Tiankai said: "Keep a clear head and be fully prepared to deal with twists and turns, turbulence and even a roller coaster-like scene, and safeguard the fruits and rights of the 1.4 billion Chinese who have worked hard."

Cui  explain in detail, so that the Chinese people will have no illusions.

The first point of view tells us that as long as China rises, the United States believes that this is China's öriginal sin," which is never allowed to happen. This shows that no matter what China does, the United States willl not be satisfied.

The second point of view tells us that the Chinese are still "low-level races"in the eyes of Americans, and there is no need to respect the Chinese. This shows that Americans look down on Chinese people from the bottom of their hearts and do not respect Chinese people.

The third point of view tells us that the United States suppression and containment of China, regardless of means or form, does not follow principles, rules, laws, no bottom line and no conscience. As long as it can contain and suppress China, what needs to be done - Do what you want, do what you want.

The fourth point of view tells us that, based on the above reasons, China must throw away its illusions and prepare for a "final war"with the United States. At the risk of life and death, if you want to fight, you must completely subdue it, beat it, beat it and put it down. It is broken, divided and any other fantasies must be given up, what is competition and cooperation, what is mutual communication, understanding , etc. These words can only be used as diplomatic delays in a gentle context. In a word: If you don't want to be conquered by it, you must conquer it.

This is China's only correct choice for the United States. This choice is not what I want, but I have to take it, there is no other way.

 Understanding the big national policy and accumulate strength to complete the final blow.

After reading Cui Tiankai's words, we can generally understand why we still talk about competition and cooperation, equal dialogue and mutual benefit with the United States. This is actually a big national strategic decision  for the purpose of "flexing first and extending later,"because we are accumulating to conquer it. The mighty power we can conquer. Once this kind of strength completely surpasses the United States not only in theory but also in reality, then it will be just like what Cui Tiankai said :beat it, beat it , smash it and split it !This day will not be too far away! The descendants of China will and will definitely see that day! Therefore all the Chinese people must be aware of this, have full confidence in this and work hard to implement it, so that this day will come soon.

In order to let the people of the country know, have no illusions and work hard , please forward and share this article. Forward this article to all Chinese friends and relatives wherever they may be , so that Chinese people will have more confidence and strength and will take one step closer to deal a final fatal blow to the evil and wicked warmongering satanic Americans of the abominable United States.

Cui Tiankai is a Chinese diplomat and longest-serving Chinese ambassador to the aunited States, a role he filled from April2013 to June, 2021.


Wednesday, 15th JUNE, 2022


Anonymous said...

That is why I call them the 'White Curse'. No other word to describe them. It would be acceptable if they only do whatever evil at home and destroy themselves, and not drag the whole world into their evil plans.

Anonymous said...

The United States government can't even rule its country properly and yet it wants to rule the world. They must be mad.

Anonymous said...

They did that by installing stooges, after regime changes, so they control via proxies. And they could do that with all the military bases around the world.

They are not only mad. They are the epitome of evil in the boots of Satan.

Anonymous said...

The white-supremacist government of the evil empire is causing all the terrible mess in the United States.

The racial divide is so wide open and beyond redemption. Every day the whites are kiiling, murdering, lynching and massacring the Native Americans, the Mexican Americans, the African Americans and the Asian Americans. Every day the savage whites go on a rampage in a wild shooting spree killing dozens of innocent people men, women and children. This is a regular occurrence. American society is dangerous and unsafe so tourists should give Amedrica a miss for their own safety. In fact one of my friend's son was shot and killed in Los Angeles last year by a white killer while on holiday there.

Anonymous said...

For those that only follow what is on the MSM, USA is still the most 'beautiful' country as it's name suggest. But the truth hurts and they cannot handle the truth.

And for those that only follow the MSM, China is still the backward country, mired in poverty and undeveloped. But we cannot blame the people of the USA because that is the narrative that is being drummed into the mindset of the people and is prevalent in the MSM.

They concealed the truth, because here again the truth hurts and they cannot handle the truth. But the truth cannot always remain hidden, because there is social media to counter the lies and as more and more is revealed, the truth will hit the USA people like a ton of bricks. And as more and more Westerners visit China to see for themselves, the realisation is changing and cannot be kept away from them.

Like the Russian liberation of Donbass and Luhansk, the truth is now out and we can see the propaganda of a Ukrainian victory on MSM fading like the morning mist when the sun rises.

Anonymous said...

America is a very rich country. But the country's wealth is hoarded by the one to ten percent multi billionaires and millionaires.

Look at the millions of poor Americans mainly non-whites who are suffering from hunger with either no food or very little food. They have no place to call home and they live by the roadsides in squalid pitch up tents of cardboards and canvas or plastic sheets. They have no proper amenities and therefore they urinate and shit everywhere in public places. The sight is really deplorable. It seems there are at least between 30 to 50 million Americans living in such horrible conditions.

The evil white Anglo-Saxon American government wants to rule the world.They better put their own house in order first. The world does not need the satanic white Americans to create troubles and problems for them.

Anonymous said...

If inflation in the USA cannot be tamed, civil unrest will surely follow.

January 6th 2021 protest at Capital Hill was just a mild hiccup and just politically motivated event. When bread and butter issues are involved, the whole population will be involved, not just politically polarised segments.

These are issues that cannot be left to ferment. It will lead to catastrophe. The best case scenario for the whole world will be for the USA to capitulate into self destruction.

southernglory1 said...

