France protests said to be ‘out of control’
Police clashed with over a million demonstrators opposed to President Macron’s pension reform
French authorities struggled on Thursday to suppress the protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform. Over a million demonstrators took to the streets across the country in what some security sources described as an “insurrection” against the government in Paris. RT
France is not the only country in Europe that is seeing mass demonstrations on the streets. UK, Germany and a few others are also having street protests against the Ukraine War and inflation.
The good thing, the rest of the world are peaceful and quiet. Just let Europe burn. Let them have all their fun, all their democracy, all their freedom, and all their wars. Just leave the rest of the world alone.
Good morning All.
Marconi noodles had no monies to pay the current pensioners that he had to postpone the retirement ages from 62 to 64 to fight for Time.
Likewise Sinkies Leaders who had postponed of Sinkies CPF's withdrawals to aged 65 and beyond.
All the Monies tied up in their Casinos investments and cannot recalled at the moment notice.
Cheap funds to roll and dividends for selves .
Any tie ups Credit Sussy Swiss Millky?
SVB, Plus plus?
Credit Suisse earthquake was generated to divert attention away from USA's banking meltdown. Now the whole world is fixated on Credit Suisse, and they claimed that the collapse of three banks in USA is not problematic for the USA banking sector. The collapse of Credit Suisse, a too big to fail bank, will cause a global financial tsunami. The takeover of Credit Suisee by UBS, termed a 'shotgun merger' for US$3.23 billion managed to avoid the catastrophe, but is it really over? Is US$3.23 billion realistic for such a big bank?
The USA Government had been targeting Credit Suisse, including other Swiss banks like UBS, for decades, over the Swiss Banking System that allows the super rich and drug lords to stash their ill gotten gains, to evade tax and avoid getting caught, into Swiss Banks away from their reach. This is a hard pill to swallow for the US Government. It then enacted laws to make sure the Swiss Banking System falls in line with the USA dictates or face the USA's wrath.
UBS had paid US$750 million (if I am not mistaken) in fines and penalties to the US Government over tax fraud charges in 2021, for helping rich USA depositors evade tax. That is not the only occasion.
Credit Suisse biggest shareholders includes the Saudi Families, who thought that Swiss Banks were the safest place to keep their enormous wealth, and to invest in them as well. When Credit Suisse was facing collapse, the Saudis decided not to burrow themselves deeper into the shithole by helping with further investments, and that tells us that the Saudis are waking up to the danger of having too much of their wealth in the hands of the West. They finally saw what happened to the Russians.
After all, Mohammed bin Salman clearly knows sooner or later the USA will settle the score with him and his other families for refusing to increase oil production, and even reducing them. Just a short while ago, the loan facilitation move in Yuan, between Exim Bank of China and the Saudi National Bank is the official signal that trade between China and Saudi Arabia is going to be based on the Yuan or Riyal, and bypassing the US$. This is a big move and do you expect the USA to sit quietly by and watch?
Passing laws to make protest and strikes illegal is going to be the norm in Europe. In USA and Canada it already happened. But protestors and strikers still carried on with their demands.
More strikes in Little Britain is on the line. In Netherlands, farmers strike have given rise to a political awareness that benefitted the Farmer-Citizen Movement Party. It emerges as a big winner in Provincial elections, posing a challenge to the ruling bloc.
People's power is getting stronger as living gets tougher. And Governments are getting scared just like Macron. But he has little choice and pension funds are drying up. Only by extending the withdrawal age can payments be sustained, but for how long? If this continues in France, his days are numbered.
And talking about pension funds, the USA's pension fund armageddon has not yet exploded, but it will. Most pension funds in the USA are insolvent.
The West, especially the Americans, are starting to pass all kinds of silly laws to restrict the freedom of their people. Even TikTok and social media also cannot use.
Latest Tik Tok comedy show:
US Energy and Commerce Committee (Crenshaw): U have to obey Chinese government for request of data because you're Chinese citizen..yes??
Tik Tok CEO Chew: I'm Singaporean..
The Americans should stop using toilet seats and toilet papers. They are Made In China and spying on their asses.
Crenshaw must be dumbfounded. He must be wondering what the hell is a Singaporean. Never heard of that.
TikTok CEO rambed his dick into the mouth of Crenshaw. Tua lan tuk chwee.
It is so telling that these USA people are so crazy with vindictiveness, they never check their facts before opening their cb mouths.
I am surprise they have not yet blamed Russia or China for those protest in France, Little Britain and Netherlands. Anything wrong in the USA is always due to people outside doing them in. Even losing an election is blamed on Russian interference.
Recession is on the cards all over the world. No country is going to escape . We are going to see jobs disappearing, inflation rising, mortgages defaulting and oil prices increasing. Once factories start reducing production because of supply chain disruptions and non-payments or customers cannot afford to buy their products, services companies like airlines, ships, ports and trucking companies will come to a standstill. Better start saving money now.
Anon 4.03pm:
Probably better off paying off as much debt as you can and convert savings to gold/silver!!
Why else Ah Loong start buying gold bullion suddenly?? He taking the ultimate insurance!!
Anon 433pm. You are correct. Pay off as much of your debts as possible. But after paying off, convert your remaining savings to buy a steel Rolex watch. Don't have to buy new and don't buy gold Rolex. Even 2nd hand is good. Can convert to cash anytime, and always make money.
Recession not in USA. Even if it happens, just deny. They are recession proof. Everything is so rosy - economy, jobs, Ukraine winning the war, Russia turned to rubbles, Trump prevented from standing for election, China collapsing.
The whole world economy is collapsing, but not the USA. USA will be the last man standing. And will enjoy the radioactive air when all others turned to dust. That is exceptionalism.
Getting sensitive r we?
Subtly hidding his expensive watch when he suddenly remembered Marie Antoinette..
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