
American terrorists pushing for WW3...Israel can hit Iran, warns Iran not to hit back or else....

 The world is now at the brink of WW3. The American terrorists, the losers, are going to resort to war, world war, as their only solution to remain as the only hegemon to control and dominate the world. Without a world war, the Americans would be defeated in every field of endeavour, everywhere, and it is only a matter of time when they are no longer relevant, no longer in control of the world. The last weapon in the hands of the American terrorists is military power. The Americans still hold the world at ransom with their vast array of military hardware that can burn the world to the ground.

In Europe, the Ukraine War is a no brainer. Ukraine can never dream of defeating Russia by any count. It could be defeated any day should Putin decide not to hold back and send everything into Ukraine, like what the evil Americans did to Iraq, the so called 'shock and awe' indiscriminate bombing to wipe out everything standing on Iraqi soil with no regards to the lost of Iraqi lives and destruction. Putin could do the same to Ukraine but is too kind and responsible not to do it.

But with a donkey in Zelensky, and the American terrorists egging him on, the donkey took the bait, escalating the war into Russian territories. This is a red line and Putin would be forced to act to stop this madness. If Zelensky thinks his few bombs can frighten the Russians, he is going to be shocked into disbelief. Putin is going to return him more than 10 times what he sent into Russia. Kiev would not be safe anymore. Every city in Ukraine would not be safe. Zelensky would have to hide underground for his own safety. So would all the Ukrainians.

For every escalation by Zelensky and the American terrorists, Putin would reply with greater force. And nuclear war is just around the corner. Ukraine would be lighted up in smoke. Europe would end in the same fate. Only donkeys and terrorists could not see what is coming.

In the Middle East, the Americans and the Jews are thinking that they have military superiority over the Arabs and Muslims, especially over Iran. If the rest of the Arab and Muslim states are cowed into inaction, Iran would be a piece of cake, to be wiped out and suffer a fate worst than Iraq. The Americans and the Jews think they could hit Iran without Iran hitting back. The American nuclear submarines with nuclear weapons are ready to strike at Iran to finish off Iran for good, forever.

Caveat 1. Can the Iranians hit back, and hit back with nuclear weapons? Can the Iranians strike back at the American homeland with nuclear weapons? Have Iran's allies been sending nuclear weapons and long range ICBMs to Iran to be able to strike back at continental America? This is the only capability that would stop the Americans from attacking Iran.

Caveat 2. Would Russia, China and North Korea sit idly by and let the American terrorists take out Iran and weaken their combined forces against the American and Jewish terrorists, and waiting for their turn to be taken out later, by not doing anything in Iran's defence?  I bet there are now serious and furious talks behind closed doors between the Chinese/Russians and the Americans on how they would respond when Iran is being attacked by the American and the Jews. Russia and China cannot afford not to act to defend Iran. By not doing so, they are weakening their own positions, exposing themselves to be attacked next and no one would be there to help them. This is a nuclear stand off between the Americans/Jews on one side and the Russians/Chinese/Iranians/North Koreans on the other. The stakes are extremely high. It is not just between the Americans/Jews and the Iranians.

An open direct attack by the Americans and the Jews against Iran is a declaration of WW3. Bet the Arab and Muslim countries know what is in it for them, and not taking side now would mean their subjugation under the Americans and the Jews when Iran, Russia, China and North Korea were defeated. Their fate under the white and Jewish supremacy hegemony would be so unbearable that they wished they have acted when they had the chance. There is no free ride for anyone.

WW3 is awaiting to happen...anytime now! The American losers are desperate. Russia can hold its own ground in Europe. The Iranians cannot do so on its own. They need Russia and China to stand up for them. China and Russia cannot fail Iran or it would lead to their own destruction by the American and white terrorists.


Anonymous said...

Iran must monitor and track the American attack submarines closely and be ready to kill them or be killed by them. The destructive power of the submarines can destroy a big part of Iran and must be taken out at the first instance.
This is the time for Iran to let the Americans know that it can strike American homeland with nuclear weapons, like the North Koreans. If the Americans think the Iranians cannot hit back, they will be emboldened to attack and destroy Iran like they destroyed Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Satan wants to destroy the world.

Anonymous said...

China and Russia have both openly support Iran and would likely to be doing more than just giving moral support. The destruction of Iran would mean the end of the Arab and Muslim world.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan also said it would come to Iran's defence. Pakistan has nuclear weapons and can share with Iran. May have already done so.