With so many ills and unsolvable problems and issues of their own making it is without doubt the evil empire will march into the path of self-destruction. Whatever evil deeds and destructive wars they had imposed on others during the last two hundred over years will definitely come home to roost in the United States. The signs are there too clear for everybody to see. Yet there may be still some hope if they amend their satanic ways and behaviour right from now. They should stop being aggressive and warlike. They should stop threatening every other counntry big or small. They should stop killing non-white Americans at home and stop being white racist and white supremacist. They should stop their nonsensical trade wars, tariffs, sanctions, blockades and stop printing their fiat PetroDollars to cheat and swindle the whole world.Failing to carry out all the aforementioned will bring upon the curse of Heaven and result in implosion and self-destruction.


Anonymous said...

Who let the dog out? Is that a rabid dog?

Can anyone decipher what the dog is talking about?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Just dump it in the sewers. It barks very naturally.

Anonymous said...

China is the only country that lost one-third of its territories in the past 150 years. Chinese territories in the China-India border, in the East China Sea,Taiwan and South China Sea were taken from a weak China by the UK and Japan. All these territories were controlled by UK and US after the Second World War and thereafter illegally handed over to various ex-colonial countries. In the East China Sea and the South China Sea the PLA did not have a navy in the early years from 1945 to 1970s to recover these Chinese territories. Nevertheless all the Chinese neighbouring countries did originally recognize these as Chinese sovereign territories and were not in dispute. And from 1970 to 2010 there was basically none of these disputes. These disputes only happened after the pivot to Asia by Obama and Hillary Clinton in 2012 when behind China's back US quietly instigated and incited some ASEAN countries to steal some of the Chinese islands based on the fake UNCLOS in which the US and UK did not even bother to sign.

Anonymous said...

Some US congressmen and senators are clamouiring for war believing in some of their think-tanks claim that the United States could win a nuclear war against China or Russia, saying that for US to suffer a hundred million deaths is acceptable. It is ridiculous they can't even handle COVID-19 and set their country in order.

Anonymous said...

US and its European allies are warmongers and they will always try to bully others into submission to their domination. When China refused to be bullied by them they say China is assertive and aggressive. US has over 400 military bases surrounding China and an alliance of 8 mafia gang countries threatening China. So shouldn't China be prepared for their aggression and destroy their invasive war intent.

Anonymous said...

Just 100 million deaths is acceptable? Is that only instant deaths resulting from the nuclear blast from nuclear missiles alone? What about the effects of the nuclear fallout that will continue to kill years after? Just a leak from Chernobyl is already catastrophically uncontainable. Just an accident in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station and they lost control and killed so many people that tried to contain the fallout.

Out of the more than 330 million USA citizens, if 100 million turned to ashes instantly, I think the reminder of the 230 million will wish they had followed the 100 million rather than being alive to suffer the consequences of the nuclear fallout. A nuclear war between USA, Russia and China is not like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It will cover the whole of Continental America. There is going to be no comparison and no place will be spared.

Anonymous said...

Only white savages can ponder about a nuclear war and think it is acceptable.

Winston 何 ז 7 said...

Black/Western belief is that they must oppress some other people to get advantage. 

White/Asian/Chinese belief is that there is no need to oppress some other people. 

Black/Western belief is in the excitement of exploitation. 

White/African/Asian/Indian/Chinese belief is in hard work and fairness for the commoners. In a way it is unnatural because the world is unfair. The West cannot believe that Chinese succeed without oppressing others so they believe that Chinese oppress the Xinjiang Muslims as propagated by the CIA-NED. The function is to say that Chinese are also guilty of slavery and also to create animosity between Chinese and Muslims. 

I think Chinese are open to the concept of being or pretending to be slaves and being slave drivers at the same time. In other words, the natural hierarchy of “winner takes it all” as taught by Christ Jesus, also Price’s Law and the Pareto Principle, is well understood by Chinese. Slavery in Chinese society is accepted, affirmed, and organized by all people. It is without the cruelty of the Nazist ideology of eugenics. 

All beliefs are to be respected. Those whose beliefs and actions do not deserve to be respected such as the Black/Nazist ideology of eugenics had already been defeated by the White Allies that includes China. 

If the Nazis resurface as Hydra, we pray that the White people of the world can strike down Hydra again. 

There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so. 

Anonymous said...

The Neo Nazis in Ukraine are supported by the Ukrainians, by the Americans, AngloSaxons, Europeans and even the Israelis, all white Europeans. These white people are supporting the Hydra to kill Russians.

Anonymous said...

The United States and its Western allies intentionally create conflicts in Asia, in the East China Sea and the South China Sea at the expense of peace and harmony in Asia. Their plot to wage a war on China is no longer about China. Taking on China is taking on Asia because it impacts on everyone and every country in Asia. Asian countries must unite and speak up and condemn the bellicose behaviour of US and its European allies.

Eagles Eyes

Anonymous said...

White mentality and behavioury science are different from Asia, Africa and South n Central America. Culturally, the colored value their roots, ancestry and teaching of the former great or scholars. We Asians are serious in developing their child character and human value but white
considered themselves as natural leader or master fit to control the rest of coloured race. In another words they perceived themselves as brainy, mastery and God child supreme being while the rest of the races are their servant and slave. With that kind of mentality do you think the white will respect other races. No way they'll allow the coloured to overtake their status. So Cui thesis and his analysis is correct interpreted. China has to lead the charge in this coloured civilization revolution against the white demon otherwise the non white will be massacred indefinitely by all types of warfare.

Anonymous said...

Very good writing. Thanks.