
Olympics, like the Commonwealth Games, needs to be replace with a fairer and equitable level playing field International Games

 The whole Paris Olympic stadium was heard chanting - USA, USA, USA in the men's 200 meters final. They think the USA will win like taking candy from a kid, with three runners in the field.

The USA supporters were stunned into silence by Botswana's Letsile Tebogo taking the gold and the favorite, Noah Lyles left with the bronze.

As I said before, the USA is losing its domination in swimming and track and field. Very soon it will resort to tarnishing opponents with doping accusations, like it did against Chinese athletes. Where the USA cannot win, it will resort to foul play to put others out of contention.

Now there is talk of banning China from the Olympics. I hope the just do it like against the Russians and see countries pulling out of the 'Old Lame Pigs'. Put all the main competitors out of contention and give all the gold medals to the USA.

It is time for BRICS and the Global South to have their own competition. Like setting up their own energy exchange, metal exchange and moving away from the corrupt Western controlled entities.



Anonymous said...

Replaced with a fairer and equitable playing field for international games can only succeed without the USA participating. Nothing more, nothing less. And that is why having one with only BRICS countries will be better. All the Whites will not be there. In fact, all the drug cheats to be exact.

Anonymous said...

Some are even suggesting renaming the Olympics and Commonwealth Games to the 'Enhanced Olympics' and 'Enhanced Commonwealth Games', where only those who are drug cheats are allowed to compete. Clean and natural athletes please stay away.

That is why I am so skeptical regarding Florence Joyner Griffiths world records that are still standing after more than 35 years. That was really humanly impossible. And also, Micheal Phelp's massive haul of medals in the Olympics among others.

The world of sports is so tainted today that it boggles the mind. They even go to the extent of inventing new drugs that have not been on the list of banned substances just to overcome the testing, where such new drugs are not those that they are trying to detect. And perhaps they knew of such loopholes and how to play the game.

Using a thief to catch a thief is the order of the day for the United States Anti-Doping Association. So that means the original thief gets away with exemption or immunity. Really absurd and beyond belief. Exceptionalism has just been revealed to have taken on a whole new meaning.

Anonymous said...

Noah Lyes disclosed that he had COVID, which is why he lost. Now, why is he still allowed to run and posing a threat of the virus infecting other competitors, officials and spectators? Did the Olympic organizers know about this and close their eyes under duress? Or did the USA Olympic Team not inform the organizers, thinking they are exempted because of the USA's 'exceptionalism' status? In other sports, there were also claims of bias against others in favor of USA athletes.

Now, does that help in improving the USA's medal standing at the top of the table? Think about it!

Anonymous said...

Just been announced that Russia is hosting the BRICS 2024 games, with 97 countries participating. A new era is rising, a new beginning in sports free of the Anglo-Saxon's bias and control.