
Kishore, what have you been drinking?

“MY BIG Idea No. 3 for Singapore is a simple one: strengthen the Singapore spirit.
Why? If our young men ever go to war to defend Singapore, they will not lay down their lives to defend the physical infrastructure of Singapore. They will do so to save the lives of people who are the strangers they meet in MRT trains or buses. Clearly they feel some kind of spiritual bond with these strangers only because they believe that they are fellow Singaporeans. This is what the Singapore spirit is all about.”
Kishore Mahbubani
- ST Apr 12: “Three stories to strengthen the Singapore spirit”

When I read the above quote I was kind of, what, what is that, who said that? I can’t believe that Kishore said this. I find this quite bizarre really for Kishore to say something like this. And my only excuse for him to say this is that he must be having a glass too many of toddy or Macallen single malt the night before.

Why would Sinkies die to defend foreigners who are here against their wishes and with many cheating Sinkies of their livelihood with fake qualifications and recruited because they were of the same kind, and making Sinkies outcasts in their homeland? What kind of bonding of Singaporean Spirit is Kishore talking about? Does he believe that Sinkies are really that daft or duds?

Kishore, are you ok?

Oh, perhaps he was thinking that Sinkies are angels. Angels are a kind of spirit, unthinking, just doing what God told them to do. So if God said, go and defend the foreigners, the angels, Sinkies in spirit, will go defending and dying for the foreigners who took their seats in the MRT or squeezed them into a sardine can.


Anonymous said...

Kiss-Ass Mahbu-Baloney

The name says it all.

Anonymous said...

Chicken Soup for the Soul?
Pig Soup for the Daft?

Anonymous said...

This the kind of so-called thinkers we deserve. Having been sent back from the UN in disgrace for aping his master in denouncing the Africans state paid hack laboured away in the Foreign Affairs Ministry until he was let loose on the unsuspecting public in the so-called think tank named after his master. Read the reviews of his books by Buruma and other real thinkers and you can understand the shallowness of this man.

Anonymous said...

Is he smoking PAP ganja in his ivory tower?

Anonymous said...

Diplomat Kishore Mahbubani has been named by a leading British current affairs magazine as one of this year's top 50 world thinkers. - See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/kishore-mahbubani-british-magazines-list-top-50-world-thinkers-2014040#sthash.zQDcIUX7.dpuf

Wow, top 50 world thinkers, u know.

So RB, better don't play play hor.

Actually hor, I think RB is also a top thinker but unfortunately the British magazine don't know him lah, despite being a top Sinkie kopi earning blogger and too bad, no PAppy connections.

Anonymous said...

Matilah has a smoking mate.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I
really feel extremely sorry to
see our younger generations going
thru so much so much day-to-day
challenges and stressful life and
the huge huge loans they have to

Really Sad.

Anonymous said...

Kishore Mahbubani also wrote a book called "Can Asians think"? Maybe that's how the British magazine knows him as a top thinker.

So RB, better write a book also, like "Can Sinkies think?".

I think it will be best seller. Better than blog kopi.

Anonymous said...

Diplomat Kishore Mahbubani has been named by a leading British current affairs magazine as one of this year's top 50 world thinkers. - See more at:

What is the credibility of this British magazine called "Prospect"?
- who are the owners?
- any $2 companies among the owners?
- how did the Straits Times "chance" upon such an obscure British magazine?
- how did such a magazine chance upon such an obscure Asian diplomat?

Who else is calling Kishore one of the world's top 50 thinkers?

Here is a website featuring real top thinkers from around the world:

Compare the quality of their thoughts with that of Kishore Mahbubani.
Tell me.
Is Kishore worth his salary paid for with Singapore tax dollars?

What is Kishore's salary?

Anonymous said...

Kishore Mahbubani + Shitty Times... what u expect?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

What is a thinker? Simply a thinker is someone who thinks, rightly or wrongly, logically or illogically.

You don't need to be a good thinker to think. And you can be widely respected if you think the right thing.

How many of you have seen the statue called the Thinker? Yes, it was a statue but it is called a Thinker, because it appears to be thinking: )

Li Shit You said...

Rb // You don't need to be a good thinker to think. And you can be widely respected if you think the right thing. //

Not true lah! There is still the time dimension. Thinkers rightfully are those who can see ahead of their time and often in history are quite lonely and solitary likely because they do not think like the rest.

Good thinkers often are independent and not beholden to any other thing and their thinking are truly far reaching.

