
US missiles in the Philippines...China will do the same in South America and the Caribbean for reciprocity

 Asean's Zelensky has said American mid range missiles that can reach China pose no threat to China. The clown is just parroting what the Americans want him to say, and the American missiles will stay in the Philippines. With the missiles in the Philippines, this clown is ratcheting up tension in the South China Sea. Do not rule out the American cowboys and this Asean cowboy firing one of the missiles to a Chinese island or to mainland China and calling it a mistake. China beware! Savages and clowns know no limit to decency and peace.

China, and even Russia will say the same thing to the Americans when they place mid range missiles in Latin America and the Caribbean. Both can play the same game and sing the same song. There are many states in Latin America that are willing to house Russian and Chinese missiles when asked. They needed them for their own security. Now that the Americans say it is no security threat from mid range missiles, then it is alright for such missiles to be stationed in the Latin American and Caribbean states.

Russia and China now have to do so or else the American missiles in the Philippines will take roots. This is a repeat of placing missiles in Turkey to threaten Russian mainland in the 60s until forced to withdraw when the Soviet Union did the same in Cuba. The Soviet Union were relatively weaker than the USA then. But today, the combination of Russia and Cuba would easily outweigh whatever the Americans have.

No, the Americans are peace loving countries and placing their offensive mid range missiles in the Philippines is for peace. Russia and China will do the same and say the same thing, that their mid range missiles in Latin America and the Caribbean are for peace, not against anyone.

Meanwhile any thinking Pinoy should take the chance while they still can to get out of the Philippines before it is turned into another Ukraine. Or maybe the Pinoys are in full admiration of the Ukrainian clowns and thinking that they want to be dead heroes like the Ukrainians with their economy and country in ruins.

China and Russia must have no delusion that the Americans would remove their mid range missiles from the Philippines if they did not do anything. They have to do the necessary or invite more missiles in the Philippines.

PS. The aggressive and foolhardy Pinoys have increased provoking China by sending their coast guards and sircraft to several Chinese islands. China realised that being meek is not a solution and is taking firmer actions against the Pinoy intruders. China is sending more ships into the region. Very soon guns would be firing and ships would be sunk. The Americans are very active instigating the Pinoys to confront China and the Pinoys are very happy to play the role of the Ukrainians in a war with China.

The warmongering American terrorists are opening up another theatre of war in the South China Sea with the willing Pinoys thinking they could defeat China like the Ukrainians against Russia. The South China Sea is going to blow up!


Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Latest report two (2) million Israelis alreday chabok or kaput from Israel.

Now Stage one the Hezbollah alreday fired their missles and All in a plan with Iran, the next stage simultaneously they shall bombed Israel to wasteland and shall return to the Palestinian Peoples.

Russia and China would supply their arsenals.

So Pinoys better waked up dont be a second Isreal or Urkiane.

UAss just hot airs will defend Isreal.

Houthis shall take care of them in the Red or Dead Seas.

Russia should station their Necular At Cuba and China likewise in Venezuela.


Anonymous said...

Pinoys can chabo to Sinkieland as we need for nurse & helper. Our Pineapple was in Pinoyland recently, maybe to offer micky Marcos a nice GCB to settle here.