
China's war with the American terrorists is unavoidable

 The American terrorists are doing everything they could to start a war with China in the South China Sea. Their strategy is to use the Pinoys as their proxy, the same formula they are using in Ukraine. And the Mickey Mouse in the Philippines are as willing and as eager as the Mickey Mouse in Ukraine. And the people in both Mickey Mouse states are just as enthusiastic to go to war, both believing that they can win a war against Russia or China. How the Mickey Mouse could think they could win is not puzzling as the size of a Mickey Mouse brain is no bigger than a pea.

China has been tolerating the provocation, agitation and advances of the Pinoys in the South China Sea for more than 20 years, trying to be nice and accommodating since the deliberate beaching of the Sierra Maidre in Renai Jiao. China did not know that being kind and nice to pea brain people is a waste of time and would be seen as a sign of weakness. For more than 20 years, China did not learn anything and keeps committing the same mistake of appeasing the Mickey Mouse, hoping that the Mickey Mouse would come to its senses and realise how silly and futile is their silly antics.

The Mickey Mouse in Ukraine and the Philippines both think that with the Americans behind their backs, they can commit murder or can win a war with Russia and China. The more China avoid kicking the asses of the Mickey Mouse, the more embolden it becomes, becoming more cocky and daring.

The American terrorists are not sitting idle at the same time. They are building more military bases in the Philippines, beefing up their boots on the ground, stocking up their weapons for a war with China. The Americans are even deploying their nuclear capable mid range missiles in the Philippines that can hit China mainland. For sure, the Americans would not remove these missiles for they know that China could not do a thing, and would not do a thing. Despite all the thousand years of wisdom, the Chinese must be looking really stupid in the eyes of the Americans and the Pinoys. Provocation after provocation, the Chinese only complained and put up some verbal threats but looking every bit like a paper tiger. All noises and nothing else.

China thinks it can avoid a war with the American terrorists by lowering its head when provoke and look elsewhere, and appeasing the aggressors. The more meek China behaves, the more the American terrorists and the Pinoys think they can chase the Chinese out of the South China Sea, and the more aggressive they become to the point of insanity.

Finally, I think, China has realised its stupidity, that kindness and avoidance of conflict cannot work with American terrorists and Mickey Mouse. China has lately taken more robust actions to push back the Pinoy advances and provocation. China has no choice. The American terrorists are pushing for war whether China likes it or not. If China still thinks it can avoid a war by behaving meekly, it would not only have a war sooner, but also be seen as a hopeless paper tiger that even Mickey Mouse Philippines would dare to threaten to go to war with.

By now China better make up its mind to go head on with the American terrorists and the Mickey Mouse or they will be sitting on China's head and shitting on it. There is no escape from a hot war with the Americans. Face it now and stop deluding that war will go away. It is better to prepare for war, take the animal by the horn or be gore to death. The good news is that if China is prepare to take on the Americans like what Putin did in Ukraine, there is a higher chance that the American terrorists would back off and a war avoided. The Americans and Mickey Mouse are getting more aggressive not because China was aggressive, but because China was meek.

The Mickey Mouse is watching every move made by China. So far, Mickey Mouse have concluded that China is a paper tiger, afraid to go to war with the Americans. Thus they could claim Chinese islands as theirs as when come to a crunch, and China would flee with its tail between its legs.

The ball is now in China's court, to flee like a paper tiger or to stand firm to defend its territorial integrity against a Mickey Mouse. A weak China would also mean that it will lose its stature as a world leader, and respect from the African and Middle Eastern nations, also from nations of the Global South. This is a war that China must fight.

If Mao dared to take on the Americans in Korea, would the Chinese today have the guts to take on the Americans in the South China Sea? Japan is also waiting to jump in to wallop a weak and meek China when they think China deserves to be whacked, by joining force with the American terrorists. So are all the weak little European states and little Canada and Australia. 

When China is seen as a loser, even Asean would turn against China. That is the price to pay for being weak and meek. And the most silly thing is that by behaving meekly, China is still being accused of being the aggressor by the Mickey Mouse.


Virgo49 said...


Listen and see Scott Ritter's blunt scathing remarks for the Pinoys.

Anonymous said...

The Pinoys deserved to be like the Ukrainians.

Anonymous said...

Japan has no friends in Northeast Asia and would be finished off by the combined forces of Russia, China and the Koreas one day.

Anonymous said...

Japan needs no war. Japan is facing a slow death by strangulation. USA is facing a delayed death. A controlled death I should say. Or to put it bluntly, euthanasia, or economic suicide. Janet Yellen and Jerone Powell are just pushing and pulling it out of ICU, unable to decide which way to go.

Anonymous said...

China is no longer tolerating, since the start of the trade war. China did rightly retaliate despite warning from the gangster Trump.

China did the unthinkable in Anchorage, Alaska too. The USA attempt to project a position of strength by trying to talk down to China was given a rude awakening by Yang Jiechi, China's foreign policy official. Blinken was visibly stunned.

To say that China never retaliates is not so correct. In technology sanctions, tariffs and trade restrictions by the USA, China is doing a tit for tat for every attempt to stifle China, whether from the USA or the EU. China is not just doing constructive retaliation but is building up its resilience to be self-reliant in sensitive areas by focusing on sectors that it can leverage on, like its control of rare earth, manufacturing capacity, innovation and its well-oiled work force. These are areas that the USA and the West will find difficulty to wrestle away from China's control.

There are comments on social media that China's rise today comes on the back of well thought out strategies and not a single bullet was fired to attain what it achieved today. The Anglo-Saxon's rise in the past were all achieved using force, bloodshed including genocide, which is its modus operandi even today.

This then, is what they mean by China's soft power at play. Soft, but well prepared for hard knocks if it comes.

Virgo49 said...


Urukiane of Asia: Is Philippines a geopolitical pawn of the UAss to fight China?

Virgo49 said...


One of the most outspoken and enlightened Pinay that should wake up all her countrymen and women and have a Corazon Aquino revolt against MaKow aka Horse Dog.

Virgo49 said...

Professor Anna Rosario.


Virgo49 said...

Scott Ritter: The UAss is NOT your friend Pinoys!

They are using you to your DEATHS!

You are still regarded as a Colony of the UAss.

Wake up have a spine to be independent!

We shall discard you once you are used and no longer useful to us.

Anonymous said...

When they think like American cowboys, they can beat everyone even with antique ships and a few outdated planes, not to worry, they will compare themselves with the likes of Ukrainians.

Anonymous said...

The Pinoys have two marbles, given by the Americans and Japanese. With these two second hand marbles, they want to play marbles with China's PLA Navy. And they believe their marbles are very big.