
USA trying to push Saudi Arabia to attack the Houthis

 The USA is now trying to push Saudi Arabia to take care of the Houthis by hanging a carrot for the Saudis to bite. This is evident from their stance of going back to allow the sale of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia to fight the Houthis. The Saudis better know what this is going to lead to and not try to scuttle the peace deal with Iran. Like the Korean Peninsula, this is going to lead to no peace ever on the Arabian landscape. But it will suit the purpose of the USA and cater to its interest of keeping the Arabs divided.

Iran will supply more lethal weapons to the Houthis if the USA tries to instigate the Saudis to betray the peace deal with Iran. This is the evil plan of the USA. The USA and Israel are dead set to escalate the conflict in the Middle East, thinking they have the upper hand with their warships threatening.

To be honest, that assassination of the Hamas leader was a no brainer and just being planned to escalate the conflict, which if Iran retaliates, will give justification for the USA to target Iran's nuclear facilities, which both USA and Israel were eyeing for decades. Let us say the USA and Israel managed to do that. Russia using similar justification over the actions of the USA and Israel can likewise provide Iran with nuclear weapons at warp speed on a platter? When that happens, isn't Iran going to be in possession of nukes that the USA and Israel is trying to prevent out of fear? Shooting its own feet is becoming a regular habit of the USA.


PS. Iran already has nuclear weapons! The Americans and Israelis think they could lie to everyone while manufacturing their nuclear weapons and Iran would be so stupid not to make their own weapons, and Iran's friends would not lend a helping hand.


Anonymous said...

The USA is warning Iran about supplying weapons to Russia. That clearly shows Iranian weapons are no pushovers and detrimental to NATO. Iranian drones are lethal weapons which the Houthis are using to attack shipping in the Gulf region.

The USA and Israel is intent on starting the war with Iran and expanding the conflict in the Middle East to put the region on fire. Israel will never find peace in the region after this, even if it wins with USA support. The 'Iron Dome' myth is already dead without the availability of defense missiles from the USA, with the USA Military Industrial Complex furiously churning out weapons and ammunition to support two wars and a third on the cards.

Putin just said that no more negotiations with Ukraine is going to take place. Ukraine's foray into Kursk is just an attempt to gain some bargaining power during the peace talks but is now a futile attempt. The Russians will completely destroy those troops now in Kursk and will now target Kyiv without restraint. Zelensky is going to regret his attack on Kursk.

Anonymous said...

Admitting Ukraine into NATO is the new punchline of the USA and NATO. Putin will never sit back and do nothing if it does happen that Ukraine gets admitted into NATO. There is no more reason for Putin using kid's gloves anymore, now that his 'red line' is being crossed and he will deal with Ukraine by not holding back Russia's bombardment of Kyiv. Hardliners in Moscow are impatient and are already urging Putin not to hold back any further and Ukraine will be completely and systematically destroyed.

As a matter of interest, for a long time, the MSM nor social media have talked about Russia's mercenaries, the Wagner troops in Belarus, nor the Chechens playing their role on the ground in Ukraine. Prigozhin has been presumed dead in a plane crash, but the Wagner troops are still holding out in Belarus, ready for any eventuality. Why the Wagner troops have been moved to be headquartered in Belarus is for a reason and not just to put them into cold storage.

Virgo49 said...

Wow Heavens punishing the Americunts with EarthQuakes in L.A.

Forget the 2028 Olipig.

Russia China and the BRICs members countries have their own soon.

But have to source a Live Streaming Channel to see as sure 100%Channel News America wong not telecast as they are doggie of the UAssA.

Anonymous said...

Running out of patience waiting for Iran to whack Israel. Are the Persians talking big but now chickening out ?

Anonymous said...

Hard to tell. The best time to attack is when the enemy is not preparing for it. Now, every day Israel is expecting Iran to retaliate. Perhaps Iran is playing a mind game or waiting for Russian air defence system to be set up.

Virgo49 said...


Another Mega ONE hitting Japan.

Wow Heavens really got eyes!

Stupid Pinoys shud be friends with China and they could help in any disasters.

Americunts would scoot away fast if any occurred.

Virgo49 said...


The Wrath of Heavens on the UAssA

Anonymous said...

And how long is the USA prepared to station aircraft carriers and aircrafts in the Middle East waters in anticipation of an Iranian attack on Israel? Who can wait and who will suffer the moral decay of a long wait twiddling thumbs?

Anonymous said...

Mao Tse Tung's own art of war - 'When the enemy advances we retreat, the enemy camps, we harass, the enemy tires, we attack, the enemy retreats we pursue". Call it guerilla warfare as people like, but it served Mao really well.

Anonymous said...

Iran and other Islamic States will always be surrounding Israel and will not disappear and even if the USA and Israel wins, a perpetual underground war will follow. And underground war is what the USA feared most as in Vietnam.

Just take Iraq as an example. Saddam Hussein fell, but ISIS took over to keep Iraq in turmoil until today. Mission accomplished my foot. The only mission accomplished is the stealing of Iraqi oil. And Iraq now is still against USA control. When will it end? There is no end until the USA withdraws and stop stealing Iraq's oil. And so, that is the same situation that is facing the USA and Israel.

Or take Afghanistan. The USA had a hand in getting rid of the Taliban and installed their own stooge in power, even providing military training of Afghan troops to hold the fort for them. Did the USA succeed? Twenty long years and hundreds of billions into a black hole, only to see a return of the Taliban once again in power. Oh, never mind, it is just toilet papers, and the USA can just keep printing them. The day of unlimited printing of toilet papers is going to end soon.

Ukraine is another that is going to fail for the USA. And what about Israel? Think about it!