Be wary of those so called thinkers on payrolls. Whatever come out from their "$" brain could be far more than nonsense, even shits. Letting it invade your mind is as good as polluting your thinking with their shits. How can one not end up daft when they are fed shits into their mind?

Anonymous said...

When i think... many people claim i day-dream

Anonymous said...

There are many thinkers in parliament when it is in session.

Anonymous said...

Kishore really had a great shake out in TRE for saying this. They are tearing his skin off.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

To strengthen the Singapore spirit, the alcohol content must increase. Singapore must distil its own brands of white spirit like vodka, tequila and gin -- all hopefully 150 proof minimum. Then we all drink together, and get horny.

The interpersonal engagements need to increase in numbers and intensity. I propose that after drinking the strong Singapore spirits, everyone start swapping partners, so we all get to bang each others' "fuck toy" with the idea of strengthening bonds between our beloved citizens, and also put firms like Ashley Madison out of business.

The point Kishore is missing is the very nature of human nature. People behave in their own interest -- or more accurately what they THINK is their own interest. So you need to APPEAL to Singaporean's self interest.

In Singapore, we dun fuck around. We believe in a materialistic existence because we live in a material world. We love our money. We like our comforts. We place unreasonable demands on the govt. and make those fuckers work for their exorbitant pay. We also tekan our maids to work like slaves for their shitty pay.

The point is, if a Singaporean is paying his own money, he wants MAXIMUM VALUE, and he will give no quarter.

Singapore spirit of materialism is alive and well. We are all connected by our love of success in the PHYSICAL world.

Anonymous said...

Rb:// I can’t believe that Kishore said this. //

In the land of "Moneytocrazy", everything is balloon, balloon, balloon. Gdp, yew pumped it as big as possible. Property pricing, lagi bigger! Now intellect also kena ballooned! How much hot air was pumped by yew into somebody's head to come out with such "inflated logic"? Yew tell me lar?

Anonymous said...

What's Kishore whence compared to Matilah_Singapura!
Chinese call it 小巫也.
What's a thinker? One with a brain that refuses to rest due to much imaginations.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, when you want to smoke, please smoke with some logic. 'We place unreasonable demands on the govt. and make those fuckers work for their exorbitant pay.'

It is the govt that is placing unreasonable demands on the people and making the people work for their exorbitant pay lah. Yew can understand or not.

Yew cannot anyhow spout unsubstantiated views and expect people to believe in yew.

Shit, I am being influenced by Anon 1:24 : )

Anonymous said...

Is your salary paid with Singapore tax dollars?
The same Singapore tax dollars that can be used to help needy Singaporeans?

I hope you can sleep at night.

Virgo49 said...

Singapore NSF and Reservists in all uniformed services SHALL defend these beloved Foreign Talents as let in by the PAP.

Slowly, slowly, we are made to sing all the National Anthems of these Talents in our red dot.

Also, we must take part in their National or Independence Day celebrations.

So, slowly and slowly, they SHALL be our Masters and we have to defend them with our lives.

Forget of our fellow TRUE BLUE Singaporeans, they are a minority now or by then 2030.

Also, Kishore is neh and there are so many nehs in this little red dot.

So, we must defend his countrymen and served them.

What say you Ng Eng Hen or Cock and company???

Anonymous said...

I think Kishore is misquoted.

b said...

Singapore is not the best but also not bad compared to other third world countries and especially the native country of this Kishore. If he is any good, why doesnt he go back to his native ahneh country and preach to them? Even they think he is load of craps only.

Singapore mandatory military services MUST be abolished and be replaced by an elite troop which mainly consists of sons and daughters from those elite family. Why should the sons of the general population gong gong die for the elite family assets? Still in middle ages/ medieval period?

b said...

I think he should be charged under the sedition act because he is trying to provoke unrest in the country indirectly.

"1) A seditious tendency is a tendency — (a) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the Government;"

Anonymous said...

Agree. The elites have a lot to protect and the NSmen should rightly come from themselves to protect their wealth and good life.

Anonymous said...

Kishore is right to say that when war ever breaks out in Singapore, those fighting in the front lines should lay down their lives for the brothers-in-arm. I say that because those fighting beside you will be true blue Singaporeans. All the new citizens would have left and return to their own countries. They would have left like rats from a sinking ship.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> t is the govt that is placing unreasonable demands on the people and making the people work for their exorbitant pay lah. Yew can understand or not.

Fuck Yew lah redbean. It's yew not understanding:

THE SHEEPLE GET THE GOVT THEY DESERVE. So a demanding sheeple will get a demanding government.

