
American fabricated data and disinformation

 It now dawns that the USA rosy jobs report over the last year were all faked. 818,000 jobs vanished from those glorified job creation reports released earlier, or about 30% less jobs actually created than reported. This is now being revealed to justify a rate cut in September. A narrative is needed to give credence to the new stance of having a rate cut. The USA has horned this kind of situation into an art form, to tailor the narrative to suit its needs.

With big retailers closing down or shutting outlets throughout the USA, job creation could not be realistic. It was all a mirage. And the real shock will come after the November elections, when all those sanctions and tariffs against China are going to decimate more businesses. These are all not being truthfully reported as yet. 



Anonymous said...

In other words, the USA Government just released fabricated job numbers throughout the years. 818,000 inflated job numbers in a year, or about 70,000 a month is staggering. How did they come out with those numbers is beyond belief. Just pluck from the air?

Anonymous said...

Does that lend credence to the admission of - we cheat, lie and steal?

Oh, lest we forget, the Anglo-Saxon Whites stole the whole North America continent from the Native American Indians. They stole Black slaves from Africa to work in their cotton fields, farms, railroads and mines. They stole diamonds, oil, gold and US$45 trillion alone from India.

Anonymous said...

I think the house of card's foundation is shaky. Janet Yellen and Jerone Powell's game of providing ICU for the USA economy is failing. The collapse is coming even though the denial is still evident. Just keep flogging the dying horse and hope it can run a bit further down the road. The can has to stop somewhere though.

Anonymous said...

The collapse is so imminent but the clowns are still shouting how great they are, how strong is their economy and how they are going to rule the world. And the hillbillies are lapping it up with glee.

Anonymous said...

Sinkieland also do the same wat.. when employment number don't look good for sillyporean, they just lump everyone as "resident". Every years they said salary/total household income increase by certain percentage, ask yourself really? Although sg $$ is strong, unless you spend it in weaker currency country, otherwise there is no benefit. Strong sg$ allow Gov/business to purchase oversea things at lower cost, but instead of passing the saving to sinkies, they charge sillyporean even more.

Anonymous said...

When the USA can go to the extent of fabricating fake evidence to start the Iraq War, what else is there that it will not stoop low enough to do?