
China's war with the American terrorists...must start right now

 The Americans are bent on holding on to their world Empire, to be the one dominant hegemon. When all things failed, the Americans would fall back on their last card, military superiority to destroy everyone else in a destructive war. For the moment the Americans know that they are losing in all fronts. But this does not stop them from fighting on in other fields, in all dimension, in all corners of the world.

The American strategy is well known, fight in foreign soil, away from the American homeland. Ukraine and Palestine are two on going hot wars that could turn into world wars. The Americans are also inciting wars in Latin America, in Africa, about to blow up Iran, in South Asia, and in the South China Sea. When would these regions be blown up like Ukraine and Gaza is only a matter of time.

The other main consideration of the Americans is to take down its enemies one at a time. Now Russia, next Iran, next China, North Korea, and the rest of the smaller states would have to fall in. China has been trying to avoid an open conflict with the Americans for a long time while building and consolidating its military power and manufacturing all the weapons it needed. The Americans know too well what China is doing and have concluded that the time is now to take down China before it is too late. 

Fortunately for China, the Americans decided on the easier option, to bring down the Russians first before going for China. Fortunately also for China, the Israelis were to impatient to want to gobble up its neighbouring Arab states to create a bigger Israel. The Americans are thus caught in two wars, in Gaza and Ukraine and China is spare for the moment.

But China must not be deluded that they can stay on the sideline for too long. The Americans too are growing impatient and pushing the Pinoys to go for it. When the South China Sea would blow up will be decided by the Americans. Time is not on China's side and the worst thing to happen is for the Americans to finish off Russia and Iran and come after China with all their might, and with China having no one to turn to for help.

China must take on the Americans right now, in Ukraine and in Gaza, follow the American strategy of fighting away from China's mainland. China cannot shy away from this fight if it wants to stand a chance to survive an American attack. And China now can still have Russia, Iran and all the Arab and Muslim states to be on its side, including North Korea and many others in Latin America and Africa in a confrontation with the Americans and their European gangsters. A war between the two sides would give China a higher chance of success than to wait till every one is defeated and China be left alone to fight the Americans and its European allies.

China must do it now, take sides now, instead of hypocritically staying on the sideline as a neutral party. There is no neutral party in this war against the Americans and the Europeans. The Europeans know it. It is a clash of civilisations between the white men and the rest of the world. The war is now. This is the moment, there is no second chance to fall back on. 

China, together with North Korea and all like minded nation states must support Russia and Iran openly or discreetly. Not doing so is digging their own graves, to be taken down one by one. Sullivan is in China to tell the Chinese to stop supporting Russia and Iran. Either he is stupid or he thinks the Chinese are stupid.


Anonymous said...

I doubt very much that the sickest country on earth can take down Russia in their proxy war in Ukraine. The reverse is most likely and the evil yanks will turn away, tail in between its legs, to lick their wounds. The sickos are do disorganised and biting off more than it can chew. If anything ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ and ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ should incite a civil war in ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ, through some false flag incidents to ignite the highly charged and flammable atmosphere in the sickest country on earth. Give them a dose of their own medicine. Take the war back to their turf as that's the last thing they want, as that's political suicide for their leaders. When they have a civil war, all other wars started by them in the rest of the world will stop. Everyone can then stock up on beer and popcorn and watch the fireworks. After all, everyone in that sick country is armed to the teeth so it'll be a blockbuster war. I'll have champagne instead of beer, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

The American terrorists are everywhere starting wars and fighting wars away from their homeland. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Let them have wars in their homeland.
The equally bad Europeans are being pushed under the bus. Then the Pinoys are volunteering to go under the bus.
The poor Arabs and being pushed into a grinding machine.

Virgo49 said...


Philippines rammed China's Coastguards vessel

China warned Philippines NOT to escalate tensions.