
How is India going to scheme to rip off China when no Chinese companies henceforth want to set foot in India?

 India cannot expect companies from every corner of the world to close their eyes and be ripped off blindly. Not even Chinese companies that were late comers to India and not realizing the Indian 'rope trick' around investor's neck. At least it is only a rope and not an 'iron chain' that the USA is placing around the necks of cronies and doggies that cannot be broken. Foreign conglomerates doing business in the past already were silent victims, departing India sheepishly in shame.

How is India going to scheme to rip off China when no Chinese companies henceforth want to set foot in India, just like Chinese investors now avoiding the USA and EU. Chinese companies can set up factories in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia and even Laos. India can refuse to buy from China and buy from the West, like the EU buying oil from the USA. But India needs Chinese raw materials for its pharmaceutical industry, Chinese supply chains for its smartphone and computer manufacturing needs that the USA and the West cannot provide. China is the only viable source for its tech and pharmaceutical industry.

India will be just like the EU, suffering withdrawal symptoms without Russian cheap energy to power its industries. This is the reality and cannot be avoided. India can try to behave like the EU and try to cut itself away from China. But at what cost and what effect this will have on the Indian economy? Remember that India needs to generate plenty of jobs to cater to millions of Indian graduates joining its workforce. Are these graduates going to become farmers and 'mama store' vendors selling sweets?

India must think beyond its nose, not just trying to please the USA by trying to waste its resources to counter China. The eventual beneficiary will be the USA, not India. India will be the fall guy, the one suffering all the collateral damage in the end.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No. Chinese singapore companies will set foot in India by the order of Papies. The G will take the lead with most of our GLC ready to move over to take advantage of India super huge and high quality people in 50 yrs times. Whether this companies rise or sink in that time nobody know, as it no longer a papies problem.