
Singapore India high level discussion...India will save Singapore

 Indian Finance Minister and Foreign Minister delegation in Singapore to raise cooperation in advanced manufacturing and semiconductor as well as aviation and maritime connectivity. If there is any country that can contribute to Singapore's growth in high tech industry, it must be India. Singapore may still go to China to teach China how to build smart and clean cities. But only India can do the same to Singapore, to make Singapore a smarter and cleaner city with its abundant top Indian talents that no talent Singapore needs.

And with CECA that can always be upgraded, many more Indian talents can come to Singapore to help Singapore to become a first world country and to create more jobs for Singaporeans. And this is looking to be what the discussion is all about.

India claimed to be buying a few hundreds more Boeing aircraft and this would need more technical expertise and trained technicians to service the aircraft. Never mind if India has 1.4b population and a huge unemployment problem, India would need Singaporeans to help to maintain their aircraft, if not in India, maybe in Changi and Chennai Business Park. Oops, I mean Changi Business Park.  The Changi Business Park can always be expanded to cater for the influx of more Indian talents into Singapore.

It would definitely help to create more jobs for Singaporeans, even if more cheaper Indian talents were to be imported to service and maintain Indian aircraft in Singapore. Singapore would definitely benefit greatly from this visit and discussion. Singapore must be salivating thinking of the 1.4b workers in India. More room to expand the terms in CECA.

Singapore must thank India profusely for coming here to want to help Singapore to progress and develop into an advanced manufacturing and semiconductor hub, and also a clean and smart city.

What do you think?

PS. Oh, Modi is coming to Singapore to see what it is like to be a PM in Singapore. Lawrence may be able to learn a few tricks from him. Modi can also show the track records of top Indian talents helping to make American semiconductor and high tech companies to be tops in the world. Surely some of these top Indian talents would be able to help some Singapore companies to become like Google, Microsoft, Alphabet, etc etc.


Anonymous said...

The Chinese saying - 'Those that are pious do not come. Those who come are not pious'.

Anonymous said...

There is another saying, Stupidity has no cure. And the successful would go down on their knees to beg the unsuccessful fakes for help.

Anonymous said...

Singapore’s foreign policy approach is not to be neutral, but to act in a principled and consistent way based on long-term national interests, said Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan on Aug 27.

What is he implying, after that meeting with the Indian ministers ?

Anonymous said...

So S'pore is no longer neutral, but to take sides!? Is this the approach advocated by Lee Kuan Yew ?

Anonymous said...

From one forked tongue to another - hiss, hiss, hiss........

Anonymous said...

Principle my foot.

Anonymous said...

Caveat, principled but also must served our interest.

Anonymous said...

1.4b Indians in Singapore will sink the island.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry. They are exploring underground living. Singaporeans will rush for it with long queues.

Anonymous said...

And besides land pollution you get air pollution in Bus, Street and Train!

Anonymous said...

Keep repeating a lie long enough, it would become truth.

Anonymous said...

Yes, just like WMD in Iraq.

Virgo49 said...

Sinkieland Leaders loved the Indian Curries too much and are under their Balls.

What India's Chips and Technologies?

Their Technologies World's Class meh?

Sinkeland Ledaers already mostly Senile and demented.

Die die must suck up to the Indians just because they could spoke Eng Kok and as ex member of slaves and colonised peoples to the Brits.

Instead of looking to China for the High Tech Industries they must sucked up to the half past six Indians.

Why have unemployment scheme because they knew soon many many would be Roam The Streets die to their Useless NO Foresight to create jobs for Singaporeans.

No eyes see.

Virgo49 said...


Virgo49 said...

My God 80% of employees RTS.

How bad is the economy Mr Son of A Gun?

Anonymous said...

NTUC . ..

Anonymous said...

. . . Bombay University