
American terrorists pushing to escalate war in the Middle East and in Ukraine

 The USA is warning Iran about supplying weapons to Russia. That clearly shows Iranian weapons are no pushovers and detrimental to NATO. Iranian drones are lethal weapons which the Houthis are using to attack shipping in the Gulf region.

The USA and Israel is intent on starting the war with Iran and expanding the conflict in the Middle East to put the region on fire. Israel will never find peace in the region after this, even if it wins with USA support. The 'Iron Dome' myth is already dead without the availability of defense missiles from the USA, with the USA Military Industrial Complex furiously churning out weapons and ammunition to support two wars and a third on the cards.

Putin just said that no more negotiations with Ukraine is going to take place. Ukraine's foray into Kursk is just an attempt to gain some bargaining power during the peace talks but is now a futile attempt. The Russians will completely destroy those troops now in Kursk and will now target Kyiv without restraint. Zelensky is going to regret his attack on Kursk.



Anonymous said...

The USA needs another world war to reset or reboot its problems. The USA's debt is unsolvable. The USA's internal problems such as political division, homelessness and drug infestations are unsolvable. The USA has lost its credibility and moral authority to lead, and only the Anglo-Saxon White countries are still its only supporters in its attempt to sustain its global US$ hegemony. The USA knows all these are just temporary measures and not long-term solutions. War is the ultimate solution. Igniting conflicts everywhere is the ultimate objective to fulfill this solution.

Now, even the Anglo-Saxon White countries are decimated by following the USA's foreign policy blunders. In the mindset of the Global South countries, the Anglo-Saxon countries are looked upon to be just as roguish as the USA itself.

The US$35 trillion debt alone is one problem that is humanly impossible to solve. The USA thinks that just by printing more money, the problem will just go away. Which is exactly what its top financial experts are touting. However, more debts mean more financing cost in terms of interest payments and more money printing will result in more inflation. The latter can of course be manipulated to conceal reality.

What unlimited printing of money is going to do to a country is something that is common knowledge. Exceptionalism can only go so far, and when other countries wise up, the game is up. Why are so many countries supporting de-dollarization if what the USA is doing with its reserve currency status is not harmful to the rest of the world?

Anonymous said...

USA needs a war on its soil to learn how to behave. And it will get it if this goes on.