
American terrorists - what is fake is real, what is real is fake

 Compare what the Uyghurs have in Xinjiang to what the Native American Indians have in those reservations. Those are real concentration camps than reservations in the USA, isolated and under-developed. What the Uyghurs have in Xinjiang is now exposed on social media for all to see. What the Native American Indians have in those reservations, well, they will never put on show on social media. Hiding it is taking care of the problem. I am sure even those thinking of visiting are not encouraged citing security reasons. On the pretext of protecting the Native American Indians, the real reason was to protect the Whites themselves.

Of course, the pro-USA shrills are shouting that everything in Xinjiang are fakes. Even the high-speed rails in China are being described as fakes. Those bridges, dams, airports and highways are all fakes. What about those high-speed rails, ports and airports in other countries that China constructed? Are they also fakes? Ask the Indonesians, the Cambodians or the Thais. Why do they choose China to construct those fakes and not the USA for the real stuff? Are they not silly, you would ask. They should equally claim that the countries engaging China to build those high-speed rails must have been paid by the CCP to keep it a secret that those high-speed rails are fakes. Laughable isn't it!?

Vloggers on social media were also accused of being paid by the CCP to post fake videos of China. Paying thousands of dollars and using valuable time to visit China just to get paid by the CCP to post pro-China videos on social media is a tad too unbelievable. We know the USA is doing that, but do not cast others in the same mold. Not every country is as evil as the USA, spending hundreds of millions for propaganda.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If everything in China or made in China are all cardboard fakes, why is the USA so fearful of Chinese EVs, 5G, apps, drones, semiconductors, and fighting for survival against them? Fakes are just like cardboard images compared to the real thing. The real stuff made in USA should win hands down. Why the fear to take up the challenge and using underhand tactics to undermine China? The USA is so deeply ingrained in its mindset with fighting imaginary enemies that they forget to get that out of the mindset that everything from China is imagined as just fakes.

Some people, such as Nury Vittachi on 'Fridayeveryday' advised people to believe in the opposite of what the USA wants us to believe. I concur with his view. Another asked - Who still believes in the USA? I would answer only the Anglo-Saxon Whites without a doubt. They are willing to sacrifice themselves to support the survival of the US hegemony.

No amount of money to generate propaganda is going to change the global perception that the USA cannot be trusted with its words and is no more than a double -headed snake. Overdoing the use of propaganda has made the world realize the character of the USA Government. Just like overdoing or overusing the sanctions on countries has isolated the USA more than ever. Countries have every need to ponder the question of 'Who is next?'.

The West is trying to cut off information by targeting social media platforms such as Tik Tok and now Telegram, from providing truthful news about the Middle East and Ukraine War. They will only allow platforms like the MSM to provide misinformation and disinformation to suit their agenda.