
Javier Milei is not to be trusted

 Argentina's President Javier Milei is like a headless cockroach, not knowing which direction to run to for help today. Needless to say, he is not to be trusted, as he is still clearly following closely the instructions of his handlers, the USA.

Just look at his behavior of opening his big mouth to support the USA's stand of recognizing the opposition leader of Venezuela as the true leader. It is a mystery how he ever became the President of Argentina and that really boggles the mind. Such a fickle- minded person deserves little respect and behaves just like a loyal dog towards the USA. Honestly, does he remind us of one of the three stooges?

Javier Milei must be the only Global South leader bucking the trend of trying to bring Argentina into supporting the US$ hegemony and going against the grain of Global South de-dollarization move.

Being given a chance to join BRICS, he flouted it. He should reach out to the USA for help since he is supporting the dollarization move so blatantly. China must not be misled by his behavior of soliciting Chinese help after denigrating China. After getting Chinese help he will probably run over to the USA and helping the USA to demonize China further.

I agree that China must never ever help Argentina, no matter what.



Anonymous said...

Javir Milei is the stooge that the USA wanted to run Argentina.

China should avoid him like the plague. He is just another clown in the boots of Zelensky, running everywhere begging for help. The Argentinians voted for him and now they have to live with him in his circus.

Anonymous said...

Milei will destroy the lives of Argentinians like Zelensky did to the Ukrainians.
Both are silly clowns.

Anonymous said...

The USA used the IMF to run Argentina to the ground. Now they have achieved their objective, having their stooge running Argentina.

The Africans have seen the result of what the IMF can do to cripple a country and are refusing to go to the IMF for aid. Instead, they are gravitating to China for aid and that is making the West paranoid. They will keep on masturbating the narrative that China is setting debt traps for Africa.

Anonymous said...

When you elect clowns to run the country, a circus is what you get. Argentinians probably love circus very much and now enjoying the clown show.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 3.37

UAssA's Circus that Kamalla Hairy appointed Genocide Sleepy Joe Bidamn as her Running VP Candidate for this coming Nov Erection.

What's a Joke and Circus.

Now ex VP have ex POTUS her ex Boss as now her UnderBoss.

One wore T-shirt as BOSS and another as BOSS SINI?

Anonymous said...

Those that took loans from IMF will likely tell you - 'I M Fxxked'.