A materialistic people gets a materialistic government. Kiasu kiasi people get a kiasu kiasi government.
A stylo-milo yaya papaya people get a....

...yew getting the picture or not?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Where is your logic?

I readily admit I dun use logic all that much.

However for yew to claim that yew do by attempting to say that I don't is a big fucking fraud on your part.

This is the internet lah. Logic is optional.

The sheeple getting the govt they deserve is not my "pet tehory". This is a fact borne out by fact. If any dumb fuck wants to find out a truth about a national and its politics, all they have to do is to read history. Politics is a COLLECTIVE ENTERPRISE, borne out of CULTURE, another collective enterprise.

Here are more cultural examples: Russians like to drink, their government is full of drunks (drinking culture). American like guns, their government has a lot of very big and nasty guns (gun culture).
HK (Cantonese) people like money and freedom, their govt has low tax and cannot control the people. HK can't even get a GST implemented. (Cantonese culture of freedom and capitalism).

But dun take my word...lest I'd be accused of "wanting to win the argument" -- please lah, check for yewrself.

Anonymous said...

All this Yew Yew Yew. Who is this almighty Yew? He must be very important to the Singaporean. I think whoever Yew are Yew must be very proud and satisfied with Yewself for being sooooo "popular".

Anonymous said...

Huk Pui to Yew and Mahbu-Baloney.

Anonymous said...

Cannot imagine why Yew are so unpopular. Yew must have many sleepless nights knowing that many Singaporeans are HUK PUI Yew. I wonderwho Yew are ??

Anonymous said...

Good Morning & Huk Pui to Yew.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Good morning to all of you. Better don't distort the Queen's English too much or our overseas readers catch no ball what we are saying.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

OK then let me explain to the one or two oversea's readers:

The word "yew" as a replacement to the English pronoun "you" iws a deliberate attempt to MOCK Singapore's Big Daddy, the only worthy Emperor of Singapore, the farting old Lee Kuan Yew.

To many Singaporeans he is their "saviour". To many others again he is the biggest evil ever to escape from all the domains of Hell.

And so childish Singaporeans just gasak buta (local slang for pulling stuff out of your ass) and get their cheap thrills by saying things like "Fuck Yew", "Yew got no logic" etc.

On a related note the phrase "Hak Pui" is onomatopoeia -- words which imitate sounds. "Hak pui" is the sound of someone spitting a large bolus of phelgm and saliva -- a highly unhygenic cultural practice of many Asian societies. When the expression "hak Pui" is used, it denotes disgust, repugnancy, disrespect and outrage.

Dear foreigner, please consider a visit to our lovely island city state. We'll gladly accept your money .

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

P.S. But please dear foreigner, do not "hak pui" in public. We will catch you' fine you, possibly jail you, but most definitely RIDICULE you in the press and online.

In Singaporean culture, it is a great celebration when perpetrators of "unacceptable behaviour" are called out and castigated publicly. The entire nation will unite and shit on your head, and it will serve you right.

Anonymous said...

Walan eh, Georgie boy is philosopher, Kiswhore Malu is a thinker. And what is Kan Yew? In Sin there seems to be many mavericks and monsters.

The said...

/// Kishore is drinking and sleeping high up in his Ivory Tower. Really out of touch and talking of rubbish, trash and shit.
April 16, 2014 10:21 am ///

This is what will happen if you drink too much NeWater.

The said...

/// Matilah_Singapura said...
To strengthen the Singapore spirit, the alcohol content must increase. Singapore must distil its own brands of white spirit like vodka, tequila and gin -- all hopefully 150 proof minimum. Then we all drink together, and get horny. ///

Eh, you siao ah. Alcohol is a depressant, not a stimulant. You drink too much and your little brother will be looking down at your toes.

Spirit is willing, but the flesh will be flagging.

Anonymous said...

Well said The. This bugger wants to brag also cannot get it right. Now you know why he talked so big.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Alcohol is a depressant, not a stimulant.

Depends on the individual and how much is consumed. There are varying levels of alcoholic intoxication.

A couple of hits of white spirit will make you feel "high" and pumped -- to the point you might want to riot at Serangoon Rd :-) However a half bottle could cause you to crash and become morose, and hug the toilet as you spew out your guts.

>> You drink too much and your little brother will be looking down at your toes.

The operative words are "drink too much". If you cannot hold your liquor, you need to learn a lesson in the limits of human neurology ;-)

>> Spirit is willing, but the flesh will be flagging.

Not necessarily, these days anyway. There's always viagra or cialis. Yes you can have your cake and eat it too, provided your heart is ok. Ain't science wonderful?