
Labour Day Protest – Protect the Singaporean Workers

Gilbert Goh is holding a Labour Day Protest tomorrow, 1 May, at Hong Lim from 4pm to 7pm. According to him this year’s theme is Protect The Singaporean Workers. In his message on this protest he said, ‘We will also publicly shamed companies on that day which have a history of errant discriminatory employment records.’

The main issues undoubtedly will be ‘the influx of foreigners who have robbed us of our rice bowl, the lack of proper representation when there is a contractual dispute with the employer and the perpetually-low wages which ensure that Singaporeans continue to struggle in our small city state crippled by ever-rising cost of living.’

Gilbert also wants to ‘remind all our participants that this is a protest and not a rally or picnic – we need you to come prepared to shout and raise your fist at the errant pro-employer policies of our government.

Don’t bring your picnic mat or sun glasses but do bring along your voice and anger so that we will roar together as one body and that people’s power will be on show for one more time!’

Gilbert needs all the support the people can give him by being there. It would be a big let down if after working so hard over the years and the turnout is poor. Would Singaporeans be motivated and inspired by the work of this lone soldier soldiering tirelessly to promote their interest and the well being of all Singaporeans and march with him?

PS. Please note that there is another protest rally on 3 May at 3pm at Hong Lim led by Leong Sze Hian.


Anonymous said...

"It would be a big let down if after working so hard over the years and the turnout is poor."

I think turnout will be poor.


Because majority Sinkies have come to realise that protests, big or small, legal or illegal, won't achieve anything in Sinkieland as long as PAP is the govt. Tio bo?

Be that as it may, so does it matter if turnout is good or poor, u tell me lah?

Anonymous said...


Even the famous (for fighting PAP till bankrupt) Sinkie Chee Soon Juan also realised that.

Unlike long ago, do u nowadays see him organising protests anymore?

So why is this Gilbert not learning anything at all? Like that how to lead Sinkies to fight PAP?

Anonymous said...

Plus very uncomfortable standing like a block of wood for few hours. Most attendees are old folks so can not tahan so long. I have been to a few protests there but can not tahan already. Will support him through voting in the GE

Anonymous said...

This lone soldier Gilbert is not soldiering in the smart way lah, although tirelessly.

Remember the saying, "work smart, not hard"?

In fact the strongest opposition under WP Teochew Ah Hia is also working smart. That's why u don't even see him at Hong Lim Park at all, do u?

Anonymous said...

Before heading down to HLP. Maybe some of you should ask - what is Gilbert's real goal? Or perhaps we should ask the cogent question what is his puppet masters real goal?

Do have a productive week and Good Morning.

Darkness 2014

Anonymous said...

Check Gilbert website and start time not even stated so don't know what time to go?

Anonymous said...

@ 9.30am // Before heading down to HLP. Maybe some of you should ask - what is Gilbert's real goal? Or perhaps we should ask the cogent question what is his puppet masters real goal? //

Gd morning to you darkness 2014 and wish you a productive week on your highlands farm.

The weather is a bit cruel though and many withered shrubs and even trees already turned BROWN along many roads in sinkieland.

Hope your farms are doing ok? BTW, what is your motive or even that of your masters? Care to share so all can be enlightened? Not very kind to oldies especially leaving things hanging in mid high. Some oldies are slower in their thinking. Do spare some thoughts for them and not sow seeds of unnecessary vagueness and torture them cruelly. Not everything about farming you know? Why must you turn everything into farming style and sow seeds in the mind of sinkies as well? Does it help the sinkies? This is the social media. Since when you become so reticent and reserved? Speak your mind if you have something worthy to say.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The Singapore labour movement will fizzle out like a fart from last night's curry.

Singapore labour is simply not organised.

I'll bet come Friday, it'll be back to work...nothing will have changed,except many people will feel that they blew their holiday on attending a "protest" for a lost cause.

Got union?...never mind that...Got balls to strike?

...No? Then fuck off lah, bunch of fakers

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

P.S. If you are REALLY SERIOUS about "protest", you will hold it on a WORK DAY during WORKING HOURS and bring the enterprises you work for to a fucking STANDSTILL, and cost the state and the business community LOSS OF MONEY.

If you're not doing that, you are a monumental FAKE.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Does Darkness know something that we don't?

Anonymous said...

We strongly and urgently demand that all opposition parties get together and form a solid coalition to give credibility to its purpose of wanting to form the next government to right the grievous wrongs and bad governance that have seriously affected the blue Singaporeans livelihood and welfare, failing which don't ever think of deposing the self-serving and self aggrandizing pappy betrayers.
Concerned Citizen

Anonymous said...

MATI-LAH, even the SKUNK is ashamed of YEWR SHITTY SMELL! said...
RB Post 27 Aril 2014:

"The books that I would want to write"

// Anonymous Anonymous said...
Matilar, u can also write the following books

1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
2) the art of incest
3) the guide on how to bull shits
4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.

