
American terrorists threatening Iran not to retaliate against Israel...It would not work

 To think that the Taliban could defeat the mighty USA was an impossibility in theory. But the Taliban did win against all odds, just like the North Vietnamese. Withdrawal is nothing more than a defeat, whichever way they want to spin it. Calling Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires, is therefore no idle boast.

Giving the impression by warning that Iran will disappear from the face of the earth if it retaliates against Israel is really trying to build up the reputation of the two rogue states. That was the same warning given to Kim Jong Un. That small red button of Kim Jong Un may be puny compared to the USA's monster red button that Trump boasted of, but it fulfilled its purpose. Fighting fire with fire is the only way to show the two rogues that they do not always have their way in everything, not even defending oneself. Myths need to be destroyed, or else it will continue to be used to haunt the faint-hearted.

The USA thinks wholesale bullying is the only way for them to strike fear into anyone trying to go against its wishes. China was warned not to retaliate by Trump when he started the trade war. China retaliated, tit for tat. China is now also retaliating in the technology war. The USA expects everyone to let it slap the right cheek and then turn the other left cheek for it to slap as well.

The Europeans may have allowed themselves to be slapped left, right and center, but others are learning. Iraq and Libya were meant to be examples of what the USA can do if countries do not fall in line. That is not going to be happening going forward.

BRICS formation was a great move. BRICS started with two big geopolitical players, Russia and China and other equally important political players like Brazil and India. The USA could not do anything with them unlike Iraq and Libya. With further expansion of BRICS, countries that are members are well protected under the umbrella of Russia and China. BRICS is gathering more members while the USA is left with the G7 and a few Asian doggies lending support. Russia has no friends they shouted. Just look around and see the real situation, just like visitors travelling to China and being shocked seeing the real thing, not the propaganda trotted out by the West.


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