
US to station combat ships in Singapore

After scaling down its invaison of Iraq, the US is going to put some of these forces in Singapore. While we don’t have a Saddam Hussein in the region, there is piracy and freedom of passage for all ships to think about. Freedom of passage has never been a problem. As for piracy, is it an American problem that they feel responsible enough to spend so much money, resources and personnel to tackle the problem? Who is inviting the Americans here to deal with the piracy problem? Or are the Americans inviting themselves here because the Asean countries could not solve the problems? Why suddenly piracy in the region becomes a problem and not before?

Many countries are viewing the American presence with suspicion. Why would a neutral Singapore want to host the combat forces of a foreign govt here? Money lah. Can charge them for rental and use of facilities what.

I think it will be nice if Singapore can also host the combat personnel and equipment of countries like China, India, Russia and Japan to combat piracy as well. When the Americans are living across the horizon think it is important to them, piracy must also be important to these countries as well.

I can see more money from rentals and services if all these countries park their combat vessels here. And it is good to have more parties here to balance the ill intent of any one party. Don’t forget who is the biggest pirate. These other countries need to be here to keep the biggest pirate in check before it does mischief in the region.

The rationale for more navies to be here is reasonable, logical and an air of fairness, non alignment, neutrality, and plenty of money to be made. And the Americans cannot object to such a good argument.


Anonymous said...

This is a game lau lee is very apt at. Fret not , ah gong knows what to do and what he is doing . In the meantime , it also helps with drawing in much required moolah and the political points.

Anonymous said...

Remember ... not too long ago , the announcement that we sinkies would be accorded the "express" laneway when moving in and out of US of A ? hello ???? cnnecting the dots yet??

Papasan said...

Yippee! A boost to the sluggish economy.

The mamasans and the papssns are dreaming of the long ago days of the Vietnam war when the Yanks were on
r and r.

Maybe we can also persuade some of these yanks to invest in our heading for ruin condos?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I think it is a good thing for business. But don't let other countries think we are taking sides. Let a few more come in, collect more money, and Singaporeans can use express immigration lane in more countries.

Anonymous said...

Not only will mamasan and papasan get better bisiness and income, the taxi driver, marine contractor, shop and hawker centre will all stand to gain.
As said by Mr Bean, may be more other nations should have their forces base in Sin too. And You know wat will be the bes gain? No one will attack Sin as it is alredi occupied.

Anonymous said...

Peessai not big enuf to host so many big boyz lah deh. Look back in history .. eight nations did what to their host?

Anonymous said...

A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn


or the full alternative history of Amerikan Empire in the 20th Century


Thanks to Red Bean and all commentators, this blog is the only blog that tells it like it is .....

Political Bengster

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi papasan, welcome to the blog. After the casino, we need to find another success story. And foreign soldiers are good source of income. Many service industries will be busy servicing. No time for foreign workers.

And nobody would dare attack us as everyone got a stake here to protect.

And Bengster, thanks for the links.

Anonymous said...

Good news for the local social escort biz...hooray. Didn't they complained about the IRs recently

Anonymous said...

Will redlight district be moved to a more convenient location? AV will have to balance the act of tacit permssion versus human traffiicking abuses.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Fantastic! That should piss off the UMNO mats and the Islamic Fascists in Indonesia.

Anyway, looks like the famous masturbator finally shook himself to death. SPECTACULAR!

Anonymous said...

Sharks.... why didn't I think of thattt.... well red bean , not good to piss off our friendly neighbours worrrr ....

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I think our neighbours know that all these gestures are for business lah. Our relations with them have never been so good. A few combat ship is just good for piracy. And if we can get another few countries in, then no one can complain.

Next move is to bid for the UN HQ to be relocated here. But they be warned that before doing so, please make sure sinkies have a roof over their heads. when the UN moves here, they will buy up a lot of properties.

Anonymous said...

Red Bean. You are the MAN ! steady pom pee pee ... you have my utmost cyber respect/salute. Cool as cucumber , state it as it is. Please advice... how to train the next generation of young ones to think critically instead of running to daddy and mummy everytime kenna bullied ??

Anonymous said...

sorry , typo : advise.

Anonymous said...

