
Ah Long rules the land

Reading from the media and the unceasing pressure put on residents by Ah Longs and his guerilla painters and fire starters, it is obvious that Ah Longs have won the war. They are getting more outrageous and destructive in their attacks on innocent flat dwellers. Their coercive methods include taunting and terrorizing the whole neighbourhood and residents are living in fear.

Shall I congratulate the Ah Longs for their nasty and lawless acts? Why are the Ah Longs so indefeatable, so creative and deceptive in their harassment of residents? They seem to be more superior in their tactics and no one is able to terminate them.

One possible option is for residents to pay for hire guns to go after them and take them down like the wild wild west when the law was incapable of dealing with the hoodlums. It would provide jobs for the jobless as bounty hunters.

Is it really so difficult to remove these terrorists?


Anonymous said...

These thugs are backed by tow kays who can all be traced back to a society one way or another. These sort of underground societies aka secret societies have been in existence since time immemorial. Asking if they can be eliminated is like asking for illicit drug to be eradicated from the face of the earth, possible ?

But I agree , it takes one to get rid of the same kind. Not long ago , even an FT was imported from ROC to help out with ah loong;s dirty work. So , your proposal of getting bounty hunters is a good one but make sure they have a licence so that pappy gets a cut too to help contibute to our coffers.

agongkia said...

The problem does not lies with the Ah Long.
I work 20 hours but money not enough leh.

One need to honour their word and pay back as promise.They charge a higher interest but the borrower agree to it.
Avoid borrowing from Ah Long but what to do,bank dun lend you so easily.
Bank also act like Ah Long too.They dun set fire and do painting but also harass you after office hour ,threaten you with Court letters if you default them.Worse,you are threaten by foreign talent and some time cheap labour from oversea.
I prefer Ah Long if I need loan because less hurting if I am harass by my own country men.

Year of Dragon is good for me.I promise to be a good licensed Ah Long and charge a low interest to help the poor if thing turns well.And take away the business from the bank ..
But now.......before the dragon year, I L. L. have to let them harass me before I can talk big lor.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Like anon says in the drugs example: you're not going to rid the neighbourhood entirely of gangster loansharks because their existence is MARKET DRIVEN ie they exist because of a never-ending DEMAND for their services and product.

However they ought to be hammered into place -- ie to adopt professional standards more in line with community expectations and standards ;-)

You have to stand up to bullies. There is no other way. If the Ah Loongs hit the public property of the neighbourhood, someone hits the Ah Loongs car, or his private premises. Get down and dirty, speak the same language as the enemy, and respond in kind.

Hopefully he'll get the idea. Since Ah Loongs are good at math, he'll soon realise that hitting community property offers no direct benefit. In fact, the retaliation in having his car smashed and home vandalised ends up costing him personally. Self interest will tell him that his actions are too expensive

Anonymous said...

If and when ah long problem persists with no solution, can anyone believes that Singapore can rid itself of infiltration and be successful in defending itself???
Can it even bring down the crime rate in the State? Homicide including suicide and other social malaise and rages are common. Why?


Anonymous said...

"Ah Long rules the land", unquote.

Can i add 'and Ah Long calls the shots'. ?


Anonymous said...

@Patriot 9:29 + Blogger Red Bean , is the second "o" left out deliberately to avoid an unintended pun? Surely I jest.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You are getting me confused. Did I use one o or two os? Which is the correct version?

Anonymous said...

RB , Long and Loong may be used interchangeably given the context. Both Ah Loong and Ah Long rule the land macham yin and yang

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I must say that makes perfect sense, the yin and Yang. One creates problem, one solves problem. Both exist to balance each other: )

Anonymous said...

This is a simple case. Where are men in blue?

It is not about Ah Longs being intelligent or creative as they are totally not. Fact is, where are those people who's supposed to eradicate those Ah Longs?

agongkia said...

Only the poor and desperate will understand the importance of these
Ah Long.
The rich and the bank would love to see them gone.
Ah Long do play a part to solve many problem.
No need to eradicate them.
I am talking about Ah Long ,not Ah Loong hor.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ah Longs are working themselves out of business by their bullying tactics.

If only they could go about their business without disturbing the peace or hurting the innocents, no one is going to complain and the men in blue would rather leave them alone.

