
BRICS & All countries of the South be wary of NED, FBI, USA embassies. They are all US sabotage agencies for Color Revolutions.

BRICS and all countries of the South must be wary of NED, FBI, USA embassies and all other US aid agencies for they are all USA sabotage agencies for color revolutions. The USA government will always offer to provide aid to education bodies in unsuspecting countries of the South. The US will offer scholarships to young intellectuals to study in American universities or provide so-called expert teachers or lecturers to teach in local universities or schools of higher learnings. Part of the curricula usually includes political studies in which CIA special propagandists will lecture to the students on politics in which the young minds of intellectualls unsuspectingly and unconsciously absorbed as truth the insidious negative side of the lectures such as portraying the evils of the Russian, Iran, and Chinese governments and the misinformation and disinformation on their countries. In both cases the US has every intention to act as the shadow hands behind to guide and drive these American trained intellectuals to assume future local leadership and be pro US incline vis-a-vis Russia, Iran or China or whatever. Also the US government will always offer military aid to countries of the South. This aid nevertheless is not free and it usually comes with providing some obsolete military hardwares and training army officers in US military academy in the Pentagon. In the Pentagon the young foreign army officers will be indoctrinated with the wealth and goodness of the American governance and political system and the growing light and protective power of the US military. Advised by CIA to assume roles of higher command on their return home and to take actions for regime change at the first opportunity presented in sight. Usually these officers are also bribed with high stakes. These was what happened in Chile in 1973 when Pinocet a Pentagon trained general overthrew the democratically elected socialist government of Salvador Grande resulting in over two to three decades of pro-America dictatorship and in 1963 when President Soekano of Indonesia unknowingly had placed US pentagon trained generals in key positions resulting in Pentagon trained General Suharto overthrowing his socialist government and enabled a pro-US Suharto dictatorship to rule Indonesia for over three decades from 1963 to 1990s. There were tremendous horrible and diabolical ramifications in both Pinochet pro-US dictatorship in Chile and in Suharto's pro-US dictatorship in Indonesia. In the case of Chile CIA presented Pinochet with a long list of names who were alleged to be socialists or communists or sympathisers of both and had to be eradicated. In all CIA had through Pinochet killed and shot more than three hundred to five hundred thousand innocent Chilean citizens. In the case of Indonesia the case was heavier and much worse. CIA presented dictator Suharto with a few lists of names of alleged communists, socialists or sympathisers totalling more than three million persons that had to be killed and destroyed. Of the over three million killed by Suharto at the behest of CIA, slightly over one million were Indonesian Chinese. The other ramification of great proportions is in the pillage of the economy of both Chile and Indonesia by the Americans. As both Pinochet and Suharto were beholden to CIA and the Pentagon for their power and positions they had to listen and obey US orders. In both cases US plundering capitalists in Wall Street and Washington had demanded the privatisation of huge mining industries, mineral resources and oil in both countries. Thus the huge copper and lithium mining indistries and other big business concerns in Chile were forcefully taken over by American consortiums for a song. And in Indonesia American capitalists in Wall Street and Washington had a free hand in plundering the rich Indonesian mineral resources like gold, tin, lithium, iron and oil. Both Pinochet's Chile and Suharto's Indonesia dared not oppose US exploitation as both dictators and their subordinates had their hands greased by CIA and also because US had a strong influence and control over both countries military, governance and foreign affairs. During these traumatic periods while Pinochet and Suharto and their accomplices and the American robbers and plunderers grew tremendously rich and wealthy, the people of both countries at the same time were extensively impoverished, downtrodden and trampled in tragic death, pain and suffering. It was not until the downfall of Pinochet and Suharto and the return to socialist democratic system of government that the two countries are able to see the better light of day. Recent latest examples are CIA brutal regime change in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Both President Imran Khan of Pakistan and the PM of Bangladesh had freely allowed large numbers of American NGOs personnels into their countries who were actually American spies, espionage agents and saboteurs who were able to mix freely with the masses and funded rebel groups instigated and organized by them. This will serve as a warning to all BRICS countries and all freedom countries of the South never to trust the Anglo-Saxon Americans and taken in by their promise of fake, false and satanic diabolical aid wrapped in illusory colours of CIA vile colour revolutions and regime change. American aid is never free and is always tainted with the blood of victimised countries which they can never hope to wash away. One most important lesson to take note is to never allow too many American or Westerners into the country and not allow them to mix freely with the masses in which they always try to influence and indoctrinate them to rebel to overthrow their governments. All political parties are not allowed to receive foreign funds for their political agitation. Politicians who receive foreign funds especially from US and its Western allies must face long term jail annd forbidden to take part in local politics and governance. Below is an article quoted from Global Times as an adjunct to my article above to showcase the serious gravity and insidious problem attest to American aid via CIA, Pentagon, NED, US embassies and other US NGOs and spy and espionage agencies. In short never, never trust in diabolical, dreadful, toxic and lethal American aid which is meant to impoverish and destroy your countries.. CHINA / DIPLOMACY NED 'a white glove' of US govt to subvert state power, cultivate 'color revolution': report By Zhang Han Published: Aug 09, 2024 08:53 PM Updated: Aug 10, 2024 01:56 AM US DEMOCRACY The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) acts as the US government's "white gloves" and has long engaged in subverting state power in other countries, meddling in their internal affairs, inciting division and confrontation, misleading public opinion, and conducting ideological infiltration, all under the pretext of promoting democracy, according to a report released on Friday by the Chinese Foreign Ministry. The report, titled "The National Endowment for Democracy: What It Is and What It Does," dug into NED's history since 1983, and used vivid examples to expose its evil methods of instigating color revolutions, inciting division and confrontation, manipulating and interfering in other countries' internal affairs, and using "academic activities" as a cloak for interference and infiltration, among other nefarious moves. Its countless evil deeds have caused grave harm and drawn strong condemnation from the international community, read the report, which exposed the NED's China-targeted activities, as well as subversion operations involving Iran, North Korea and Ukraine, and cultivation of pro-US forces in Europe, Mexico and Cuba. Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Friday that the report is a reminder to the public to be cautious of the US government's "peaceful evolution" attempts in China through NED infiltration. People need to establish awareness of NED tactics and unite to counter subversion, infiltration and ensure stability and national security, Li said. The report mentioned several cases related to China's Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang regions. In 2022, NED and the Democratic Progressive Party authorities in Taiwan island co-hosted a Global Assembly of the World Movement for Democracy, inviting European parliamentarians and think tank representatives. They tried to mobilize "democratic forces" to open up the "frontline of democratic struggle in the East" and hype up the false narrative of "Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow." In July 2023, NED President Damon Wilson went to Taiwan to attend the 20th anniversary celebrations of the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, and presented a "Democracy Service Medal" to Tsai Ing-wen. The organization also colluded with anti-China forces in Hong Kong by providing funds and public support. In 2020, NED set up several projects under its Hong Kong-related program with a total amount of over $310,000 to fund those attempting to destabilize Hong Kong. In 2023, NED colluded with organizations such as Hong Kong Watch and Amnesty International, as well as anti-China lawmakers from the US, UK and Germany, and nominated Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, one of the elements bent on destabilizing Hong Kong, for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize. NED has long supported the anti-China organization "World Uyghur Congress (WUC)," with average annual funding of $5-6 million. In March 2024, NED invited a "WUC" leader to speak at its event, smearing China's ethnic policies and the development of regions with large ethnic minority populations. Li noted that the report is significant also because it exposed NED's evil maneuvers to a global audience to combat the US' malicious information warfare and smears against China. Comments from Chinese Netizens in China It is a TERRORIST organization and China should officially call it that and treat it accordingly. Criminalize any type of interaction with it, and associated orgs. The NED was created by the CIA by the way. China should also rationally and publicly speak out against Western Democracy, showing with examples how it splits societies and creates all sorts of problems. Western Democacy can NOT be the goal of any intelligent society. Most democratic countries are failed states by now, run by the globalist, Zionist deep state, hidden behind a democratic mask. Shocking that China only knows it today. NED is all the while a white glove for CIA. NED played a big role in HK riots. NED is also actively infiltrated in China and had trained many Chinese for future use. Wake UP China!!! The slow speed of the Chinese also scares me. They seem to live in their bubble where everyone can be friends with everyone, not realizing how evil the West is and that there is no solution to that, other than protecting against and decoupling from it in all possible ways, including military. Posted by Southernglory1 Friday, 16th August, 2024.