"Income opportunity" how about allowing the big boys to store nuclear WMD in our warehouse? smart alec scholars and elites?

Anonymous said...

Ssssshhh, this is a good idea but don't tell them. When the price is good, they may really do it.

Anonymous said...

Eh , above. why do u think we have submarines now ? connecting the dots ... guess what is going to be loaded in the torpedo bay in the not too distant future?? becareful of what you wish for

Anonymous said...

This is not What I wish for... on the way to the warehouse...KABOOM!!! end of greed and Sin.

_The end__

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Actually I can't wait for the wayang by the S'pore govt

1. China pissed off, alamak govt caught in embarrassing position, since govt is pro-China.

2. Indon and Bhumi-laysia "no satisy" to have the "white infidel" so close. Wat's more, S'pore and US are PRO Israel. (as am I)

Lets see how S'pore govt dances the wayang-kulit joget dandut with regional powers.

Rongeng rongeng, ahhh goyang panat 'mu!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi anon 3:10. Just ask them to visit this blog and they will discard their onld mindset and look at things more differently.

But all bloggers contribute have to contribute by looking at things differently. Matilah works very hard today and so did several other bloggers.

Provoking people to think is a healthy exercise.

Abao said...

sailors + months at sea = money with no avenue to spend :)

certainly dont mind them visiting

Anonymous said...

Don't think these sailors with months of pent up spending urges will be splurging on Guccis or Amanis at our DFS horrr sister. Why do you think all the papa and mama sans are getting excited? Hmm?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Abao, long time no see. We are a paradise for everything. Now that the housing bubble is about to burst, the finance sector is about to implode, we may need to fall back on this fun and entertainment centre to boost revenue and economic growth.

For stop gap measures, think $9b may be good enough.

Anonymous said...

US to station combat ships in Singapore.

Singaporeans must oppose and resist this fiercely without fear.

According to newspapers reports US will station combat ships in Singapore.Singapore must not be a partner either willing or unwilling to US ( The Evil Empire ) hyenas intentions in Asia especially in East Asia, South China Sea and Sino-Indian borders in China's southern province of Si Zhang or Tibet. For the last seventy years after the Second World War how many countries have US attacked and how many savage unjustified wars have it declared on weak defenseless countries all because it has might and power. Through might and power US assumes it is synonymous as its right to bulldoze its ideas and doctrine on others and therefore it will assasinate leaders who do not follow its dictates and carry out regime change of these countries who do not toe the US line.

Singapore should not be blinded by US satanic influence to allow it to use Singapore as a military base for its insidious plan and design of aggression and conflict in Asia under the guise of protecting freedom and democracy and hubris talk of supporting freedom of the sea lanes for safe shipping in the South China Sea. US evil design in Asia is part of its overall strategy to hold sway and hegemony over every country in the whole world. Is Singapore willing to die for US aggression and world domination?

It is regrettable that Singpore defense minister is so naive as to fall prey to US evil intention to start potential conflicts in Asia as part of its drive to distract American citizens from its economic and financial woes . Singaporeans are non-plussed when the defense minister Ng Eng Hen said that Singapore is working with US to work out details of the plan to station US combat ships in Singapore. If war breaks out between US and another Asian power because of US extreme provocations and aggression Singapore cannot hope to escape attack and destruction. If our politicians want to be a pawn to US aggression and terrorism and willing to die for their US masters by all means do so, but don't drag Singaporeans along for they have no right to sign Singasporeans' death warrant or death penalty.

Singaporeans must now wake up to the danger that our politicians , our naive ministers are exposing us to the great danger of big power destructive politics especially from the West headed by US. Singaporeans can no longer keep quiet but rise up to protest and resist fiercely the US evil scheme of using Singapore as a military base for its evil designs of aggression in Asia. We must not allow our ministers who are obviously too simple minded and obsequious to US to decide our fate.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I say fellas, USN has women on board too. Last time I checked, they get horny too. (provable scientific fact, bitches!)

Anonymous said...

When elehants and rhinos clash , the grass get the stampede.

I'm_Watching_U_Matilah said...

Hey Matilah , sincce you are so scietifically factual. can you prove that these USN gals are horny too? care to share some of your rel life experience, not fictitious ones in your brain/mind please ?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Southernglory, nevermind lah. Just be careful that our NS boys don't get dragged into some regime change or WMD wars and had a purple heart stuck to the plastic bag that brought them home.