I am quite sure others can contribute other ideas for matilar so that he can become very rich like he always dream of. Knn motherfucker that waste the earth resources.

April 27, 2014 3:40 pm //

Ha ha ha




MATI-LAH, see what people think of YEW. YA, YEW will always say YEW dun care. ha ha ha. then why YEW bother to "appear" in MSN. ANyway, MATI-LAH, YEW are wasting YEWR time. YEW think people care a shit what YEW write and think. MAny, if not all likely just skip YEWR comments when YEWR smelly name shows up ...... Even the SKUNK is ashamed! Got somebody who STINKS more than him ( SKUNK ). MATI-LAH, that's how stink YEW are! Unfortunately, MATI-LAH, YEW are a nobody. Otherwise, MATI-LAH, YEW will go down in written history as one who stinks worst than the skunk.

April 30, 2014 6:41 am

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Guys and gals, please take note that there is another protest rally on 3 May at Hong Lim at 3pm led by Leong Sze Hian. I have added in a postscript to the article.

Anonymous said...

I am a humble servant of the truth. My mission to the very best of my understanding, is to call a spade a spade and nothing else. In this case I call it as I see it. I don't have any masters except maybe the quest for the truth - suffice to say, it is indeed a master of sorts as it imposes upon one the obligation to call a spade nothing other than a spade.

Did you know that the USSR once maintained Potemkin sites along their borders - many of these camps were deliberately made to look like American military outpost- the detailing was so meticulous that escapees who had just scaled barbed wire fences braved searchlights and snipers - actually believed they had succeeded in escaping from the iron curtain to the free West. Yes, how could they believe otherwise when these cardboard outpost even came complete with an American diner which served hamburgers with even jerkins (Did you know Jerkins can't grow in the Ukraine, i bet you didn't know that, they had to be specially flown in by aeroflot on special diplomatic courier service. The only reason why I feel it's necessary to share this detail with you is to illustrate the lengths to which the NKVD actually went to create these Potemkin sites - it serves to illustrate the measure and degree of their zeal to accomplish their mission thru a process of deception) - these diners even came complete with Rock n Roll juke boxes, Wrigley spearmint gum dispensers and of course everyone was attired in American uniforms, drove on the left side on a Willy's jeep and even spoke with a mid western twang.

Now perhaps one would do well to ask further... why would any oligarchy in the USSR go thru so trouble and spend so much money in creating such an elaborate charioscuro of deception. What did the GPU hope to really accomplish by all this? Wouldn't it be far simpler to pack these escapees into cattle wagons to the nearest Gulag for a spot of Siberian hospitality.

How interesting....Perhaps one could do with a spade to ferret out the truth...yes, a spade would do very nicely I imagine.

Darkness 2014

Anonymous said...

@ 2.08pm // I am a humble servant of the truth. My mission to the very best of my understanding, is to call a spade a spade and nothing else. In this case I call it as I see it. I don't have any masters except maybe the quest for the truth - suffice to say, it is indeed a master of sorts as it imposes upon one the obligation to call a spade nothing other than a spade.//

Calling a spade a spade?

No, you still haven't!

You are beating around the bush .....

Is this the way to "farm"?

Do you till your land by beating around the bush?

Anonymous said...

'Do you till your land by beating around the bush?'

I say! This has to be my lucky day! Nothing would give me the keenest pleasure madam.

As it has always been one of my fervent fantasies to beat around bushes while tilling the land - I assume you want to be in front while I go whoosh with my whip and give it a good beating around before we get directly to the point.

Yes I must say, this is certainly a very unusual proposition for close encounters involving the exploration of bushes along with other pleasures - I assure you that I am eminently well equipped to do the job and I don't have any communicable diseases.

Yes, I am sure I can accommodate such an unusual request though I feel it's my duty to share with you madam certain reservations concerning bushes.

'to till the land and beat the bush!' that is fine - providing I don't have to hold a compelling conversation with the bush and just beat it - The only reason why I felt the need to share my phobia of talking to bushes is because the last group of people who talked to a Bush ended going to a 'shoot myself in the foot' war in Iraq and long before that a group of people who talked to another bush ended up wandering and mumbling in the desert for 40 years...so providing I am just required to till the land and beat the bush before we both explore the 1,000 pleasures, the answer madam is certainly! Yes! Halleluya!

P.S: could you send a recent nonreturnable photo to Chin Leng along with body measurements so that I can prepare the harness for the plough just before you visit me. This is to guarantee satisfaction.

Chin Leng, you're invited as well. Do remember to take your camera along.


Darkness 2014

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

A farmer and a bushman or is it a bushwoman?

I am also quite puzzle by the master part. I have always been very sceptical and suspicious about things and people in the political realm of existence.

