
Mickey Mouse volunteers to be American attack dogs

 Instead of concentrating on development of India to benefit the people, the Modi Government is wasting valuable resources to please the USA by countering China. How naive is Modi during COVID by catering to the USA's dictate of countering China's Vaccine Diplomacy, because China was providing cheaper traditional vaccines to third world countries, thereby competing with the likes of big Pharma from the USA. USA's interest becomes India's duty to protect, and Modi obliged.

What has India achieved? Hundreds of thousands of Indians died for nothing when India was caught without vaccines by following the USA's orders to counter China's Vaccine Diplomacy. And what did the USA do to help India? The USA practically ignored India's plea for help. Only when other countries started helping India, even China, did the USA change its stance for fear of losing face.

This is the attitude of the USA towards allies and friendly countries. And help to cater to the USA's interest is taken as of right, and any help needed from the USA is just brushed aside as 'you die your own business'. 



Anonymous said...

India is in real trouble. Apple is moving back some production back to China and Foxconn is following close behind, having decided to invest US$1 billion in a new facility in Henan. What does that mean for others catering to the Apple and Foxconn production supply chain in India? They will move out as well.

Apple is facing new allegations and facing a big fine by the Indian Government. Is the Modi Government forcing Apple into the hands of Indian conglomerates like Tata or Adani Group when Apple is not even well grounded in India as yet? That is suicide.

Looking at the other end, what will be the Chinese response to Foxconn moving back to China? China's trust in Foxconn is more or less gone down the drain, and China should know that being self-reliant is the only way to go forward. Foxconn can disappear, but China will always be around. Foxconn's hope to continue with the same services from China's supply chain is not a guarantee, as China is promoting its own high technology companies. For Foxconn, any renewed attempt to salvage its tattered reputation in China is going to take some great effort, if possible.

Anonymous said...

That Foxconn facility in Henan is also said to be for production of EVs as well. Terry Gou obviously has come to realize that even for EV production, he needs the supply chain in China to support his venture. And, of course, the engineers are all available, provided he still can regain his credibility to attract them.

EV production in China is now a national priority besides semiconductors, and Chinese EV makers are competing domestically as well as internationally. This also means competing for supply chain resources.