
Seng Han Thong in the lime light again

He was invited to the Blog TV programme to discuss the current SMRT fiasco. He quoted a post by a PR about SMRT staff that were Malays and Indians and could not speak good English and probably resulted in the problems last week. His insensitivity to quote the message verbatim was not taken kindly by the bloggers. Even Halimah Yaacob was offended and has to air her unhappiness.

Seng Han Thong has since apologized for his insensitivity which is really uncalled for as he is a politician and cannot forget how such remarks could be taken differently. It is going to do him no good.

Well, it happened. Just too bad.


Anonymous said...

First political "casualty" from the SMRT fiasco perhaps ? The skeptic in me would think that this is a stunt to divert attention from that Saw (tool) . Pehaps engineered by the spin doctors who are out in full force.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Unlikely. Seng Han Thong cannot afford such a stunt. He has no political capital to take any more bad publicity.

Anonymous said...

just jesting. kekeke

My_Engrish_Sucks said...


Anonymous said...

Seng Han Tong ingris very powderful leh!

Anonymous said...

Seng as First-term MP not bad performance. But after that he become extreme pro-establishment. This is the exactly life cycle of a politician.

Anonymous said...

siao one. why apolojizz A FACT? many sinkapokais can't speaks goodest english is common knowledge lah.

you watch Aaron tan fiak a 14 yrs old boy trying to hong his 14 yrs old gf on youtude or not? Video went viral and make laffing stok of sinkapokais

watch sinkapokais reply to foreign fiakers or not? born and bred here sinkapokais none can spook properly and foreign born Singaporeans were the ones who spoke much better had to defend our honor...how the shameful lah

so ah seng ah...you bay chai lah. no need to apolojizz wan lah. Fact is fact lah. only deluded like halimah wld play to the gallery.shame shame and show you weak leaderS easily sway by bloggers muahahaha

Anonymous said...

Wow.Bestest English :)

Anonymous said...

my english tak boleh tahan also malayu lah nevermind at all about my chinese where he come from!knn

Anonymous said...

Ong Ye Kung has been appointed to be 'independent' probe into SMRT problems and will submit a report to an 'independent' COI to be appointed by an 'unaccountable and opaque' government.

Look at Ong Ye Kung's background. He is a PAP defeated MP in GE2011. He is a formal civil servant who observes official secret act and has been appointed an 'independent' director for SMRT. His wife is related to SIM LIM that is a construction company has been getting contract from HDB to build some 'high price' HDB even the new National Development minister has admitted overprice. This leads to an old associate professor Sim Lo Lee from ANUS appointed as 'independent' director of both HDB and SIM LIM during the period when SIM LIM was winning contract from HDB. So much for 'independent' director, 'independent' COI, 'independent' bla bla bla...

Anonymous said...

Be patient, the Fall is coming.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Sad to say this, Seng Han Thong is now a liability to the party. And he is not the only one.

Just like the rise of Asia is inevitable no matter how the Americans tried to mess it up, the fall of the party is just as inevitable.

Everything is starting to fall apart. A great housing scheme is now a big burden to the average sinkies. A great MRT is now breaking down as regularly as having common cold. A health system that is waiting to bankrupt the average sinkies. An education system that is good only to produce taxi drivers and needing foreign talents to fill all the top positions.

A whole new generation that is practically useless if not for the presence of the indispensable yodas....

Anonymous said...

chinaman seng's english is crap

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi My Engrish Sucks, welcome to the blog. My English is not much betterer : )

My_Engrish_Sucks_Too said...

My Engrish also very poorly , but I least I noe how to communicate with my fellow sinkies worr.

Anonymous said...

Sorry RB , have to hijack your blog to paste a link cos this article needs to be read by ALL thinking singaporeans who still have a brain. The reason to paste it here is because , I know the quality of your readers are wayyyyy above par. Thanks for your generosity. Sinkies -> Read UP !!


Anonymous said...

Driver still asleep.
More slaps needed.

GE 2016.
Vote wisely.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 10:22, its my pleasure to share.

Anonymous said...

This is what scrapping the bottom of the barrel will get.

Anonymous said...

This numbskull had a run in with a taxi driver last I heard. Now shooting his foul mouth agin.

cant he just keep his big mougth shut like what those sitting together in the parliament does. keep out of trouble and just draw your mp paycheck!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Right, but must make sure there is no cockroach in Parliament.

Anonymous said...

>>must make sure there is no cockroach in Parliament.

How to?...when papaya MP anyhow discard sweet wrapper..sigh

Anonymous said...

He got a free plastic make-up, wonder if he is hoping for chances to make it even better?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

After all the information in the media, I must correct my initial post which said he quoted the remarks of a PR verbatim. He was actually quoting the PR executive from SMRT and missed out the word 'Chinese' and only mentioned Malays and Indians. If he had quoted verbatim, which would include mentioning all the three major races, then nothing would have happened as no one would feel slighted.