
MOM survey on a retiree?

 MOM send us a letter requesting or in a way ordering us to take part in their survey.

Had answered online one over the phone quite a long questionnaire and also even called all listed in list to cfm their status and profiles.

Yesterday evening recd another call and was told that it would be four interviews instead of just one.

With Sept, Oct and Dec as the final one.

Wow, questioned why so many just for a survey?

Was told that's to really guage the employment scene and for their policies.

Told the interviewer why no pointed questions of asking Singaporeans of the influx of foreigners that are now in Singapore and competing with jobs for the locals?

She told me they are here because Singaporeans don't like certain jobs that had to be given to Foreigners.

I said nonsense!

Singaporeans definitely have to have a job to be able to survive and also with this cost of high livings and also to buy their BTOs.

Yes, certain menial jobs are shunned by the locals but why so many high paying other jobs and professions that are given to the foreigners?

She said no comment!

The cost of livings for Singaporeans are staggering even at least a hundred over K just for 2 roomed flexi.

If Singaporeans are going to be just ad hoc partime Parcels and Food Delivery Jobs then how they going to survive in this environment?

She just said no comment!

I said MOM Minister is Tan See Leng ah?

Its ok this coming election we shall send him packing.




Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Ah Wong's National Day Speech stated that he shall look into the employment misfits for Singaporeans ah!

Let's see how true this is going to be!

Don't banked too much into it!

Now Graduates of Sinking Land are mostly in the ad hoc, part-time, no time and no monies beggar jobs that are rightfully built up by their foreparents.

In a way, aiya sometimes they really deserved to be screwed as own Sinkies are a damn selfish lots.

As long as I am OK, why bother the about the Rest?

Actually in a way, it's good, less competition for me to secure a well paying one and he die his business lah!

Snuffed the others candles so mine be shined brighter.

Singaporeans care for one another?

Wayang only lah!

Lived to this ripe age seen all.

Scoundrels, Capitalists, Cheats, Saboteurs and you can add the adjectives.

So much for Nation building and we are ONE!

Someone Tradegy another Comedy

Also Papies ways to punish you Sinkies for voting too many Opposition Members.

Upset our EXTERNAL Rule ah!

Virgo49 said...

Even local Sinkies Employers shunned and scorned their own.

So much for National Slavery together and we are ONE as Singaporeans.

As Comrades in arms.

Comrades in alms better
I even ever employed ex Drug Abusers and ex Prisoners.

You be surprised how diligent and hardworking they are given opportunities.


Sinkieland is doomed.

Anonymous said...

"Snuffed the others candles so mine be shined brighter"... that was how Taylor Swift saga was schemed in the region