US destroyer warned away in South China Sea – Beijing
Washington has denied claims its warship was ‘expelled’ and says it will continue to sail in the region

FILE PHOTO: USS Milius. © Wikipedia
China claims it monitored and "warned off" a US Navy destroyer, after detecting it near the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea on Thursday. This comes as tensions between Beijing and Washington in the region continue to grow.
The guided-missile destroyer USS Milius "illegally entered" into Chinese territorial waters, Senior Colonel Tian Junli, a spokesman for the country's Navy Southern Theater Command, stated in a press release. The move "has seriously jeopardized peace and stability in the South China Sea," the official added.
The incident occurred near the Paracel islands as sea and air forces tracked the US destroyer "in accordance with the law, and warned it off." Tian added that the Navy was ready to "take all necessary measures to safeguard national sovereignty, security as well as peace and stability" in the region. RT
The Americans and the West used to use this kind of museum pieces to frighten small and weak countries. Today the dumb Americans still think this piece of scrap iron can frighten China. When it comes to the South China Sea, there will be at least 10 Chinese warships surrounding it, and in the air there will be fighter aircraft, and under the sea there will be submarines. A piece of antique like this is only allowed to float in the South China Sea at the pleasure of the PLAN. It can be sunk to the bottom of the sea anytime the PLAN wants to do it.
The Australian pilots need to be treated by the shrink every time they flew to the South China Sea and met Chinese fighter aircraft. They wet in their pants and had nightmares over the incidents. The American sailors in these antique scrap iron pieces must be praying on their knees hoping that the PLAN would not sink them. Like the American said, sinking these antique pieces is a piece of cake.
Who did the Americans think they could frighten China with museum pieces? Or it was them that were wetting their pants everytime they were ordered to sail into the South China sea?
This lone American warship is the American's sacrificial lamb to start a war with China. The Americans are prepared to lose the ship and men to a Chinese attack. All the crew must have written their death wishes before departing for such a mission.
The only thing they can hope and pray for is that China would refrain and restrain from sinking them into the ocean. Wetting their pants when a Chinese warship or aircraft approaches can be expected as they are provoking the Chinese to fire at them.
All the warships, including aircraft carriers, sent into the South China Sea are old and expendable, including the crew. They are on an American's version of suicide mission.
China won't take the bait to fire on a small fish... otherwise Biden's handlers will use their compliant msm to create non stop exaggerated broadcast of China's so called aggression to distract millions of dumbass yanks from the epic mismanagement of their country. I am inclined to believe the150m americans who use TikTok understand this.
How does the world reconcile with the fact that the USA is directly provoking China, and yet is claiming that China is a threat to countries around the South China Sea, and they are the self appointed policeman to oversee the peace in Asia? What a load of horseshit to fool the suckers.
So says Paul Keating over Australia being suckered into a deal to buy overly expensive nuclear powered submarine under a deal brokered by the USA and Little Britain, all masterminded just to help the USA preserve its hegemony. Australia is now basically trying to tell the USA that those submarines are not procured to help the USA fight a war with China over Taiwan. Have the Australians now realised their foolhardiness in falling for the scam, initiated by Scott Morrison? Did Paul Keating woke them up with his recent attacks over the AUKUS nuclear powered submarine deal at the National Press Club, and where he demolished Journalist asking 'dumb' questions.
I think it is also time Russia and China do some exploring around the Carribean Sea. I am sure the Cubans and Nicaraguans would welcome that. China has every right to navigate in 'International Waters' around Central America, the same argument by the USA in the South China Sea. Russia is already doing that in the North Sea, with their nuclear powered submarines discovered surfacing, which made Little Britain shit in its pants.
South and Central American countries will be in BRICS in time to come, so collectively security alliances could be on the cards, not just economic, and that makes Russian and Chinese presence for security matters, in relation to BRICS countries, as a progression of evolvement.
Brazil is already a founding member of BRICS. Honduras is switching allegiance to China. Mexico is joining BRICS officially. So does Argentina. These three are huge economies with rich resources that are being explored as the backing for their Latin America Common Currency idea that has been floated for a long time.
China and Brazil are now co-operating big on many fronts. That has been a big changeover from the pro-USA Government days of Jair Bolsonaro to that of Lula da Silva. Brazil will take off with more developments and trade deals with China. Lula is visiting China this week to talk about trade, but do not discount the possiblity about the use of their own currencies in trade settlements being floated as well, which will by-pass the US$ yet again.
If that didn't work; it's time to 'poke' the Rocketman up North..
One way or another, US will get a war going that justify action/war against China..
Russia puts Necular Arsenals in Belarus.
Putin should ask anyone wanted my Necular Arsenals?
Why made so difficult to crack your heads and try to invent when Russia can sell them to you.
Straightway the Evil Whites won't dare to touch you
Now that the USA and Little Britain are basically proliferating nuclear devices by selling nuclear powered submarines to Australia, Russia is just following the trend by planning to site nuclear arsenals in Belarus. If the West wants further escalation, Russia could move a step further ahead by going into Cuba in like fashion. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. The pot can no longer call the kettle black.
The AUKUS nuclear powered submarine deal is opening up a can of worms. It sets a precedence. They opened the Pandora Box and soon will not be able to close it. Like starting the war in Ukraine.
Of course they will deny. When they do something wrong, they just deny or blame it on someone else. It is what they are best at. Anything wrong with the USA or in the USA is blamed on someone else.
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