They did serve a purpose but not when they turn themselves into a social menace.

Anonymous said...

'Anonymous said...
@Patriot 9:29 + Blogger Red Bean , is the second "o" left out deliberately to avoid an unintended pun? Surely I jest.
December 28, 2011 3:29 PM'

Me must say the Above Anon was sharp and good at reading. However, me must clarify that i was just riding on the Post by Redbean.

No intention to miss or add the extra 'o' for it was not there in the Original Text, so cannot do any change without permission. Anyway, had it been Ah Loong, i would not have made my comment the way it was done.

Me knows our PM Ah Loong has more important duty to do. Together with his dad MP Lee Kuan Yew, Emeritus Goh Chok Tong, President Tony Tan and many other of their Cabinet Members, they have to make and motivate Singaporeans to make Singapore rich and a FIRST World State.

As for Law and Order, they have delegated a talent to take care of everything. If this talent fails to deliver, just too bad; he is the best available. If Singaporeans allow FT to be incharge, then there should be many; some village heads in other countries take charge of counties much bigger and complex than our little dot.

As for Ah Long, most of them are talented, they know the loop holes and lapses. Even our licensed professional debt collectors are far more efficient and capable than our Law Enforcers.

Anyway, me am caught in a fix, i agree with both Agongkia and Redbean with regard Ah Long activities. My boss sometimes go to Ah Long in order to pay me my salary because the bank refuses to loan him money as he got nothing to pledge as collateral. What can he do?


Anonymous said...

I am waiting for some experts to make some announcements that the Ah Longs are so brilliant, experts, smart, superer of super talents just like they claimed Mas Selamat was as powderful, like supernatural.

agongkia said...

Mr bean.
Ah Long dun approach the client to lend them money.It is the client that approach them when they need help.Ah Long helps them but need charge a higher interest because of the risk of unsecured loan.

Big Big bank use swee char bor and yan tao kia to call,harass ,sweet talk and offer free annual fees or goodies to encourage people to take up credit cards and loans.Encourage people to spent in advance....

So how if one have difficulty paying on time suddenly..

The only difference is the way they try to recover their bad debts.
If one pay up promptly,Ah Long will even treat you like their father,ah Kong,Ah Chor.

and farmer patriot,sure you got boss?
It is more shameful to be humiliated by the Authority than to approach Ah Long.
If he got bad debt and cannot pay salary or CPF in time,CPF will be the first to embarrass him by writing to all the employees that he have not make the contribution,resulting in staff losing faith in him.AND fine him,charge him in Court,can even be jail...instead of helping him .
I pity your boss if what you claim is true,but he make the right choice to approach Ah Long.The one and only to help him,not his friend,not the bank,not that Ang Tow,not the Garmen.
So,let Ah Long continue,dun disturb them.Sometime it helps.
A word of advice,borrow only in real need,not for gambling.

Anonymous said...

"Big Big bank use swee char bor and yan tao kia to call,harass ,sweet talk and offer free annual fees or goodies to encourage people to take up credit cards and loans.Encourage people to spent in advance.... ", courtesy of Agongkia.

Well said!

Farmer patriot has no land to farm anymore for forty years, so works as gardener or jaga part time to earn some monies for Camel Cigarette and Guiness Stout. Cannot afford Guiness Stout, drink kopi-o kow. Cannot afford kopi-o, drink Newater.


Anonymous said...

Passed by the Newater Plant near Changi Naval Base yesterday.
Oh, the stench coming out from the Plant was horrible!

Anonymous said...

i am personally ah long victim. if the ah long is man of his words , we dun mind pay higher interest , last time ah long in geylang area all steady , will not eat your repayment . now i encounter this bastard ah long , keep forcing you to take loan , when last repayment , will come out all kinds of dirty trick , forcing you to take another loan to pay existing loan last payment , if dun take , they claim you still owe them 2 payment or worst 3 payment . Like tat forever no end . At times , they also come out tricks like no bank account for you to transfer , and again FORCE you take another loan to pay the existing loan !!!!
So ppl , any suggestion how to deal with this type of unreasonable ah long !! Report police , dun pay and let them come spray paint ? if pay ...there will be no end

zubinn said...

just kanna ah long harrassment attack. neighbour borrowed money and we get a hell money packet.


zubinn said...

picture of hell money packet from ah long