
Tariffs - Walmart prices are going up by at least 30% to 100%?

 The USA is all about maximizing profits for the top 1%. The rest of the 90% or thereabouts is not the Government's priority. As a Plutocracy, it is a government of the 1%, by the 1% and for the 1%. Who else can run for President without such deep pockets but the 1% elites. They have no idea how the bottom 90% are going to cope with expensive EVs and other consumer products with tariffs added on. Even USA made EVs will probably cost double or triple the price of Chinese EVs.

What are tariffs being erected for? Not to help the 90%, as they have to pay more with the tariffs added on. China is not going to lose anything, save selling fewer EVs in the USA market. China can sell to the rest of the developing world, tariff free. Tariffs are to protect the turf of the super-rich in the USA, those who owns the conglomerates on Wall Street, the big businesses having to compete with China. Their campaign donations have to be repaid with policies tailoring to their lobbying in Congress. The unseen corruption going on within the Government.


PS. Because of high tariffs, Walmart prices are going up by at least 30%. Also, because of sanctions, Walmart would have lesser goods from China to sell.


Anonymous said...

In the sickest and poorest country on earth, bribery of politicians is called lobbying. These sickos are redefining the English language.

Anonymous said...

The reality is that not many Chinese EVs have been sold in the USA market so far and USA consumers are therefore not much affected by those tariffs presently. However, the USA needs to prevent Chinese EVs from cornering the USA market in time and wants to prevent that from happening. What this is doing is just delaying the demise of ICE vehicle makers in the USA and preventing USA made EVs from being able to compete on the global market. Selling expensive EVs inside the USA is going to punish USA buyers of EVs made domestically or from the EU.

Canada is also doing the same tariff thing, undoubtedly following the USA like an obedient dog. The EV market for China in Canada is even more miniscule. Canada wants to poke the dragon and will soon find out the consequence when the dragon gives it a dose of its dragon fire. Bullets are not needed for that.

Anonymous said...

In this age of globalization, following the Pipe Piper and being led into the sewers can still work on some leaders is a mystery.

Anonymous said...

What to expect when they say that the only qualifications needed for a person to lead in Government in USA is 'stupidity'.