
Truths and facts about evil white men in America.

It happened in the 1870s in the state of Texas. A US army officer descended on a native American village with some armed guards. The officer talked to the village chief. He told the village chief that the natives could no longer be allowed to live in the place where they had been living for ages. The US government has decided to close down the village and remove the natives somewhere else called Indian Reservations. The officer told the chief that the US government who owned the land that the natives were occupying had decided to move out the natives to the reservations. 

The village Chief told the officer, "The US government is not our government. How did the US government come to own their village land? Did they buy the land from the natives?" If not how can they chase us or evict us from our land. "The officer said, "It is not like that. It is because the government wants to put all natives in a safer place in native reservations. The village Chief, "No, we are quite safe and happy to stay where we are, where we have been living for ages.?" 

The native Indian villagers had no choice. After a lapse of some time the natives with other villages natives totalling about three thousand of them were forced march westward hundreds of miles to desolate lands where they were herded in like cattles in make shift slave camps. This forced march westward to desolate desert lands without any food or water or support from US Anglo-Saxon government caused the deaths of hundreds of natives lives who fell dead by the wayside due to sickness, hunger and starvation. 

In any case whenever Indian reservations premises were subsequently found to possess substantial oil or other precious minerals therein the natives would be evicted again and the richly endowed areas would be taken over by white invaders, the Anglo-Saxons. Soon the Anglo-Saxon elites and the American Jews would take over the place and enrich themselves with the mining of oils and other mineral in the region. 

This demonic process would be repeated again and again to the detriment and decimation of the native Americans. This barbaric actions of the Anglo-Saxon invaders and together with the official killings and genocide of the natives the Anglo-Saxon US government has reduced native population of over one hundred million to a miserable number of not more than a hundred thousand today. These same tragic scenarios were to be repeated over the decades all over all the states in the United States even up to this present time. 

Besides illegal and illicit forced eviction the savage, brutal and barbaric torture of natives was a regular occurrence undertaken by US government and the white supremacist Anglo-Saxon occupiers. Whatever evil and diabolical gruesome deeds the white invaders especially the Anglo-Saxons did to the natives in America is similarly repeated in white conquered lands in South America, Africa, Asia, Central America and the Caribbean Islands. 

The evil white men propensity for all kinds of evil deeds has no limits. The Anglo-Saxon Americans are now leading the white packs of evil white countries in a renew vigour to bring the global earth under their hegemony. The next article will reveal and expose their evil plots against the countries of the South.

 Southernglory1 Monday, 26th August, 2024


Anonymous said...

Compare what the Uyghurs have in Xinjiang to what the Native American Indians have in those reservations. Those are real concentration camps than reservations in the USA, isolated and under-developed. What the Uyghurs have in Xinjiang is now exposed on social media for all to see. What the Native American Indians have in those reservations, well, they will never put on show on social media. Hiding it is taking care of the problem. I am sure even those thinking of visiting are not encouraged citing security reasons. On the pretext of protecting the Native American Indians, the real reason was to protect the Whites themselves.

Of course, the pro-USA shrills are shouting that everything in Xinjiang are fakes. Even the high-speed rails in China are being described as fakes. Those bridges, dams, airports and highways are all fakes. What about those high-speed rails, ports and airports in other countries that China constructed? Are they also fakes? Ask the Indonesians, the Cambodians or the Thais. Why do they choose China to construct those fakes and not the USA for the real stuff? Are they not silly, you would ask. They should equally claim that the countries engaging China to build those high-speed rails must have been paid by the CCP to keep it a secret that those high-speed rails are fakes. Laughable isn't it!?

Vloggers on social media were also accused of being paid by the CCP to post fake videos of China. Paying thousands of dollars and using valuable time to visit China just to get paid by the CCP to post pro-China videos on social media is a tad too unbelievable. We know the USA is doing that, but do not cast others in the same mold. Not every country is as evil as the USA, spending hundreds of millions for propaganda.

Anonymous said...

The Anglo-Saxon barbaric invaders of America like the imbecile Donald Trump and his white supremacist pack of followers dare to say they want to get rid of immigtants from Mexico,Latin America and Asia . He and his gang of thieves and marauders from England and Europe like to conveniently forget that they were the actual illegall immigtants that should be henceforth be repatriated to Europe where they originally came from. They are actually not immigrants but satanic marauding invaders, thieves, robbers, merciless killers and genociders. God should despatch the white invaders especially the Anglo-Saxons from not only America but from the surface of the earth.

Maria Morita , a native American from Virginia state

Anonymous said...

Trump and his scumbag followers like to say they want to get rid of immigrants from Mexico, Latin America, the Caribbeans and Asia. They conveniently forget that they themselves the whites and the Anglo-Saxons are the actual illegal immigrants or rather satanic invaders from England and Europe and should be the first to be repatriated to their original place of abode.
As for the Mexicans they have every right to get back to stay in the United States where their former homelands like Texas, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Dakota, California and Arizona were robbed and invaded by the Anglo-Saxons to form half of present United States.

Maria Elena

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Maria Elena and, Maria Morita , a native American from Virginia state

Anonymous said...

The Anglo-Saxons and the American Jews in the United States who had genocided more than 99 percent of my fellow native Americans like to falsely accuse China of genocide of the Uyghurs just to cover the dark side of their horrendous crimes and killings of the American natives. No matter what they will never able to cover up or whitewash their criminal activities of merciless tortures and slaughter of native Americans. History has told us that the Uyghurs who formerly came from Turkey to escape wars in Turkey and the Middle East were formerly allowed by the emperors of the Han and Tang Dynasties to settle in the Chinese land of Xinjiang out of kindness and generosity. So the Uyghurs are actually immigrants in China.
Throughout history Chinese governments have treated the Uyghurs well. Their numbers swell with the flow of time and their turkic language was allowed to be used . Uyghurs way of life and their culture continue to flourish and be very vibrant now as seen in all towns and cities in Xinjiang especially during festivities. Uyghurs population has increased from about four or five million in 1945 to about twelve or thirteen million at the present. The Uyghur turkic language is preserved and is an official language in Xinjiang in addition to the Chinese national language Mandarin or Putong Hua. Uyghurs leaders are well represented in China's parliament. Uyghurs cultural troupes, their singers and dancers are proud to constantly taking part in national festivities in public performances. In fact the Uyghurs way of life is part of the overall vibrancy of Chinese ways of life all over China from small districts, villages and towns to major cities. Can the Anglo-Saxon controlled United States boast of these similar activities to showcase the native Americans. No, impossible because they had genocided almost all the native Americans. Even now the white invaders, the Anglo-Saxons have plans to finish off to the last native American so as to erase any trace that America was once the homeland of native Americans, just as after that they can shamelessly claim to be the original occupants of America.

Alex Duran : A native American from Chicago

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Alex Duran
A native American from Chicago