
Chiam See Tong speaks

He has been quiet for quite some time probably due to his senior years. I think after listening to the PAP’s convention war cry, he really ‘buay song’ and has to say something. And this is a bit of what he said and posted in TRE.

‘Today, Minister Chan Chun Sing said that the PAP will “do battle everywhere as necessary” and not concede physical and cyber space to get their message across.
I’m not sure if I’m the only one who thinks this sounds like government propaganda. We live in a democratic nation, and I hope the government knows and respects that. Already, our press standards and rankings are among the lowest globally.

I do not understand why the PAP wants to fight dissenting voices, since the voices come from the voters….’

Speaking our against govt policies that hurt the people is the right of the people, just like freedom of speech. This is fundamental to a democracy. So, what is the PAP going to fight, to quarrel with the people, to prove that they are right, doing the right thing?

The kpkb by the people is only symptomic and not the sickness. The noise is a sign that the people are unhappy and not the problem. The problem is in the policies. Won’t it be better for the PAP to address the real source of the kpkb, get the policies right, and the kpkb will go away? Trying to argue with the people can go on and on until the face turn green. And if the policies are not changed, and if the people don’t agree, it would be a big waste of time and resources. Minister’s time is not cheap ya. Use the time wisely to do good for the people and all things will turn out good. Instead of kpkb, it will be praises and admiration.

Better go and read Sun Tsu again and see what the strategist had to say about fighting your own shadows.


Virgo49 said...

We even have a Minister of the Little India GRC under his charge to look for the flimsiness excuse for the cause of the riots.

Going round to smell alcohol when his fellow men are injured in their duties to protect the country.

They are putting their lives in danger through no fault of them as the incompetent Government created this mess and yet this Jonah Minister with a perpetual smile like Aquino said think that alcohol is part of the cause.

Tha Mar tek!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sun Tzu

"To fight and conquer in all battles is not supreme excellence.
Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance WITHOUT FIGHTING."

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The PAP are really STUPID to "declare war" on voters.

They are EVEN STUPIDER by intimating that dissenting voices are "the enemy".

Seriously, I thought they are smarter than this. They are failing to read the environment, but their EPIC FAIL is that they are refusing to learn about or accept HUMAN NATURE.

Human nature: it is natural for people to express themselves, and the first avenue is always SPEECH. The wealthier and better educated the people become (1 in 6 Singaporeans is a millionaire, nearly 30% have university qualifications), the more they will challenge claims, especially from authority.

This is a really bad play by the government. Forcing "political" websites to register with MDA is also a very fucking BAD IDEA. (Note Breakfast Network -- kaput!)

I'm begining to wonder whether they are doing this PURPOSELY so that they'll lose the next election, whereby they all can retire -- lavishly in some nice cuntree -- with their FAT PORTFOLIOS OF ASSETS, and of course loads of cash....however I must not allow my conspiracy theory wild-ass imagination to run riot. ;-)

Anonymous said...

When Chiam See Tong speaks,
PAP listens.

Anonymous said...

When the leaders of a nation has to wage battle against it's on people. Then the end must be very near.

Darkness 2013

Anonymous said...

Such words are the final act of a falling power. When a power is falling, they will not listen and want to know the truth. Sticking their hrads in the sand is their only recourse they know. sad!

Anonymous said...

Surprise! Our highly talented ministers as claimed and our first world country status as claimed, overlooked developing the technical workers?

Most western countries used their locals, which are well paid and respected vocations. Over reliance on foreigners will lead to many problems associated with it as everybody know?

Could it be better we changed to the Nordic models multi-coalitions parties systems. Any aspects of the ruling parties which overlooked they can be made up by the oppositions parties?

One wonder why they are so intelligent, developed the GRC, COE, ERP, GST, levies and recently the CPF locked up systems, they can't develop the technical workers systems as in the western advanced countries, and kept claiming we are the first world developed economy?

Anonymous said...

Little India Riot Jokes
Tourist: Which way to Little India please?
Singaporean: Just walk in the opposite direction of the fleeing paramedics.

Anonymous said...

Tourist: Which way to Little India please?
Singaporean: Just follow the trail of broken beer bottles until you see a burning ambulance.

Singaporean: Just follow the smell of bullshit left behind by the PAP politicians inspecting Little India

Anonymous said...

Excuse me Red bean,

Possible to put what CCS speech is getting so many people hot under the collar...

I like the way CCS excitedly run and jump on to the stage...posed with one leg forward and 1 finger up in the air and mimic good old winston churcill almost word for word..."we will fight them in the beaches, etc etc"....

Can we have that..not to make fun of CCS...but to examine y CCS must copy a great man like winston churchill (at least he stood up to the nazis)...

What has small little shadow CCS or little Mr. Kee Chiew stood up and against for so far...


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Haiz, he is still young. He will grow in the job and his girth will get bigger as well. In 10 or 20 years time he will be bigger than Winston.

Anonymous said...

He is already in the HALL OF FRAME..

Anonymous said...

Maybe hong lim park could see a Mandela memorial service.

and invite veteran politician like Chiam to speak on democracy

Anonymous said...

@ anon 11.36am
//I like the way CCS excitedly run and jump on to the stage...posed with one leg forward and 1 finger up in the air and mimic good old winston churcill almost word for word..."we will fight them in the beaches, etc etc"....

Can we have that..not to make fun of CCS...but to examine y CCS must copy a great man like winston churchill (at least he stood up to the nazis)...

What has small little shadow CCS or little Mr. Kee Chiew stood up and against for so far...//

Plenty lah ...... !


1) he stood up for many "aunties supporters" with piping hot nazi lamak and chicken rice during rallies

2) he "introduced" himself into the scene by making this "kee chew" scene ...... sign of a future great ex-general and leader?

3) he may "kee chew" again to "volunteer" himself to stand in "Maomen Garang GRC" to show that he is even better than Sun Tzu and Churchill combined in turning a "potential next Aljunied" into a Ayer Rajah ( 88% winning votes in 2001 GE election ).

Hope Ministoons Jin Pai Kua and Mr Right Thing would accept kee chew "volunteer offer" and swap constituencies with him for the next hustling.

Kee chew surely will show why he was awarded 2 STARs on his epaulette. He earned it and not like "buy" and "pasted" up there! Dun Pray pray ......

Mb, seeing kee chew, his potential opponents will surrender without a fight and all flee with their tails between their legs ...

Ha ha

but kee chew must make first move to show his real worth by asking to stand in maomen garang GRC and swap seat with Mr Jin Pai Kua and MR Right Thing :)

b said...

The problem with pap is - they do not really understand what is true democracy. Alternative voices and public protest are just part of democracy. Without allowing alternative voices, there is no democracy. Clamping down alternative voices is clamping down democracy. I think they are trying to enact a monarch rule.

Anonymous said...

Kee Chiu stil thinks he is a General in the army, fighting imaginary enemies. Think we all Peng Kia will obey his command. Wake him up from his slumber will you ?

Anonymous said...

Mr Chiam still talking a lot of sense despite his old age. Compare him with Kee Chiu, who still talks like a kid. This kinda pattern PM material ah ? Me leh ?

Anonymous said...

PAP is mesmerised by the kee chiu style. They think his style is very well received. The way to go.

Anonymous said...

I like the conspiracy theory o Matilah Singapura as me had similar hunch years back and had it expressed many times in cyberspace.
i truly feel that that will be the ultimate result whether the Rulers plan for it or not.
I even feel that some smarter ones will leave earlier.
