
GE in the air

When the buffet train is here, you can expect something else will follow suit. We are having parties for anything conceiveable. 50 year Anniversary, celebrations with other countries for good inter state relations, and a lot of goodies being thrown at the people like it is Christmas in Spring. We even have minimum wage for cleaners, and now raising CPF for the oldies.

For those who thought the Medishield Life was a goodie, now we have Pioneering Package. Now what’s next? More national bonuses from a good GDP in the budget?

On the negative side pressure is mounting on the worker’s Party. Internet Brigades are getting more vocal, even sounding silly, but persistently appeared to be slammed. And some perceived that there is a drumming up of nationalism in the naming of the naval ship by Indonesia with the risk of being backfired if it gets out of control and causing a real crisis.

Would the effort lead to a change in the people voting for more of the same, for stability, for more govt, more obsessions in control by the state? Would the Pioneer Generation Package take away the sting from the feared Medishield Life? The oldies may get some reprieve with the PKP, but those missing it are getting uneasy and feeling the pressure of what would come when Medishield Life is implemented.
We are looking like a very rich country with plenty of money to make the people very happy, and can afford to party everyday. Life is good, time for more celebration. We have a good, effective and pro people govt that is doing a damn very good job and the people are elated. Let’s bring the GE forward for more good years.


Anonymous said...

But is the strongest opposition party able to announce that they are ready to be govt and hence will, just like the PAP, contest 100% seats in the coming GE?

If not ah, early GE or not, and knowing Sinkies inside out, it will just be a repeat of the past lah.

So where got exciting one, you tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

AFter elections, they will suck back all the money they give. they will use a vacuum cleaner!

Anonymous said...

Tiok. I think PAP also knows. That's why they not scared one. Because PAP also knows Sinkies inside out. LOL

Anonymous said...

Ya lor. Just look at Sinkie opposition is enough to tell all already.

No need RB, netizens or whatnot to tell one.

Anonymous said...

As any good housewives will tell you, just look at the fish eyes is enough to tell whether the fish is fresh or not.

And I think this one PAP also knows.

Maybe even Teochew Ah Hia also knows.

Anonymous said...

Aiyah... so depressing, wake up cum to have red bean soup

Instead, knn.... news above the fucking bastard n his running dogs n bitches n how they screwing daft singaponang

Knnccb.... only consolation, kuan yew still alive, to witness karma ripening
Tak boleh tahan lah

Anonymous said...

PAP gov. need to ask themselves before suka suka spend tax payers money : Where is the money going to come from? No wonder netizens said sinkies are being screwed.

Anonymous said...

For me, just someone to do the slapping is enough. No need to form Government. Why follow Thailand, wanting to change Government every two years or so? I am sure those who voted opposition knows how to think and what is good for them.

Buy one, get one free hor!

Anonymous said...

Freak event - my MP came home visting after so many years..GE akan datang

Anonymous said...

You forget the war against the citizens, the WP, and the torrent of op-ed pieces from so-called intellectuals and state-paid hacks in the think tanks and endless celebrations about their successes. They too point to an earlier than expected GE.And don't forget the directive to up-date the electoral register.

Anonymous said...

We must say thank you to the opposition parties who put up a good shows in last elections, and may be we should allow them to play an even more active and important role in the Parliament. Hence, we need more co-drivers.

As our leaders have suggested, we must "greedy and hungry"...

Anonymous said...

We must say thank you to the opposition parties who put up a good shows in last elections, and may be we should allow them to play an even more active and important role in the Parliament. Hence, we need more co-drivers.

As our leaders have suggested, we must "greedy and hungry"...

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the GE. Love the atmosphere at the Hougang coffee Shop when the results are announced. This time can replicate the same atmosphere at many more places. So very exciting ! Bring it on man, bring it on quick. Stop the peoples' suffering !

Anonymous said...

