
Ukraine War - Zelensky's lunacy and Modi Operandi

 Modi is trying to broker a peace deal in Ukraine to shore up his standing. Zelensky is claiming that the attack on Kursk is to force Russia to come to a peace deal on Ukraine's terms. What kind of a joke is he trying to pull?

Zelensky is taking a leaf from the USA playbook, antagonizing China just before negotiations to project a position of strength in order to gain an advantage. China knows the game well enough in Anchorage, Alaska and pushed back.

So, Zelensky is following the modus operandi of the USA by attacking Kursk, to force Russia to talk peace on its terms? He must be sleeping under a rock. Russia is not giving up territory after two years of fighting to let NATO expand towards its border. This is Putin's 'Red Line'. This is the 'Red Line' that Putin is fighting for. Putin needs to maintain a buffer zone against NATO expansion and Ukraine is his buffer zone. Either that remains or he will burn Ukraine into the ground and become a wasteland.

Putin is a tad too soft and civilize not to engage in carpet bombing of Kyiv to end it once and for all.



Anonymous said...

Putin, if pushed too far, will just create a wasteland in Ukraine. Remember the fear that the war could result in the numerous nuclear power facilities being targeted and if so, Chernobyl and Fukushima will pale in comparison. There are four nuclear power stations in Ukraine and enough to turn Ukraine into no man's land for humans. That could be Putin's buffer zone.

Anonymous said...

When that happens, NATO can have Ukraine in its fold. Putin would not care to quibble over anymore.