
Ukraine War - The Big Farce in Kursk

 Western media are blaring about the great invasion into Russian territory as a big offensive, a big victory, a big move to show that Zelensky is still capable to striking back. Practically every western media, main or social media, were having an orgasm. Putin is in trouble and the Ukraine War is now at a new turning point. BBC, CNN etc etc are all cheering and delirious. This is how the propaganda war is being played up. A few thousand Ukrainians plus NATO mercenaries opening up a new front away from the main war zone, hit a few defenceless villages and called it a great victory.

Putin is not going to be distracted from his systematic annihilation of Ukrainian troops in the eastern front. Exhausted, hungry, running out of ammo, low in morale, defeated in every count, surrendering whenever they could, the collapse of the eastern front is a matter of time. 

The small incursion with 3 brigades in Kursk is just that. Without a big force backing its incursion into Russia, without massive artillery pieces, without air cover, 20 dated F16s if all got airborne, is not going to do much, likely to be shot down in no time. The ground troops would soon be surrounded and taken out at Putin's own time. This is not like the landing at Inchon or Normandy when a huge force was gathered to mount a big scale counter offensive.

The Americans could provide all the support for a propaganda war on paper, in the media. But nothing would change the nature of the war. Russia has overall supremacy in all fronts. With the bulk of the Ukrainian troops bogged down in the tunnels in the eastern front, where is Zelensky going to find the soldiers and ammunition to sustain another front? Unless NATO is all ready for action. It was reported that NATO has amassed 800,000 troops to invade Russia. Bring it on. 

Russia would no longer have to hold back its horses and would let them run all over Europe. Now, would that be nice? Are the Europeans that dumb to want to bring about the destruction of Europe when they could have live in peace? Are they that mindless and weak to be forced into a total war with Russia and to be lighted up by nuclear weapons? For what? 

With this reckless and silly incursion into Russian territory to disturb some villagers, Zelensky is as good as inviting the Russians to give him a big bashing. Every Russian leader would be telling Putin not to hold back anymore. The little devils in Kiev are asking for it. This is the insanity of little Mickey Mouse thinking it is almighty and would take down an elephant. Never underestimate the stupidity of a clown.

Is Zelensky thinking that he is Napoleon reincarnated? Even Napoleon was defeated and had to crawl back to nurse his wound in the island of St Helena.


Anonymous said...

We do remember the Russians withdrawing from an area in Eastern Ukraine more than a year ago, in order to lure the Ukrainian military into the area and finished them off? And the Ukrainians were shouting themselves hoarse, claiming that they were winning the war. Is this another Russian trap set for Zelensky? Who can read Putin's calculative mind? The leaders of all NATO countries, all 32 of them, could not outthink Putin alone and what strategies have they got to venture into Kursk? Just to plant a flag?

Russia is now hunting the Ukrainians down in Kursk, picking them off at leisure like flies. Little Britain is again trying to strut its withered feathers to attract the world's attention by claiming to allow Ukraine to use its tanks in the incursion into Russia.

British Challenger tanks already failed miserably in Ukraine itself, having to withdraw into bunkers to protect them from Russian missiles. British tanks could not even fulfill its grand mission of changing the game in Ukraine. What could they possibly hope to achieve in Kursk, except maybe taking up another display space in Russia or provide scrap metal for building Russian missiles and other weapons. Russia has little use for such junks.

Anonymous said...

The Brits were the troublemakers in both WW1 and WW2. Now they are thickly involved in engineering for WW3.
The Ukrainians in Kursk are out in the open and will be hunted down like wild games.

Anonymous said...

Zelensky probably never studied history about wars involving the Soviet Union aka Russia today. Trump did tell him that Russia is a war machine and yet he had the gall to venture into Kursk to poke the Russian Bear. Is he trying to prove his bravery or just his plain stupidity.

Napolean and Hitler, two of the greatest military geniuses found out the hard way. They both lost their pants trying to conquer Russia. What can puny Ukraine do in Kursk? This is really a joke and can only be from a joker or a clown. Pity the Ukrainian soldiers sent to their doom.

Anonymous said...

Cannot believe there are so many idiots in Ukraine. Obviously Zelensky has a large company of idiots that think they can defeat Russia.
In the Philippines they are equally blessed with so many idiots and everyday want to pick a fight with China.

Anonymous said...

NATO is amassing 800,000 troops to invade Russia? When will they invade Russia? If they start now, it will be just in time to enjoy the Russian winter in a few months' time., just like Hitler and Napoleon. Russians love to fight long wars. And wars with Russia are never short, considering the size of the Russian landscape. It is twice the size of the USA.