
Olympic Games - No pride but shame in winning by doping and cheating! Worst when cheating is written in purple on their faces

 The problem is trying to prove the same cheating regime within the USA athletes camp in track and field. Most of the medals won by the USA athletes at the Olympics track and field were and are secured by the Blacks in the sprints and relays by both men and women. The purple color is not going to show on their faces after the event for sure. This is one area that cheating can be carried out without the telltale signs emerging.

We can be sure that as time goes by, similar drugs to enhance performance will be found and be used without the purple hue emerging. So, how is WADA going to counter the USADA going forward? In all fairness, WADA must be the only entity to conduct drug testing and having the final say, not the USADA. Even then, there are pitfalls when corrupt officials are involved. Again, I must caution that money talks and bullshit walks.

Not only is the USA using doping cheats to win medals, but they are also even given special treatment in the assignment of lanes by the Olympic organizers in track and field, that are causing much unhappiness among athletes competing against them.

Some Whites commenters are claiming it makes little difference, but then why are faster swimmers given lanes in the center of the swimming pool in every swimming event? Of course, there were instances of swimmers in outside lanes winning, but very seldom, and they are using this argument to counter the lane assignments as just irrelevant issues pertaining to athlete's performance. There is obviously an advantage by being assigned lanes in the middle, least of all being able to watch clearly those competitors on either side of them. 



Anonymous said...

Soon we will have experts engaged to tell everyone that 'turning purple' has nothing to do with performance. And so, the circus will keep on performing while the spectators just enjoying the foolishness, which is the Olympics.

Just dump the Olympics and all other world bodies beholden to the Anglo-Saxon Whites. BRICS must start their own formation of such bodies. I am heartened that BRICS has now started its own 'energy exchange' and 'metals exchange' and setting its own pricing and away from the US$. It may be a slow start, but perseverance wins the day.

BRICS countries control the energy and metals sectors by and large, the most important for industrialization, and moving away from the control of London or New York is good for their members.

Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran and several African oil producers are all in BRICS. African countries, including Brazil, are global sources of essential metals for global industries. Therefore, the global trade in them is no small potato and will be detrimental to the US$ not playing a part. The USA and the West can ignore the writing on the wall, but they will panic when the shit hits the fan. Just like ignoring China's rise and concentrating on fighting terrorism, thinking that the Chinese are just to donkeymen to be pushed around, being identified as just good for working as cooks and laundrymen.

Now, the USA and the West are trying desperately to contain China's rise, an exercise in futility when the Chinese are now in control of global manufacturing and all the resources needed for industrialization.

Trying to lure back manufacturing to the USA is hitting a wall without the raw materials now in the hands of the Chinese. Building up infrastructures now is too little too late and producing products too expensive to compete with China is a fool's endeavor. Trying to win a battle when the war is already lost is what the USA and the West are struggling to do.

Virgo49 said...


How Olympic Sports Doping Actually Works.

How Crime Works by an Insider who manufactured and sold these to the cheats.

Anonymous said...

The Paris Olympics exposed a lot of dirt that had been hidden from us. How dirty is the USADA and how complicit is WADA is all being dug up. It is a good thing that the attempt to demonize China had backfired spectacularly.