
Why India and Africa so poor today?

 Why is India so poor today? The British stole almost US$ (or Sterling) 45 trillion during their rule in India. That is a lot of money in today's term. With that money the Brits were able to build or expand its infrastructures to show to the world its prosperity or stolen prosperity. What natural resources does the UK have to undertake such ventures? In fact, some even claimed that the Industrial Revolution in Little Britain was all funded upon their stolen wealth from India among others. And what is left of India today? Immense poverty! Remember also that the Brits inhuman history of shipping food back to England to feed its own kind due to shortage, leaving the Indians with starvation.

India is not the only country that the Brits plundered. In Africa, diamonds, precious metals were all mined and shipped back to England to adorn the British crown and provide resources for their Industrial Revolution. They call it the 'Crown Jewels', all stolen from Africa. And that is why Africa too is left poor by the Anglo-Saxon Whites during their colonization.

Now China also suffered much during the century of humiliation under the eight nations. Forced to open up the country to opium by the British because they wanted access to things like porcelain and spices which they could not resists, but having little means to pay for them, they forced the opium trade upon China in exchange. Moreover, many of China's artifacts were also stolen and are now in the British Museums, all loots from thievery from all over the world. 



Anonymous said...

Africans know the reason. Indians still do not. Enough said!

Anonymous said...

That is why Africa is set to grow with help, mutual help, from China. China is betting big on Africa.