
Japanese humiliated by Western diplomats in support of Israel, murderers of Palestinians

 Japanese humiliated by Western diplomats

Senior Western diplomats representing Washington and London in Japan will not attend a ceremony in Nagasaki on Friday commemorating the victims of the 1945 US atomic bombing, because organizers declined to invite the Israeli ambassador.

British Ambassador Julia Longbottom announced her decision to skip the upcoming event at a press briefing on Tuesday. She lashed out at the move by city authorities to exclude Israel from the ceremony. Japanese officials said in June that they wished to pressure the Jewish state to seek a ceasefire in its military operation in Gaza.

US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will likewise skip this week’s event. Representatives of Australia, Italy, Canada, and the European Union will reportedly follow suit.



Anonymous said...

What happened to the heroic honorable Japanese samurai spirit ?

Anonymous said...

Did I not say that the Whites are ganging up against non-Whites? Japan better wake up and not be so happy being a member of the G7 and towing the coat-tails of the USA. Japan in G7 is all to counter China. India is being dragged in as well sooner or later. Japan's GDP makes a big difference to the G7, but today is still overwhelmed by BRICS.

Now BRICS will have their own group of countries with high GDPs - China, India, Russia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia, with potential members of the trillion- dollar club like Mexico and Indonesia expressing interest.

Why should Japan worry about Western diplomats' non-participation at the commemoration anniversary of the Nagasaki nuclear attack? What can they contribute with their presence? Everywhere they go they are just troublemakers. Just ignore their nauseating behavior.

Anonymous said...

China, India, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Indonesia could be the next G7 inside BRICS. They are rising stars, while the present G7 is going downhill.

Anonymous said...

If Japan still had the samurai spirit, it would not be so obedient to the USA. Perhaps Japan is slowly repenting its atrocities committed during WW2 and fearing karma coming to visit. The country has stagnated for three decades, the Yen in deep trouble, the economy not doing well and natural disasters a calling - with tsunamis, nuclear plant disasters and earthquakes happening.

Japan is a Buddhist country and should believe in Karma. Not the USA, though.