
Wake up China...stop behaving like a big dumbo

 The world is divided into two big camps, the anti China and pro America camp versus China and Russia. The UN has been dominated and controlled by the anti China and pro American camp for decades and China bashing is the daily routine of the UN agencies under the orders of the Americans.

The UN human rights agency has been attacking China non stop and lashing China for fake human rights abuses in Xinjiang. And the whole world knows this. China also knows this. But whenever this pro America and anti China agency attacks China, China will meekly reply and politely talk to them and reply to their wild and fake accusations that China knows were untruths, fakes. But stupid China would never, afraid to show them the middle finger and slam the door at their faces. 

When would China wake up and see the real ugliness of these pro American and anti China agencies and their mischievous agenda and throw them out of the door? They are not only mischievous but slandering China in front of the world audience, to humiliate China. And for China to respond meekly to their fabricated and fake accusations is indirectly admitting guilt. China should stop this nonsensical behaviour and call a spade a spade. There is no need to be polite to gangsters, liars and slimmers.

And Sullivan is in China to arrange for Biden to meet up with Xi. Holy cow, why would China even entertain this idea of a Biden Xi meeting when Biden is a lame duck, unable to do anything anymore, finished, just a useless walking zombie? And for the last 4 years, Biden has been attacking China and applying all kinds of sanctions against China. Is Xi going to reward this malicious zombie with a meeting with him? Is Xi telling the Americans and all future American presidents that it is ok to bash China when they are in office and China would not mind and would still graciously receive them when they are about to be booted out of office? This is like telling the Americans and future American presidents and politicians that China bashing is acceptable and China would not mind at all?

Would China pass a message to the Americans and the world that China bashing is unacceptable and any leader or politician that engaged in such unfriendly acts would not be welcomed in China and Xi or other Chinese leaders would not waste their time meeting them? Or would China continues to act like a big dumbo, being attacked, kicked left and right and still want to offer the other cheek to be slapped and still smile widely, still want to meet a hostile president with one foot out of the White House?


Virgo49 said...

Good morning Mr RB and All

This Wayang Show to arrange that Zombie Lame Duck Bidamn yo meet Xi is a waste of time.

Just to uplift and canvass votes for the Democrats.

As Mr Fong that proud half Chinese proclaimed that the two damn political parties are both two cups of POISON.

Bidamn is trying to portray that he is doing some good work before he take his last BLIND PAY.

Its China who do not agree with them. As the Wrong Party to oppose their goodwill.

Xi don't waste time to meet that Imbecile.

Kishore should not said that any meeting between China and UAss is a good thing as the World is helpless to watch these two Great Powers cooperate.

Why looked to the Western Scoundrel? They are going yo be Papuers soon.

Their Lootings of Wealth from the Coloured Peoples are running out as they had lived their decades of decadence lifes for too long with hard works.

Robbers thought that they could combined and still Rob the Asians and Natives.

Karmas indeed turned to their ends for punishments.

We be sending swills soon to feed them.

Oops Forgot, Sinkieland maybe also has to eat their own swills as many many would be RTS aka Roam The Streets soon..

Q0010 already retrenched.

More to come soon.

Too many decades also auto pilot with old economy and now has to face the consequences.

No eyes see.

Virgo49 said...


Waste time lah!

The UAss Next Administration would simply renege any agreements made even by their oen.

Just tore up any MOUs and Agreemnets.

Even Contracts.

Anonymous said...

China should invite Biden to visit. On arrival, no red carpet, no welcome party, only Americunt own kaki to welcome him. No police motorcade to escort him to his hotel & he can have his own dinner in the hotel. The meeting with Xi can be held in a nice nursing home in Beijing. After which, Biden can stay at the nursing home to retire or fly back to Americunt.

Anonymous said...

Wasting too much valuable time and resources to allow such a visit. Let this zombie fade away quietly is the best thing. He still clamours for attention, to be invited to meet Xi? When meeting Xi he might think he is meeting Kim.
Don't think Biden even know who Xi is now. It is the clowns in Washington that is pushing for a visit to embarrass Xi and China, for wasting time and stupid enough to meeting a goner, a useless zombie that had done harm to China and nothing good.