Another regime change in the Philippines looks imminent. Lose gun laws and the years of USA colonisation probably left lots of guns in the hands of rebels, drug lords and parties with vested interest in changing the leadership. The military, famous for coups, and of course the drug lords and opposition camps are vying for that to happen. Marcos Jr tentatively had little support from the military side, unlike his father. That is his greatest weakness.
There is a marked change in the attitude of Marcos Jr's towards China in just a matter of months. Much has changed between the period when he was fighting for the Presidency and his actions now. From basically moving closer to China to explicitly anti-China, hyping up small issues into big ones. It is impossible for Philippinos to change their thinking, after being under the yolk of the USA for decades. They have been brainwashed to believe in only one narrative - USA good and China bad. Just like the brainwashed animals in 'Animal Farm'. They have lost their ability to think.
Suffice to say, there must have been much pressure exerted by the USA via the Philippine military, and probably veiled threats on his life. The latest shooting of the Governor of Negros and four others is just a veiled warning to Marcos Jr. Should he be alarmed?
As Duterte said during his Presidency and trying to forge a closer relationship with China - 'If I survive the CIA'. That said it all, and there probably was a veiled threat that put a brake on his attempts to move closer to China. Any President attempting to change the Philippines must be able to rein in the military first and foremost. Otherwise, nothing will change. But the USA will surely not tolerate that, as the military is pro-USA all along, and the USA will come out with all kinds of threats, instigate regime changes using the CIA and their well funded NGOs already working the ground in the Philippines for ages, and force out those who hatched such ideas and enable them to put another stooge into power, controlled by the military.
Marcos Jr said he will bring to justice those who killed the Governor and several others in Negros. Does he know who is behind the shooting? Two of those seven gunmen, three of whom were arrested, were former 'dishonourably discharged' military personnel.

Now that he is nicely allowing the USA to put a leashed on his neck, assassination is not necessary at all. Why assassinate him when he is now obedient, nitpicking issues with China, allowing the USA to station more troops and weapons in the Philippines? Even a regime change is not on the cards. Marcos Jr just changing himself is more than enough!
It is so pathetic that a national leader is under the control of an evil foreign power.
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