The truth and fiction are just as unreal.

b said...

I think Gilbert must change the way he conducts those protest. It must be fun and full of actions so it will be appealing to the younger generation. It is about packaging and marketing. Give out whistles, have some singing, gangnam style dancing etc. Can consult the city harvert church members how to make it more successful.

Anonymous said...

Turn the protest into a sort of party. Let RB performs a karaok song or two and most likely many of his fans will turn up and support.

Anonymous said...

Can also get Sun Ho to perform. She will definitely be passionate about it since it is pap that screws her husband.

Anonymous said...

Ah, darkness is still not allowing any light to get through.

Who is the master of Gilbert and who is the master of darkness?

Anonymous said...

@ 3.37pm // I say! This has to be my lucky day! Nothing would give me the keenest pleasure madam. //

Dun try evade and change topic.

For your info, how you conduct your wild bush affair in your farm, presumably nobody is interested.

Anyway, since you have ANNOUNCED to the WHOLE WORLD your sick adventure in the bushes, is it any wonder some may want to stay away from you not even with a 1,000,000 pole?

If u have nothing better to say, dun try sow some speculation and suspicion here and there.

Otherwise, there will be many shadows to chase in life.

By the way, are you referring to your own shadows?

Ha ha ha

Also, sinkies are not interested about some USSR stories or some wild bush psycho crap stories to instil unfounded unnecessary alarm.

Sinkies have their problems and they would like to get to it.

You want to "BRAG" about your knowledge about all this Potemkin and perverted fantasies in the highland wild bushes, you may find a sympathetic audience in some "easily impressionable" very free retirees.

USSR is a piece of history after the fall of the Berlin Wall. What are you getting at?

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

This Darkness 2014 may have got his brain fried by the hot sizzling weather recently. From an extinct USSR, he jumped to his dirty daily affairs and expertise in the high land bushes presumably with some bushwomen in his imagination but likely some wild boars, dogs or even cows? Read his writing and it sounds so obvious he frequently rides on high land domesticated animals to fulfil his sick fantasies. Otherwise where did he get such vivid descriptions? I say RB be careful if you are invited, especially when he asked you to take your camera along. You may not relish seeing your photo in the internet being rided by a highland bushman reliving his fantansies. No? Read what he wrote quoted below:


"As it has always been one of my fervent fantasies to beat around bushes while tilling the land - I assume you want to be in front while I go whoosh with my whip and give it a good beating around before we get directly to the point."


Darkness has just told the whole world his preoccupation in the high land beside his daily farming work.

He certainly sounds like a highly educated albeit farmer in the league of Mao. But people certainly hope Darkness would not commit the same folly as Mao in his later life by engaging in Great Leap Forward. Presumably more than 30 millions Chinese died then from starvation as a result of the failed experiment.

No wonder harvest is getting worst and worst.

USSR, Potemkin, George Bush, 40 years in the desert ........ hmmmmmm, wonder MOE wants to include such stories in their school curriculum?

Oh, maybe also the art of throwing some smoke bomb, run away and take the high ground .......

Rb, Darkness has just invited you to join him in his wild bush fantasies. Remember to bring your camera and upload some wild adventure photos when you are back, will you?

You may want to bring along some medication and tranquiliser for similar patients in IMH. in case some farmer and bushman turned out too much for your handling .........

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This thread has taken on a new twist with a farmer and a bushman running wild in the plains of Africa and Matilah flirting with his stalker.

I have yet to be in bushland but would be a wonderful time savouring the wonders of nature's vastness and the animals that still roam free.

Many have put the blame on Mao squarely for the folly of the Great Leap Forward. But one must note that the intent of that campaign was not to kill people but for productivity and growth. China was too backward and Mao was rushing to keep up with the progress around the world. It was badly conducted without the skills and trained manpower to get it through. But the death was brought about by Nature, droughts and famines rather than the devious intent of Mao to kill his own people.

And there were many corrupt, incapable and incompetent comrades that bungled the whole campaign to make it worst.

I read history by looking and interpreting the facts myself and would not allowed westerners to plant their biased and politically motivated thoughts into my thinking.

China has just successfully conducted the greatest Great Leap Forward today without announcing it. In the last 30 years, it has embarked on a rapid programme of economic growth and yesterday the IMF has announced that by the end of 2014, China would outstrip the USA as the world's biggest economy.

The days of poor and incompetent communists are over. Today China has whipped, to borrow from Darkness, the western fallacy that communists must be poor, hungry, illiterate farmers. The communists in China are rich and many are billionaires.

Hands-On Green Matters said...

Without a strong labour/ union to fight for the rightful entitlement, we have to face the unfairness of the over and above the law company. Many have shared our true stories (reported to MOM, outside protest), as I put it, the failure of HrM - The Zero Dollar Company - Terminate with many NOs.