southernglory1 said...

It's long time overdue for BRICS countries and all countries of the South to openly and publicly denounce CIA and NED as the most dangerous terrorist organisations. No one is allowed to interact or associate with any CIA and NED operatives. If anyone is found of such association with CIA or NED he or she must be charged with criminal offence that endanger the state.

Samad Zhahul
Jakarta, Indonesiaa.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Samad Zhahul.
Jakarta, Indonesia

southernglory1 said...

All the free countries of Africa, Asia, Middle East, Caribbean countries of Central America and South America should cut off ties with the terrorist state USA. They must band CIA, NED and other so-called American aid agencies permanently from their countries.

Rana Deepak

southernglory1 said...

The Anglo-Saxons British and American as well as the Zionist Jews are more poisonous than the cobras or other poisonous snakes like the black bamba, the rattle snakes and so on and so forth. Each of them should be killed on sight without hesitation.

Chen Mei Fang

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Chen Mei Fang

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Rana Deepak

Anonymous said...

Banning them is being too lame. These are terrorists and must be arrested and charged for terrorism.

Anonymous said...

It puzzles why China doesn't apply the West's tactics to Taiwan - instigate a color revolution to purge the secessionist DPP regime and install a pro-China government.

Anonymous said...

NED and other toxic American NGOs have infiltrated into many countries for a long time for decades. They have already funded and trained a large pool of far too many local traitors to be their running dogs as saboteurs and mob instigators for regime change in color revolutions. This is seen in the CIA fomented riots in the Chinese Tian Anmen incident in Beijing in June 4th 1989 and recently in the brutal color revolutions that toppled President Imran Khan of Pakistan and the democratically elected Prime Minister Hashina of Bangladesh . Without any doubt India is now the focus target for Elephant revolution for regime change against the Hindu government of Prime Minister Modi as CIA had already recruited and trained a large pool of traitors and saboteurs in India for a long time. The question is how can all these countries infested with lethal American spies, saboteurs and traitors clean up these poisonous mess.

Yang Hua Wei

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Yang Hua Wei.

Anonymous said...

The only way to clean up this poisonous mess is de-dollarization and taking away the US$ hegemony. Recruiting and training a large pool of traitors and saboteurs all over the world needs plenty of money and takes a long time. That US$300 million a year for propaganda is just the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds of billions of unaccounted funds push to the Pentagon is probably being used to fund all these nefarious activities worldwide. Of course, the USA knows where all that unaccounted money went and the only reason it is reported as unaccounted for is that the USA does not want to reveal how widespread it is spreading its evil wing.

So long as Modi continues to toe the line, like antagonizing China and Pakistan, the USA will not do a regime change in India for now, but the groundwork for doing so has been planted and is ready for use. I believe Modi knows he is walking a tight rope, but three terms should be enough for him to live comfortably.