
USA - Lobbying or corruption to feed the 1% at the expense of the Middle Class

 Having this and that lobby in Congress is already a corrupt Government. And having campaign donations by big oil, big pharma and big wall street conglomerates that gives rise to such lobbies is further proof that corruption is being practiced without restraint. Those that donate lavishly to political campaigns for particular candidates are looking for favors and are the super-rich owners of those entities, a component of the Deep State. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the USA Government is of the 1%, by the 1% and for the 1%.

Kamala Harris is talking about bringing back the USA Middle Class. This clearly shows and had been proven that the USA Middle Class had been cannibalized by the super-rich over the decades, leading them to their demise today. What the Middle Class built up over the decades have all been taken over by the top 1%, leaving them as poor as the bottom feeders. As the predators, the top 1%, have exhausted all the spoils of the Middle Class leaving none for them to exploit further, therefore it is time to begin building up the Middle Class to provide food for the top 1% to cannibalize again in decades down the road.

The top 1% of USA elites have taken more than US$50 trillion from the bottom 90% of USA citizens. The system enables the top feeders to continue to cannibalize the rest of the USA people, which are the Middle Class and bottom feeders.



Anonymous said...

Is the USA controlled by the Deep State not true? Big Wall Street entities are also a component of the Deep State, besides the Elites, Pentagon and the Bankers. They have big oil lobbies, big pharma lobbies, gun lobbies, Israelis lobbies, all running the policies of the USA. Biden and Trump are just figureheads put there to facilitate the Deep State's hand in formulating policies. Among former Presidents, the Bush family are members of the Deep State itself.

Corruption in the USA is deep rooted and is built into the system.

Anonymous said...

Wealth per capita comparison is all nonsense when 90% of all the wealth of a country like the USA is concentrated in the top 1%. Therefore only 10% of the USA's wealth is left in the hands of the other 90%. Are those 90% considered wealthy? What is their per capita GDP or wealth in actuality? It is all a mirage comparing per capita GDP. Meaningless but good for propaganda usage.

Countries like China will never be considered as rich as the USA even if its GDP is to rise to four times that of the USA. China's population is four times that of the USA. Even if India reaches on par with the GDP of the USA, it will still be considered poverty stricken, with a population four times that of the USA.

Do not be misled by all the propaganda trying to confuse by comparing the woods for the trees.