
Minorities in China have more privileges, unlike the poor discriminated native Americans

 To say that the Chinese Government treat the Uyghurs well is an understatement. Uyghurs have more privileges than Han Chinese, for example in having more children, while Han Chinese have been prohibited from having more children, which has now been relaxed recently to boost the population. If the Chinese Government wants to decimate the Uyghur population, it would have done what the USA Government did with the Native American Indians, decimating their numbers rather than helping them propagate.

Minorities in China have been given more privileges than the norm. The Han Chinese are comfortable living with that. Compare that with the Native American Indians in reservations. What privileges do they enjoy? What has the USA Government done to boost their numbers? Oops, sorry wrong question to ask. The Anglo-Saxon Whites have been trying to reduce their numbers for fear of reprisals. The Native American Indians have to be kept isolated and given little chance to propagate living inside such desolated and underdeveloped regions.

Honestly, the USA Government does not even have the resources to upgrade their existing facilities in built up urban areas, not to talk about extending a hand to help the Native American Indies living in out of sight concentration camps. Just watch videos of the homeless situation and you will understand why it is impossible for the Native American Indians to get help when their fellow White Anglo-Saxons are living on the streets.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Foreign vloggers that visited Xinjiang found the Uyghurs living happily among the Hans. There were no animosity nor jealousy regarding the special treatment accorded by the Chinese Government to the minorities. Oh, there were no homeless people camping on the streets in the bigger city Urumqi, Xinjiang, even after they were searching for them.

If the Chinese Government were mistreating the Uyghurs, why are there about 40,000 mosques in China with less than 2% Islamic population? How many mosques are in the Muslim loving country of the USA with Islam said to be the third biggest religious group?