
China's 'Marshall Plans' ready for execution...thanks to America's destruction plans

 The Americans rose to become the richest developed state after WW2. Thanks to the near total destruction of Europe that gave the Americans a great opportunity, in the name of rebuilding a bombed out Europe with few industries left, to deliver a master plan, the Marshall Plan that led to the rapid industrialisation of America, with abundant jobs and opportunities. The Plan helped to revitalise Europe and simultaneously catalysed the emergence of America as an economic super power.

The Americans did not miss out on the message, that war was good business and spent the next half a century doing nothing else but creating wars to support its war industry, the most profitable industry producing nothing useful but destructive fire power, weapons of war. The corollary of this strategy led to many countries being invaded, bombed to pieces and remained as dysfunctional states. The Americans forgot one thing, that rebuilding countries can also be very profitable and morally very welcomed. They chose to do the easier thing, just continue with endless wars, forever wars, one after another. Selling war machines and weapons are very much more profitable than selling bricks and mortars.

The American's destructive and inventive wars have create a situation similar to Europe after WW2 in many countries. The Middle Eastern states, Arab and Muslim states, the eastern European states, ie former Yugoslavia and now Ukraine, are great places in need of reconstruction and a Marshall Plan. 

China's job has been cut out, thanks to the American warmongers and terrorists, with so many states needing reconstruction. And China has the full capacity, finances, engineering and resources to do just that, a Chinese equivalent of the Marshall Plan to rebuild all these bombed out and destroyed countries. The Americans on the other hand have depleted or diverted all their resources and industries into war making and making war machine. Yes, why earn a few dollars doing all the hard stuff of making bricks and mortars in time consuming construction industries?

China must have all these worked out, with blue prints ready to move into these countries destroyed by the Americans, to give them a helping hand. This is China's Marshall Plan I. China is going to rise phenomenally like the USA after WW2 to become the next economic super power by rebuilding the world destroyed by the Americans.

China could further develop Marshall Plan II, III, IV or more as many countries in different parts of the world would need the expertise and China's willingness to help them rebuild their countries. Marshall Plan II could focus on the African and other developing countries that were looted by the colonial masters and left to rot, forgotten, as 'shit hole' countries to fend for themselves. Without the financial resources and technology, these countries would need a helping hand from China to shore them up, to give them a lift.

Marshall Plan III could be designed to rebuild the neglected states and cities of America and Europe due to centuries of neglect and misplaced priorities. The American continent is a piece of work that needs to be redeveloped, to be refurbished and restored to their former glories. Europe is in the same state of neglect. And China can do the necessary.

Marshall Plan IV could be on the development of smart cities, clean cities, AIs etc etc. China has been experimenting this with great success and have proven records to boot, and the technical knowhow that not many countries are able to claim credit. And China has the finance and resources just for the job. There will be many takers to want to rejuvenate their countries into smart and advanced technology driven city states.

China's work is cut out for the next 100 years! China would be very busy rebuilding the world without the time to want to go to war. Leave the war part to the American terrorists. That is the only expertise they are left with, and nothing else. The Americans can continue to be a warmongering terrorist state engaging in endless wars. China will be fully occupied in endless construction and building of infrastructures for the countries that needed them, hopefully not because they were bombed to Stone Age by the American terrorists. The Chinese would have to keep up with the destructive power and might of the Americans but to build and restore the world into a better world to live in.

China and the USA have different destinies. Never shall the twain meet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The USA managed to prosper after WW2 largely because it was untouched by destruction during that war, except in Hawaii.

Destruction in Europe in particular was a windfall for USA to reap the rewards with funding for rebuilding in great demand. The USA was able to laugh all the way to the bank and grew enormously prosperous over the course of the next several decades. Actually, the Jews in USA benefitted the most, with their control of the largest banks.

WW3 is going to be different story, and I think the USA knows it. North America will not be spared destruction, the same as everywhere else.

In passing, China must not step in to undertake any rebuilding job in Ukraine. China will lose its pants if it does so. Ukraine is in no position to afford reconstruction. Let the USA and the EU do it and rip off the Ukrainians. With Ukraine highly indebted to the USA and EU countries after all the weapons and aid sent, repaying the debt is already near impossible, not to talk about funding for reconstruction.

As John Mearsheimer predicted, Russia will totally destroy Ukraine in this war, and it is coming true. Who is going to rebuild Ukraine? No, no it is not going to be Russia who is responsible. Someone else with iron chains must step forward.