
When is George Yeo going to be appointed Chairman?

The affable George Yeo, the intellectual of the PAP, is quitting politics for good with his stepping down as advisor to the Aljunid GRC. Though he is still very comfortable financially, and has a life long million dollar pension, it will be a waste of his talent if he is not appointed to some of the big jobs when talent is so short here.

Many yodas have been recycled year after year and holding many chairmanship positions. Some even being recalled regularly when the lack of talent younger generation CEOs were found hopeless in crisis management. George’s experience should come in very handy especially when he is still a young man.

When is George Yeo going to be appointed as Chairman of some GLC or Temasek companies?


Anonymous said...

My dedication to George Yeo & his Aljunied GRC Team.


Anonymous said...

Maybe can appoint him advisor of some sport association

Anonymous said...

Don't be like dat lah. George is meant for bigger things.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are many million dollar salaried positions in the private sector for such a talent.

Singapore has been under-paying him for so many years now. Just be grateful that he has sacrificed so much for Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, enough of him.

Anonymous said...

I know! I know.
Special / Senior Advisor to PAP.

This way, he can still continue to be paid his old salary. And at the same time, he can "transform" PAP. And help win back Aljunied GRC.

Of course, his salary will be paid by PAP and not the Singapore tax payers.

Anonymous said...

Even if Georgie boy shakes legs and does nothing, he will still be receiving hundreds of thousand Sin Dollars a month! And for life!

Please do not talk like you have higher income than him just because he lost his political office.

Anonymous said...

George Yeo talks about transforming the PAP when he was facing his Waterloo. He was in the PAP for quite a while, but transforming the PAP was never in his vocabulary. That talk about transforming was just an election ploy to win votes. In any case, who would risk his pension by not toeing the line?

Who in his right mind would believe that transforming the mindset of the PAP was at all possible, with the mentor still brandishing his knuckle duster every now and then.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

George Yeo is a very rich man. He does not need the million dollar pension for life to live a very good life.

The issue is why waste such a super talent and not use him to benefit the country? We are so short of this kind of super talent to the extend that all the yodas cannot rest and have to struggle in their feeble years to run this country.

Surely George's talent and ability can replace a few of the yodas and spare them the agony of crawling around.

Anonymous said...

Beg to differ, a pseudo philosopher that has yet to understand the people he helped(and is still helping?) nor the society, a political office was only for him to make his pile.

There was nothing worthy of mention from him, if any, it was just his claim that Singaporeans should accept the authority and be cautioned not to be 'bo tua bo suay'.

May be some singaporeans believe that George should be heading the UN. However, the international community does not seemed to think highly of singaporeans. Even the most famous man in singapore hardly got mentioned in the UN.

George will probably make a good pastor doing sermonizing for the good of himself and others to purge the sin of the society.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You don't seem to think too highly of George. Luckily he is now no minister. When he was in the Air Force he was quite likeable. But power and wealth can change any man. Reasonable man can become ridiculous man.

Anonymous said...

I know George Yeo is rich. But is there any man who is rich and still not lusting for more? Just look around and you can deduce your answer.

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