
They lie, cheat and steal...and contorted history

 They lie, cheat and steal. And what they wrote into the history books - contorted of course, was sanitized in order to claim credit where credit is not due.

Zheng He, a Chinese admiral, explorer, diplomat and bureaucrat should rightly have his name carved into the history books for all the countries he 'founded' long before Raffles was born. What was the intent of being an explorer and hoping to achieve? To discover of course and Zheng He had a long list of countries he visited but never claimed he 'founded' unlike Raffles or other Anglo-Saxon White explorers. Zheng He's voyages had touched many countries long before the Portuguese seized Malacca and later the Dutch took over. Zheng He's voyages reached even as far as the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa according to sources. By the way, Zheng He was also a Muslim serving the Chinese Emperor then. That even a Muslim was able to reach that exalted position in Chinese history is an indication of how benevolent the Chinese system of Government had already developed at that stage.

Mahathir commented that when Zheng He visited Malacca, he came in peace and left in peace. When the Portuguese first saw Malacca, their green bulging eyes had only one motive and that was to take Malacca under their thumb. They left and came back with an armada of ships - gunboat diplomacy was used. The same gunboat diplomacy used by all the Anglo-Saxon barbarians around the world. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What else have the USA not lied and been exposed?

They lied about Iraq, even fabricating fake evidence of WMD in order to invade and seize the oil. What democracy have they brought to Iraq other than chaos and suffering and of course seizing the oil and silencing the voice of Saddam Hussein promoting the pricing of oil in Euros.

The lied about the moon landing sixty years ago and to prove that they did not really have that technology to do so, they then claimed they lost the blueprints from the sixties. How the hell can they still want to convince the world that they went to the moon 'several times' after that, if they had lost the technology blueprints? Inventing one lie to cover another sometimes reveal the horse's leg.

Recently, they lied about the job figures and backtrack on their lies when they were being forced to cut interest rates to save the economy by claiming their job position is tight and cutting rates will promote job creation.

They are still lying about the success of their sanctions on China using the Chips Act, trying to decouple from China by preventing the chip production sector from falling into Chinese hands. That is backfiring, while discreetly the USA's Government entities and its Military Industrial Complex are still highly dependent on Chinese semiconductors while exerting immense pressure on civilian usage of Chinese semiconductor usage. Even allies have been pressured to decouple from China, like ASML from the Netherlands.