Anonymous said...

RB, Taiwan which is till officially in war with CCCP has already accepted reality and plan to reduce consription to 4 months by 2015. I too hope that our NS Men will get shortenend their time in order to deploy precious resources in more fruitful civil defence areas such as MRT track inspections and MRT bus maintenance

Anonymous said...

Do our boys and their parents have any say in the Matter?
the suggestion to shorten conscription time is simply too meek.
Singaporeans have to campaign for National Service to be abolished.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


NS is going to be abolished.

Anonymous said...

You make my day.
Thanks to You much!


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Dont thank me. Thank *****, ***** and co. and the fat paycheck they receive thanks to the generous citizens of Singapore.

You'll have to be patient. It won't happen for sometime yet.

southernglory1 said...

Singaporeans do not be too optimistic that US military base in Singapore will generate good economic activity. US is and has been in dire straits economically and financially for years and it hasn't got the money to splurge on other things other than the military for war and aggression. Incidentally with the kind and generous help of LKY and Goh Chok Tong US need not have to pay much for the use of Singapore as a military base but only a token in show of gratitude.

In the early 1990s US Navy Pacific commander Huntington Hardisty and his Assistant John Ryan were in Singapore to negotiate the use of Singapore as a US military base after it had been thrown out by the Philippines from its two big military bases there.

According Mr. Ryan Singapore Government offered the use of former British naval base at a very generous price, in fact just for a song so to speak. The question is , Why must Singapore entertain this evil monster warmonger and world trouble maker after the Philippinos wisely threw them out? I quote the paper Today what Mr, Ryan said of the friendship price offer at the time. " We were all concerned about what ( Mr. Lee ) was going to ask for, a trillion dollars or something like that," he recalls. But Mr lee was " very modest" and "very strategic". What the Singapore Governmennt wanted was the US presence in Singapore as a "strategic umbrella." He continued, "I watched my boss and the ambassador; their jaws practically dropped . What a great deal this was, we were flung out of one country and on the same day we're flying into a beautiful city-state."

Anonymous said...

The US owes the UN millions of dollars(USD).

denk said...

why does singapore let in us warships ?

have'u heard of the *asian nato* ?
singapore was counted in right from the start
in case u havent noticed, *naato* has been very active playing war games in china's front yard these days
this is the eight nation alliance redux, with the whole fucking asia in tow !

Anonymous said...

except , this time it will be more than eight nations Rah

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi denk, welcome to the blog.

After invading the Arab land and left them burning, it is now the turn of Asia to be saved by the Empire. It will be Asians killing Asians with paid American weapons while the Americans move the pieces from the side line, like a chess master.

denk said...

hello chua


the anglos have been playing this *great [dirty] game* for 300 yrs
they're turning it into an art form now

one example,
folks think the burmese government has been *rehab* by asean ?
but asean is just a patsy
think the u.s. [the usual suspects]
have the burmese been co-opted, arm twisted, or carrot n stick ?

what did jim webb tell the burmese leader ?

possible scenarios

*Accept our offer of "a carpet of gold or you'll get a carpet of bombs.*
like bush told the talibans ?

*either u're with us or we will bomb you back to the Stone Age*
ala pakistan ?

what did the mdm sec clinton whisper into the general's ear ?
*u wanna with me or ...gadaffi ?*

who sponsored the burmese *democratic movement* anyway ?

Anonymous said...

If and when the Asians are as foolish as said, then they deserve to be screwed.
Don't they have a far longer history and foundation???
Evolution has made them foolish???

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi denk and anon.

Asians are not that dumb but the environment makes them so. If they just read one side of the story, that's why language is so powerful, their thinking will be trapped by the media and literature of that language unconsciously.

So they will start to think and behave like the programmer.

denk said...

there'd be more cases of whiteys beating up locals n dont forget to keep the ladies in door
amerikkan troops on foreign bases enjoy immunity from local jurisdiction


Anonymous said...

Yikes...be careful of what you wish for. "me lurrrrrve you loooong time..."

Matthew said...

When elehants and rhinos clash , the grass get the stampede.