
BRICS again stumbles on new membership. The saboteur is strong

 More than 40 countries apply to join BRICS. More than 150 countries wanting to dedollarise to join the BRICS new banking system. But all is not well for BRICS. The saboteurs are working extremely hard to derail BRICS from becoming a strong competitor to the G7. 

BRICS' position to want to expand its membership is facing great objections from within. It is wavering from wanting to expand to not wanting to expand, to compromising on full membership to partnership or different variations of partial membership. This fumbling in decision making is not good for BRICS as the vanguard of the Global South to break free from American and western bullying and domination. BRICS is their light of hope to real freedom and independence.

BRICS must also know that its attractiveness and importance lies on a large membership, not just a handful of members that think too highly of themselves, of their self importance and wanting to exclude others from joining BRICS.  BRICS must not turn out to be another exclusive club for the pretentious rich states like the G7. When BRICS think it is a private club existing for the interest of the privilege few, BRICS would be as good as cutting off its support base from the Global South.

The latest announcement by Sergey Lavrov not to admit new members in the coming Summit is a slap in the face of the countries of the Global South. The momentum of expansion must not be stopped and at worst, BRICS must at least bring in another half dozen new members in October. Failing to do so would fall into the trap of the saboteurs and the West, to extinguish the hopes of countries of the Global South.

The saboteurs and detractors would have cooked up all kinds of excuses to not expand the membership. This must not be allowed to succeed. BRICS must not kill itself before it is born. BRICS expansion must go on at all cost, to be a force to be reckon with, to be the hope of the Global South. If necessary, BRICS must be firm and united and expel the saboteurs that are the stumbling block to BRICS' rise as a new pole in international relations..

After having come so far, offering itself as the saviour of the Global South, BRICS must not be a party buster. Losing the hope and confidence of the Global South would be a tragedy to BRICS growth as a powerful block of nations wanting to chart their own destinies and be free from the oppression and bullying of the Americans and the West.

The expansion of BRICS must go on at all cost!


Anonymous said...

BRICS has to vet membership applications very, very carefully. Not every country that applies is genuinely sincere. They could be Trojan Horses that could destroy the bloc. One Trojan Horse is already a big problem and sabotaging the bloc.

Now, Turkey is a member of NATO, and allowing Turkey to join BRICS is, according to my two cents worth, a no brainer.

BRICS must be clear about countries having loyalties to different sides and not look at it indifferently. Already, India in the QUAD, is causing so much problem for BRICS with loyalties unknown. Then there are also countries with stooges in charge joining BRICS which may sabotage the bloc or reveal secrets that they privy to to the West. I am thinking of Pakistan and lately Bangladesh, two countries applying for membership. Do these two countries need to be vetted thoroughly, since the leadership changes in them have been suspiciously engineered by outside forces?

Anonymous said...

Argentina is another country, that thankfully, did not join BRICS. Javier Milei is a USA stooge, from his head to his feet. His hair reveals the kind of person that he is - undecisive, easily threatened, being pushed around by the USA and running the country into the ground.

Anonymous said...

India is the poisonous snake lurking among the BRICS countries !

Anonymous said...

Some country or countries are working very hard to stop BRICS from expansion because of their selfish private interest, not good for the interest of BRICS countries.

Anonymous said...

We can assume that any of the Anglo-Saxon White countries are not good for BRICS as their loyalty is to their own Whites, whatever they pretend to be. Helping to keep the US$ hegemony alive is their main objective, and they have to stand behind the USA for that. There is no running away from this fact.

Anonymous said...

When the white savages came out to invade and colonise the world, the lesser developed countries, mostly tribal, were easy targets to take down. When they came to China, already more developed than the white savages, the whites ganged up, 8 countries, to attack and defeat China in 1900. China was completely destroyed, broken up, looted and bankrupted.
The whites are using the same formula to want to conquer the whole world for themselves again. They are all united in the war against Russia in Ukraine and in the genocide against the Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East.
It is the clash of civilisations, between the whites and the rest of the world. The whites are already united. The coloured people of the rest of the world are still divided, thinking it is safe not to take sides. Some even worming into bed with the whites.

Anonymous said...

Being divided and being ruled seems to have been ingrained by the Anglo-Saxon Whites into the mindset of Asians, Arabs, Muslims and other non-White clans. Colonialism has dumbed their thinking and blinded them into subservience. How much more are they going to suffer the indignity of being oppressed by the White Supremacist is really mind boggling.

Anonymous said...

Bangladesh is a clear-cut regime change engineered in the USA. That interim Bangladesh Prime Minister, Muhammed Yunus is a stooge cultivated by the USA to take over. It was so quick and easy for the USA just to slip him in like the job was waiting for him. No questions asked by nobody about his relations with the USA.

Anonymous said...

Russia and China are still pushing very hard for new members. Putin needs to twist the arm of the traitor harder to let in more members.