Love waving the Workers Party flag walking around in Hougang, and getting cheered by Hougang bros and sisters. Beri Beri the happy see the govt Toh Toh Toh !!!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

IMO the PAP will call a GE earlier than 2016. Perhaps not as soon as the next few months. I predict around CNY 2015.

Anonymous said...

Not next few months, timed right before the old man kick the bucket, but before 2016.

Hahaha. What accurate predictions when it happens.

Anonymous said...

Not surprising if PAP time the election to get a big defeat to dump behind their shits.

Anonymous said...

people should stop believing the PAP's scam. This must be the daftest citizens on this planets keep voting for the party who DNA lies in exploiting and screwing the citizens left, right, up and down.

First of all, people want lower medical cost not subsidy. You know what. The government and PAP party and themselves are in business of providing medical business, and so they love subsidy. Subsidy means that they can continue to raise the price of medical cost and using the public monies for their own profitable "subsidy". Think about that, ever since, the mediShit Life has been announced, premium going up and citizens have no choice. And so next time, parliament answer about raising medical cost, PAP clowns will repeatedly answer you with standard PAP response " you have subsidy".

Subsidy benefits PAP with more money-making scheme and siphoning money to public monies into their own pocket not the citizens because these clowns are in business of making money in medical industry.

Anyone agree, kee chiu .

This must be the only country in the world with government that insist on helping the citizen with subsidy without lowering the medical cost because they have conflict of interest and business agenda.

Anonymous said...

Why... earlee eleection?

one possibileety.... my most admired idol, kuan yew to up lorree in office?

World leecord... longest surviving poleetician to die serving his daft citizens?

Anonymous said...

Not election year, yet already everybody knows from the signs that 'erection' is on the horizon.

Anonymous said...


Was at Nicole Seah facebook, this girl is the real deal, she really go out of her way and do it.....put those million dollar fakes to shame....i wonder will she peng san if she's elected, her work load seems to be huge, it will be wonderful if such a person is voted in.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Kaki, there are many good people around who are committed to serve the people. They need not be top scholars or professionals. What they need is a good heart and reasonable intelligence to know what is good for the people.

The talented civil servants would be there to carry out what the politicians want to do for the people. bad politicians will make use of civil servants to do bad things.

Anonymous said...

Heartily agree with Mr Chua.
Vote for honest people.
Would you hire an employee who tells you that he needs a high salary or else he won't be honest?

Honesty is a basic requirement to be a decent human being.

Anonymous said...


新加坡 2016 年前大選
要認真利用你的一票, 要對得起廣大老百姓

Anonymous said...

How sure are Singaporeans about
PAP wanting to remain in power?

There are more and more suspicions
that offsprings of the Sin Rulers are
living abroad and most probably will be joined by the Rulers themselves.
These rumours seem very plausible
as without doubt Singaporeans are
getting more upset and restless. With
inspirations from PRC Bus drivers and India Indian Worker Rioters, the
Locals are showing signs that they
may have to protest or take to similar
measures. The Rulers are definitely
aware of the Rising Challenges and
the Best Escape is to get as far away as possible
the Problems.
And what better way to get defeated
and retire to enjoy living in luxuries safely and soundly elsewhere?

Anonymous said...

Anywhere, but the final destination still awaits.

Temporary luxury, safety and soundly!

We never ceased to kid ourselves, do we?

b said...

Many ministers already bought houses in Oz to escape once they lose the GE. With the money they going to bring in, the Oz gov will protect them.

Anonymous said...

Wish that if any living Ruler and or their families are suspected of any fraud or felony, they will be brought back for accountability no matter where they are.
Justice must prevail.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Early election or not...it makes no difference. The name and political leanings/ intentions of the election winner...doesn't matter.

At the end of the day, it is CULTURE which will prevail, and that culture-of-the-moment will be expressed collectively through one Sheeple per vote.

The inescapable truth is people rarely get the government they expect. What always happens, without exception is that The Sheeple Get The Government They DESERVE