
Anglo-Saxons and the American Jews falsely accused China to cover the dark side of their horrendous crimes against American natives

 The Anglo-Saxons and the American Jews in the United States who had genocided more than 99 percent of my fellow native Americans like to falsely accuse China of genocide of the Uyghurs just to cover the dark side of their horrendous crimes and killings of the American natives. No matter what they will never able to cover up or whitewash their criminal activities of merciless tortures and slaughter of native Americans. History has told us that the Uyghurs who formerly came from Turkey to escape wars in Turkey and the Middle East were formerly allowed by the emperors of the Han and Tang Dynasties to settle in the Chinese land of Xinjiang out of kindness and generosity. So the Uyghurs are actually immigrants in China. 

Throughout history Chinese governments have treated the Uyghurs well. Their numbers swell with the flow of time and their turkic language was allowed to be used . Uyghurs way of life and their culture continue to flourish and be very vibrant now as seen in all towns and cities in Xinjiang especially during festivities. Uyghurs population has increased from about four or five million in 1945 to about twelve or thirteen million at the present. 

The Uyghur turkic language is preserved and is an official language in Xinjiang in addition to the Chinese national language Mandarin or Putong Hua. Uyghurs leaders are well represented in China's parliament. Uyghurs cultural troupes, their singers and dancers are proud to constantly taking part in national festivities in public performances. In fact the Uyghurs way of life is part of the overall vibrancy of Chinese ways of life all over China from small districts, villages and towns to major cities.

Can the Anglo-Saxon controlled United States boast of these similar activities to showcase the native Americans. No, impossible because they had genocided almost all the native Americans. Even now the white invaders, the Anglo-Saxons have plans to finish off to the last native American so as to erase any trace that America was once the homeland of native Americans, just as after that they can shamelessly claim to be the original occupants of America.

Alex Duran : A native American from Chicago

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To say that the Chinese Government treat the Uyghurs well is an understatement. Uyghurs have more privileges than Han Chinese, for example in having more children, while Han Chinese have been prohibited from having more children, which has now been relaxed recently to boost the population. If the Chinese Government wants to decimate the Uyghur population, it would have done what the USA Government did with the Native American Indians, decimating their numbers rather than helping them propagate.

Minorities in China have been given more privileges than the norm. The Han Chinese are comfortable living with that. Compare that with the Native American Indians in reservations. What privileges do they enjoy? What has the USA Government done to boost their numbers? Oops, sorry wrong question to ask. The Anglo-Saxon Whites have been trying to reduce their numbers for fear of reprisals. The Native American Indians have to be kept isolated and given little chance to propagate living inside such desolated and underdeveloped regions.

Honestly, the USA Government does not even have the resources to upgrade their existing facilities in built up urban areas, not to talk about extending a hand to help the Native American Indies living in out of sight concentration camps. Just watch videos of the homeless situation and you will understand why it is impossible for the Native American Indians to get help when their fellow White Anglo-Saxons are living on the streets.