
Ukraine War - Foolish Zelensky attacking Russia!

 Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Zelensky and his backers are totally ignorant and blind about Soviet Union/Russian war history, that led to the defeat of Hitler and Napolean, two of history's most notorious war mongers. Russians love to fight wars of attrition, the longer the more advantageous to them. They are patient, and this is clearly evident in Ukraine, with Putin still using kid's gloves against the Ukrainians. Russia is a war machine that even Trump knows very well, and he has warned Zelensky.

Sacrificing Ukrainian soldiers to do an incursion into Kursk is a no brainer. If it is meant to gain an advantage and force the Russians to crumble with concessions in any peace negotiations, Zelensky and his backers are totally mistaken. Forcing concessions by actions to escalate is never successful. If it is meant to escalate the war, Ukraine is going to be razed to the ground. What is done in Kursk is just a pinprick against Russia. Russia is a massive country to conquer and Zelensky is just a snake attempting to swallow an elephant.

Ukraine will be reduced to a wasteland if this carries on. NATO's claim of raising 800,000 troops to invade Russia is a pipe dream that will totally destroy NATO for good. That will also end their dream of having an Asian NATO. We in Asia will await to thank Russia for putting an end to NATO's dream of expansion in Asia. Good riddance!



Anonymous said...

Foolishness is never understood by the Western leaders of every shape and size, most of which are basically clowns. Clowns provide all the foolish antiques to entertain the audience in a circus. Being seen as smart is irrelevant, as long as the citizens are fooled and continue to vote for the same clowns that can provide the entertainment value.

Kamala Harris leading the USA is a disaster waiting to happen if voted in. Not that there are no good women leaders throughout history. Margaret Thatcher stands tall among women Prime Ministers of the UK. Compare her to Liz Truss, Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak and you will understand. Angela Merkel was a great leader of Germany. Compare her steadfastness to stand up against the USA and the weakness of Olaf Scholz, being stepped all over and dragged over the coals by Biden.

Anonymous said...

How bad is it when people commented that to be a USA Government official in any capacity - congressmen, ambassador or spokesperson, the only qualification required is 'stupidity'.