
Sneaky evil Americans trying to bring down legally elected President Maduro

 This is another run of the mill attempt to cause unrest in Venezuela, by using the opposition leader as proxy to stir trouble for legally elected President Nicolas Maduro.

Who can forget the USA attempting to use Juan Guaido, the opposition leader, their intended stooge like Zelensky, to rule Venezuela so that the USA can have its hands on the oil. The attempt was so desperately done, that mercenaries were even recruited by the CIA to invade Venezuela and bring down the Government of Nicolas Maduro on the sly. It failed.

The USA thinks other countries are doing the same thing as them, discreetly stealing elections. Just ask Trump, who still believes the 2020 election was stolen from him. 2020 was not the only occasion of election fraud accusation. There were other instances of stolen election accusation through subterfuge, but losing candidates just take it lying down to prevent overdoing their protest to tarnish the system with the CIA insidious threat hanging over their heads. In 2000, furore erupted when Al Gore lost to George W. Bush despite winning the popular vote. Only Trump was bold enough to hang on to his belief that his Presidency was stolen. That is why he was threatened with assassination or should have been assassinated recently.

Now the USA is replaying the same hubris against President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela. When their stooge fails to win and assume power, the USA will do its dirty work of creating conditions for a regime change until their stooge regains power. Ukraine, Philippines and Pakistan are just examples. In Thailand the attempt failed.



Virgo49 said...


George Galloway's with Jackson Hinkle on the UASSA's sabotage to bring down Venezuela.

Anonymous said...

Everything points to the oil reserves of Venezuela, despite all the denials. The USA does not care about the Venezuelan people. Nowadays they are using democracy and human rights to instigate unrest. Glad that the Africans are telling them off and not try to dictate to them how to run their country.

What has the election in Venezuela, or any other country got to do with the USA? It is interfering in the internal affairs of another sovereign country. Put it the other way round, the USA would not allow any other country to interfere with its election system but is telling the world that it is their right to interfere in others. There was a big storm regarding Russian interference in the 2020 election that still has not subsided. This is how hypocritical the USA is.

Communism is no longer the punching bag, China's progress put paid to the mantra that democracy will always be better than communism. The USA and the West are suffering pangs of humiliation.

How communism outperformed democracy has been proven by the Chinese people coming out to show that they are the happiest people in the world in a recent survey, until they deleted the reality of their findings, because the truth hurts and instead introduced fabrication to misinform.

Fortunately, many people knew about that sleight of hand and now takes the happiness index that they compiled as a sick joke cooked up by sick people.